OCT 28, 2020 7:00 AM GMT, 12:30 PM IST, 3:00 PM SGT

Approaches to sample preparation

Sponsored by: Cytiva

Even as next-generation sequencing (NGS) has become widely used, and the costs have been reduced, it remains critical to achieve reliable and robust data at the end of the sequencing run. Sequencing labs have very little control over the quantity and quality of the sample received from the pathology lab or clinic, yet sample quality can have a major impact on the downstream processes.
While the manual, column-based approach to nucleic acid isolation is still widely used, scientists under pressure from high-throughput demands are turning their attention to superparamagnetic beads. These are automation friendly and well-suited for a range of applications, including sample preparation for next generation sequencing (NGS). Each technique has pros and cons, and selection will depend on sample type, throughput requirements, targets, and other factors.
In this webinar you will:
  • Learn how to check sample quality against set criteria and assess the potential impact on data outcomes in relation to genomic and prenatal testing applications
  • Review modifications to workflows, protocol steps and NGS analysis to manage the quality of complex samples such as FFPE and liquid biopsy
  • Understand the benefits and drawbacks of different approaches to nucleic acid isolation with particular focus on column-based and magnetic bead-based approaches
  • Compare the benefits and drawbacks of different approaches to nucleic acid isolation with particular focus on column-based and magnetic bead-based approaches