APR 28, 2022 10:00 AM EDT

Controversies in Canine Reproduction



Generally, coping with disorders in small animal reproduction is a rewarding subspecialty in veterinary medicine. Breeders owning pets with reproductive problems are usually very motivated to achieve resolution. Although a bit demanding of the clinician's time and expertise, the breeder client tends to be very loyal and compliant. A good reproductive practice generates its own referrals, and usually is quite busy. Obstetrics and pediatrics are undeniably rewarding parts of the specialty for veterinarians and their staff. Reproductive practice incorporates the interesting fields of physiology, endocrinology, embryology, genetics, metabolism, nutrition, pediatric and maternal critical care, anesthesia, pharmacology and anatomy. The field is uniquely both medical and surgical.

Unsolved and controversial clinical problems are not uncommon to the reproductive practitioner. Progress in understanding the etiology, pathophysiology and proper therapeutics of such problems has also been hampered by anecdotal information abounding amongst the breeder clientele and often amongst veterinarians as well. The internet frequently becomes an annoyance, used by clients to challenge a clinician's decisions. University residencies and post doctorate programs limited to and promoting advances in small animal theriogenology are uncommon. Collaboration amongst small animal reproductive specialists is developing but remains limited. Discussion of some of the controversial clinical problems familiar to the small animal reproductive practice follows.

Learning Objectives

  1. Rational approach to the use of medications and supplements in canine reproduction
  2. Understanding evidence based vs anecdotal information
  3. Appreciate the value of the pre breeding veterinary consultation