APR 24, 2020 8:00 AM PDT

The International Council for Standardisation in Hematology (ICSH) recommendations for Hemostasis Critical Values, Tests, and Reporting - a stepwise description for the committee's decisions

Sponsored by: Diagnostica Stago, Inc.


The International Council for Standardization in Haematology (ICSH) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing open-access guidance documents to enhance the quality of laboratory testing and practice.  A recently published ICSH initiative centered on providing laboratory guidance to 1) identify all coagulation tests with potential patient risk based on test methodology, test result, and patient presentations, 2) recommend critical result thresholds; 3) provide acceptable reporting and documenting mechanisms, and 4) delineate the required elements for  laboratory policies.  Theis presentation will describe the rationale for critical values/tests recommendations by renowned opinion leaders in the field of laboratory coagulation.

At the conclusion of this webinar attendees will be able to:
1) understand and define the difference between a critical value and a critical test,
2) describe the recommended coagulation tests with associated with critical values,
3) identify the recommended elements for reporting and documenting critical values, and
4) apply the recommended requirements for a critical value/test laboratory policy




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