MAY 06, 2020 7:30 AM PDT

Keynote Presentation: Complexities of characterizing mineral particle toxicity at the pulmonary interface

  • Christopher P. Weis, PhD, DABT

    Toxicology Liaison and Senior Advisor, Office of the Director, National Institutes of Health, NIEHS (National Institute of Environmental Health Science), National Toxicology Program


The toxicology of particulate matter is complicated by characteristics not normally encountered when addressing poisonings associated with chemical substances.  Particle shape, surface reactivity, electrical properties, hydration and solubility characteristics all play critical roles at the biological interface.  Compounding the toxicologist’s difficulties are wide variations in these characteristics in the environment as well as the dynamic pathophysiological response of the host.  My talk will review the important role of the immune system’s cellular response in the lung following inhalation of elongate mineral particles.  The presentation will address modern and historical controversies associated with the presence of toxic elongate minerals in the environment, cosmetics and other consumer products.  A forensic case history involving the characterization of elongate minerals that ravaged a small Montana town will be used to describe the complexities of characterization and ongoing controversies of this challenging forensic problem.

Learning Objectives:

1. What are the similarities and differences between elongate mineral particles and asbestos?

2. What is “frustrated phagocytosis” in mineral particle induced lung disease?

3. Name 4 types of lung disease induced by elongate mineral partices

4. What is “activity-based” exposure monitoring?