APR 21, 2020 10:30 AM PDT

Optimizing human karyomapping to phase single lgene defects with improved DNA amplification

Sponsored by: QIAGEN


Karyomapping, a technique for preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) of single gene disorders, involves using very few or single cells, and comes with challenges due to limited amounts of sample DNA. To overcome these issues, whole genome amplification (WGA) can be used to provide high quality amplified DNA for karyomapping applications - but reliable WGA performance is necessary for accurate results.

In this webinar, we'll discuss the REPLI-g Advanced DNA Single Cell kit for whole genome amplification using MDA (multiple Displacement Amplification) technology and its use in karyomapping applications. Get comprehensive overview of how MDS works, the features and workflow of the new kit, user feedback and several case study examples.

Learning Objectives:

1. Overview of Multiple Displacement Amplification (MDA) technology

2. Discussion of performance data and REPLI-g workflow

3. Review of two case studies

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