SEP 11, 2019 6:00 AM PDT

Powerful Species-Level Identification and Quantification by Weighted Analysis of All, Rather Than One, 16S Hypervariable Regions

  • Seth Crosby, MD

    Director Scientific Collaboration , Department of Genetics, Washington University School of Medicine


MVRSION is a bench and informatic system which employs simultaneous weighted analysis eight of nine 16S hyper variable regions. We use Fluidigm Juno to amplify and index these regions in up to 192 samples per run. These are sequenced and analyzed in parallel, using the MVRSION computational protocol. Both accuracy and economy exceed other 16S methods, such as QIIME.

Learning Objectives: 

1. Review of 16S rRNA gene sequencing which allows for microbiome characterization with less sequencing/cost than whole genome sequencing
2. Method for weighted analysis of almost all the hype rvariable regions

SEP 11, 2019 6:00 AM PDT

Powerful Species-Level Identification and Quantification by Weighted Analysis of All, Rather Than One, 16S Hypervariable Regions