MAR 15, 2017 6:00 AM PDT

Primary motor and sensory cortical areas communicate via spatiotemporally coordinated networks at multiple frequencies



Sensorimotor integration is important for the acquisition and performance of motor skills. Here,we show the emergence of neuroplastic changes in the interactions between the motor andsomatosensory areas of the primate cortex during learning. Inter-areal coherence is frequencyand network-specific and exhibits a spatiotemporal organization. Time-sensitive sensorimotor integration and plasticity may rely on coherence of local and large-scale sensorimotor networks in order for cortical processes to operate at multiple temporal and spatial scales. Understanding cortico-cortical interactions may be important for developing therapies for sensorimotor disorders, such as those affecting feeding and speech that are commonly found in stroke and Parkinson's disease.

MAR 15, 2017 6:00 AM PDT

Primary motor and sensory cortical areas communicate via spatiotemporally coordinated networks at multiple frequencies