MAR 17, 2016 6:00 AM PDT

The history of dopamine



In this presentation, Arvid Carlsson, who was awarded the Nobel prize in 2000 for his discovery of the transmitter role of dopamine, will be interviewed by Elias Eriksson. The following aspects will be covered during their discussion: 1. How the transmitter role of dopamine was disclosed. 2. The importance of dopamine for Parkinson’s disease. 3. The importance of D2 antagonism for the symptom-reducing effect of typical and atypical antipsychotics. 4. Which other conditions, apart from Parkinson’s disease and psychosis, are likely to be closely related to brain dopaminergic neurotransmission? 5. The concept of partial D2 agonism. 6. Dopamine stabilizers: the next generation of dopamine-modulating drugs?
Learning objectives:
1. To provide a historical background for the current assumption that dopamine is a brain neurotransmitter of importance for a number of neurological and psychiatric conditions. 
2. To present the rational for introducing dopamine stabilizers as the next generation of dopamine-modulating agents.

MAR 17, 2016 6:00 AM PDT

The history of dopamine