FEB 25, 2019

A Look Into Sports Cardiology

WRITTEN BY: Abbie Arce
Athletes are a special population. These fitness fanatics are highly concerned with their ability to continue engaging in their sport of choice.
Occasionally medical professionals might wrongly discourage an athlete from doing what they love. This is where specialists in sports medicine step in.
Because unique challenges are presented to the heart with each different sport, it is important for athletes to see a medical team that specializes in how sport affects the heart.
Additionally, athletes with fairly common or benign her abnormalities might be discouraged from participating in sports by medical professionals who lack understanding in this specialized science.


Researchers continue to find populations that were once considered too fragile to engage in fitness activities. In application these researchers find is that these populations thrive with appropriate exercise prescription.
The above video from the Cleveland Clinic goes into detail about the sports medicine team they use to help keep players in the game.
Sources: The Cleveland Clinic