MAY 29, 2019

The Link Between Uterine Fibroids And Cardiovascular Disease

WRITTEN BY: Abbie Arce

Uterine fibroids are generally benign tumors of the smooth muscle within the uterus. In females, they are the most common tumor type. Fibroids become more likely as a woman ages and are rare for women under 30. These tumors are monoclonal, which means they develop when a single cell of the myometrium begins to multiply uncontrollably. Although any woman may experience these growths, they are most common in women of African descent.

Although often asymptomatic, uterine fibroids can cause symptoms like pain or abnormal uterine bleeding. Research shows they may also be linked to cardiovascular disease. Previous studies have shown an association with both hypertension and cardiovascular disease with uterine fibroids. Although, when adjusted for confounders woman with fibroids did not have a greater incidence of subclinical cardiovascular disease. That said, they did more commonly have increased cardiovascular disease risk factors.

The above videos, from Osmosis and the National Institutes of Health, go into depth about uterine fibroids and cardiac risk factors. 

Sources: OsmosisNational Institutes of HealthJournal of Woman's Health