MAR 10, 2016

Women cardiologists earn about $100K less than men

WRITTEN BY: Futurity (
Women cardiologists often earn less than men—even when taking into account the different types of work they do—a new study suggests.

Further, the ranks of women cardiologists remain disproportionally small compared to those in medicine overall.

“These results recapitulate the salary differences that have been found among male and female physicians, lawyers, business executives, and others,” says Pamela Douglas, professor of research in cardiovascular diseases at the Duke University Clinical Research Institute.

“Cardiology needs to be welcoming to women. One way to do this is to acknowledge these differences and work toward correcting them.”

For the study, published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, researchers analyzed data from 161 cardiology practices in US communities surveyed in a 2013 report from MedAxiom, a firm that gathers and distributes data and business information specifically for cardiologists. The survey is considered a non-biased look at business practices, including hours worked, types of work performed, and pay rates.

7 key findings

“This is the first study to show that although men and women cardiologists share the same specialty, they have markedly different job descriptions,” Douglas says. “Thirty-nine percent of men are interventionalists versus 11 percent of women, and this sets the stage for higher compensation.”

“The differences in sub-specialization and practice were striking and merit note,” says Reshma Jagsi, associate professor at the University of Michigan and the study’s first author.

“But it’s also important to note that the difference in compensation between men and women couldn’t fully be explained by differences in subspecialty, procedures, or the many other personal, job, and practice characteristics that we evaluated.”

The study did not address the reasons why women steered to general cardiology rather than the interventional subspecialty, nor did it explain the differences in the workload. But researchers suggest that the differences could stem from enduring gender inequities professionally and differences in choices in work/life balance.

“It’s important to be looking at this, because we as a profession are not having full access to our ‘talent pool’ of qualified internal medicine residents,” Douglas says. “That becomes a business and health care issue, as we increasingly recognize the importance of diversity among providers to optimizing patient care.”

Source: Duke University

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