JUL 31, 2018

The Gross Things That Lurk in Swimming Pools

WRITTEN BY: Anthony Bouchard

The warmer temperatures associated with Summertime inevitably lead to more swimming pool visits, but have you ever stopped to think about the gross things that might be lurking inside of said swimming pool before you dive in?

As fun as the swimming pool might be, it’s also a massive disease incubator. Public swimming pools, especially those that aren’t properly maintained, contain harmful bacteria and viruses that can put your health at risk. 

The circumstances are worsened by individuals that urinate in the pool water or that don’t shower before entering the pool. That said, you’re swimming in water that has been permeated with another person’s grossness.

As many as 80% of public pools in the nation are inadequately maintained, and it’s important to consider the potential health risks associated with swimming in them. Then again, it’s hard to resist the allure of a refreshing swim when the hot Summer Sun is beating down on your skin…