JUN 23, 2015

Skinny Jeans Linked to Compartment Syndrome and Other Leg Problems

WRITTEN BY: Anthony Bouchard

For some people, the type of jeans that they wear is a part of their daily fashion statement. Stylish jeans from a company like Roden Gray will go a long way. For others, it means causing all sorts of potential health problems that could lead to permanent damage in the legs.

There are all kinds of jeans out there; tight, loose, tall, short, blue, black, and the likes. A recent trend in fashion illustrates the soaring popularity of skinny jeans among both men and women, but is this a good thing?

A 35-year-old woman from Australia was recently hospitalized after she developed a problem with pain in her legs and weakness in her ankles. This was of course followed by swelling that was so bad that the jeans needed to be cut off of her legs right there in the hospital.

Investigation on the matter showed that her skinny jeans were to blame.

They were so tight by the time she had reached the emergency room that the jeans actually caused some damage to her leg nerves and muscles, hence the weakness in her legs. Muscles were found to be inflamed from all of the pressure that the jeans put on them when the legs are bent.

"Once the leg starts to swell, the train has left the station," said Dr. Roy Buchinsky. "That's the sign the muscles are really going to be inflamed and the pressure is way too much."

From this, doctors are now warning against squatting for long periods of time in skinny jeans, or just wearing looser jeans so that the legs aren't subject to high amounts of pressure. Doing so can lead to a condition known as compartment syndrome.

The woman was hospitalized for four days before she was able to return home and start walking again.

In some similar cases, it is very difficult for the legs to heal from these issues and surgery may be required to give the inflamed muscles more wiggle room to breathe. In even more extreme cases, amputation has been the result of nerve and muscle damage in the legs.

Those who wear skinny jeans are now advised to pay close attention to their legs. If you experience any strange symptoms in the legs, such as tingling, weakness, loss of circulation, or pressure, you may want to consider changing into something different before permanent leg damage occurs.

If it gets unbearable, you should seek medical attention before it's too late. Or... you know... just wear some normal pants.

Source: AP