APR 01, 2022

Is it possible to O.D. on cannabis?

WRITTEN BY: Helaine Krysik

One of the biggest concerns regarding ingesting any kind of substance is the possibility of overdoing it. While this obviously applies to drugs and alcohol, it also applies to ingesting foods, or indulging in any kind of behavior that can be self-destructive, if taken to an extreme. However, when it comes to weed, there’s a lot of controversy regarding whether or not it’s possible to overdose. So, can you O.D. on marijuana?

The good news is that its virtually impossible to fatally O.D. on cannabis. According to what the CDC has to say about fatal THC overdosing; you pretty much can’t do it. That’s very significant for cannabis, when compared with the fatal overdose potential of other substances.

That said, it is certainly possible to overdose on weed. Anxiety, panic attacks, and paranoia are common symptoms for those who have gone overboard with weed consumption, a condition also known as greening out.

If this happens to you, the best thing you can do is practice self-care by drinking plenty of water, and resting in a comfortable, quiet, safe place. Surrounding yourself with people with whom you feel comfortable or watching silly movies can help you cope until your symptoms subside. Furthermore, expect the effects of too much THC to stay in your system for a few days, so it might take 72 hours or longer before you feel more like your complete self.

Remember when consuming recreational cannabis is that you want to keep your experience just that – recreational. The best way to do that and avoid the unpleasant experience of overdosing is to go low and go slow. Especially if you’re a new or infrequent cannabis user, you’ll want to consume cannabis products containing 2.5mg of THC or less and waiting 2-4 hours for it to take effect before consuming additional weed.

Even though a weed overdose is highly unlikely to be fatal, it’s still very unpleasant and not something you want to experience.


Sources: WebMD, CDC, WeedMaps, Canada.ca