From The Ohio State University, scientists have showed how the linoleic acid present in grapeseed oil has a stronger association with healthy characteristics than the oleic acid in olive oil:
- Lean body mass
- Less inflammation
- Lower likelihood of insulin resistance
Although the connection seems clear, finding oils with a large percentage of linoleic acid is difficult due to high cost and low availability because of an industry preference for oleic acid use. Although oils with oleic acid have the ability to reduce inflammation too, they do not have the same relationship to body composition or lowering diabetes risk.
The tendency to prefer oleic acid by the industry stems from the recent push against trans fats. Despite its large profile of health benefits, lineolic acid is more likely then oleic acid to transition into trans fat when it is hydrogenated to be included in processed foods. Now, lineolic acid constitutes less than twenty percent of fatty acids in most oils.
Source: Ohio State University