MAY 22, 2019

Blue Origin's Jeff Bezos Has a Wonderful Vision for Colonizing Other Worlds

WRITTEN BY: Anthony Bouchard

The concept of human beings colonizing outposts in outer space has been flung about for eons, but what’s the probability that something like this might actually happen? If you had asked us this question 20 years ago, we’d probably laugh in your face. But space technology and infrastructure are expanding quickly, bringing this concept closer to reality than ever before.

Two of the most vocal individuals regarding the colonization of other worlds besides Earth are Elon Musk of SpaceX and Jeff Bezos of Blue Origin. Each of these individuals heads successful commercial space companies, and both are working to make spaceflight more affordable by developing a reusable rocket infrastructure.

Reducing the cost of spaceflight means that smaller entities will have a means of putting valuable materials into space. This also opens the door to mining resources on other worlds besides our own, such as the Moon, and harvesting them for these so-called space colonies.

Many of these bizarre concepts are still far off in the distant future, but it seems more plausible today with advancements in the space sector than we ever could have imagined. Perhaps with a bit more research and development, these brilliant concepts will spring to life and humankind will become a multi-planet civilization once and for all.