MAY 12, 2016

Hyperloop Motor is Fired Up and Tested for the First Time

WRITTEN BY: Anthony Bouchard

Elon Musk’s vision for Hyperloop, a magnetic transportation system that has zero friction, is slowly coming into focus.
Hyperloop One, the company behind the project and formerly known as Hyperloop Technologies, has conducted their first test of the Hyperloop motor this week in the warm and sunny Nevada Desert.

Out in the middle of the desert, the company made a test track and then sent a test pod barreling down the test track at high speeds and then slowing itself to a complete stop. The test only lasted a few seconds, but proves that the concept is feasible.

You can watch the test launch here:

The Hyperloop is a conceptual design that may one day transport passengers via magnet pods from point A to point B at speeds in excess of 700 miles per hour through tubes with the tracks built into them.

Hyperloop One shared the following animation on their Twitter account on Wednesday that illustrates some of the technology behind the concept and teases what might be to come in future designs:

The transportation pod itself uses levitating magnet technology to suspend itself in mid-air similarly to Lexus’ hoverboard concept.

Elon Musk's design was also be solar powered; solar cells would collect energy from the Sun from where they would be mounted all around the track. From what it looks like however, Hyperloop One's design is not solar powered.
Similar magnetic transportation systems reside in China already, but none are quite this advanced.
It should be very interesting to see where this technological concept goes and to see it grow into a finaliazed transportation system that could one day be used by millions of people to get where they need to go.

Source: Hyperloop One