MAR 19, 2018

This Garden Resides Under the Ocean

WRITTEN BY: Anthony Bouchard

If you're into gardening, then chances are you do most of it on dry land. But, Nemo's Garden is quite different from your typical garden. Instead, it's an underwater garden planted beneath the ocean's surface just off the coast of Italy.

Nemo's Garden sits within a series of underwater air bubbles called biospheres, and they're part of an ongoing experiment to see if the ocean's constant temperature can help with cultivation.

Researchers put on their diving gear to visit the plants inside of the biospheres every so often, and it allows them to study the plant growth over time.

Ocean Reef Group initially erected these underwater gardens back in 2013, but the originals succumbed to storms that washed them away. Fortunately, a more permanent solution exists today and storms have yet to destroy them.