MAR 27, 2016

What Causes the Head Rush When You Stand Up Too Fast?


It's an unpleasant sensation: you bend down to tie your shoe laces or pick up some dropped coins only to stand up to feel very woozy in the head. What gives? In the instance that you bent down to when you stood up, your blood pressure didn't adjust and temporarily got too low in the brain area. Thus, you may experience faintness, light-headedness, or blurred vision. The dizzying sensation is the brain's cry for blood flow and oxygen. That is why within a few seconds of readjusting, everything seems normal again.

Known as orthostatic or postural hypotension, the condition is usually not a cause for concern for most people. One way to prevent these episodes is to take your time and get up slowly. This allows time for the body to regulate blood pressure from the change in positions and avoids sudden drops in blood pressure. Watch the video to learn more!