Every Day Counts Virtual Summit - Available On-Demand

EDC is a State–based model that identifies and rapidly deploys proven, yet underutilized innovations to shorten the project delivery process, enhance roadway safety, reduce traffic congestion, and integrate automation. The summit is an integral component of the EDC model, bringing together transportation leaders and front-line professionals responsible for the development and delivery of highway projects. The EDC-6 summit was conducted virtually and included over 3000 attendees from State DOTs, local agencies, federal land management agencies, tribes and industry--to encourage creative thinking, and celebrate a shared vision for new opportunities.

EDC is Innovation for a Nation on the Move.  In this cycle, the seven initiatives feature strategies to increase engagement with people, new applications of products to preserve and repair our infrastructure, and improve processes to save time on project delivery and incident management.  The presentations, factsheets, videos, EDC virtual booths, and pdfs of innovations developed by the National State Transportation Innovation Council (STIC) Network are available on-demand to all registered participants through December 2021.   View on-demand agenda details here. 

  • Thomas D. Everett

    FHWA Associate Administrator
  • Opening Sessions

    Tuesday, December 8th - Theme: People

  • Mala K. Parker

    Deputy Administrator, Federal Highway Administration

    Mala K. Parker was named Deputy Administrator for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on October 10, 2019. In this role, Ms. Parker provides executive leadership and strategic direction within FHWA to advance the goals and priorities of the U.S. Department of Transportation. Ms. Parker has more than 20 years of experience in public policy and governmental affairs.

  • John S. Halikowski

    Director, Arizona Department of Transportation

    John S. Halikowski is the director of the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT). Since his appointment to the position in 2009, Mr. Halikowski has been dedicated to advancing the agency’s position as an innovative, high-performing organization that contributes to the State’s economic vitality and quality of life. Mr. Halikowski leads ADOT’s 3,600 employees, who are responsible for planning, building, and maintaining Arizona’s multimodal transportation system. With a focus on continuous improvement and customer service, ADOT employees also provide motor vehicle title, registration, and driver license services to motorists throughout the State.

  • Wednesday, December 9th – Theme: Products

  • Derrell E. Turner

    Director of Field Services South, Federal Highway Administration

    Derrell E. Turner became the Director of Field Services (DFS) South for FHWA in September 2014. Prior to this appointment, he was the Division Administrator for FHWA’s Minnesota Division Office. As the DFS South, Mr. Turner provides leadership and guidance to 12 Division Administrators; advises FHWA’s Administrator, Deputy Administrator, Executive Director, and Associate Administrators on matters impacting Division Offices; and works with the other Directors of Field Services to ensure consistency across Divisions. Mr. Turner has a degree in civil engineering from the University of Alabama. He joined FHWA in 1985 via the Highway Engineer Trainee Program.

  • Anne M. Ellis, PE, FACI, F.ASCE, NAC

    Executive Director, Charles Pankow Foundation

    Anne M. Ellis is the Executive Director of the Charles Pankow Foundation, which advances industry research and resources to deliver better ways to design and build. Ms. Ellis served as the American Concrete Institute (ACI) president (2013-2014), and in 2013 she was named one of the “Most Influential People in Concrete Construction” by Concrete Construction magazine. In 2020, she received the ACI Strategic Advancement Award in recognition of her visionary leadership. Ms. Ellis serves on numerous industry boards including the National Institute of Building Sciences, American Society of Civil Engineers Industry Leaders Council, Building Seismic Safety Council, and Challenger Center. She was inducted into the Virginia Tech Via Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Academy of Distinguished Alumni in 2007, the Virginia Tech Academy of Engineering Excellence in 2013, and the National Academy of Construction in 2019.

  • Thursday, December 10th – Theme: Processes

  • Scott C. Marler

    Director, Iowa Department of Transportation

    Scott C. Marler became the Director of the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) in February 2020. Mr. Marler has worked for the Iowa DOT for 23 years, with experience in traffic operations, transportation system management and operations, advanced technologies, highway project development, regulatory compliance, and the natural environment. Mr. Marler is active on several national committees associated with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials and the Transportation Research Board. He holds a master’s degree from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg.

  • Crowdsourcing for Advancing Operations

  • James Colyar

    Transportation Specialist
    Federal Highway Administration

    James is co-leading the EDC-6 initiative on crowdsourcing for advancing operations. He has worked for FHWA for 19 years and has experience in traffic engineering, intelligent transportation systems, and transportation operations. He holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in civil engineering and a master’s in transportation policy.


  • Ralph Volpe

    Transportation Systems Operations Specialist
    Federal Highway Administration

    Ralph is co-leading the EDC-6 initiative on crowdsourcing for advancing operations. He provides technical assistance and training and deploys systems operations and management strategies and techniques to FHWA internal and external customers. Prior to joining FHWA in 2001, Ralph earnedtransportation experience in the State, regional, and private-sector arenas.


  • Greg Jones

    Freeway Management Specialist
    Federal Highway Administration

    Greg is co-leading the EDC-6 initiative on crowdsourcing for advancing operations. He has worked at FHWA for 36 years. Greg specializes in managed lanes, active transportation and demand management, freeway management, and hurricane evacuation. He has a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the University of Tennessee.


  • Colby Fortier-Brown

    Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Engineer
    Maine Department of Transportation

    Colby has been a member of the Maine DOT’s Traffic Engineering and ITS group since 2018.


  • Lisa Miller

    Traveler Information Manager
    Utah Department of Transportation

    Lisa is responsible for media involvement and strategic communications for the Utah DOT (UDOT). Prior to joining UDOT, Lisa was a consultant for 10 years. She holds a bachelor’s degree in communications from the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee and a master’s in journalism from South Dakota State University.


  • e-Ticketing and Digital As-Builts

  • Rob Elliott, PE

    Construction and Project Management Technical Services Team Manager
    Federal Highway Administration

    Rob is the technical director for the Construction and Project Management (CPM) Team at the FHWA Resource Center. He is responsible for the CPM Team’s technical assistance, technology deployment, training deliveries, strategic planning, and budget within the Office of Technical Services. Additionally, he served as the program manager for FHWA’s Federal-aid Essentials for Local Public Agencies “Federal-aid Simplified” web library. Rob also worked for the Florida DOT for over a decade in construction and as an engineering consultant in Georgia for 3 years.


  • Kathryn "Kat" Weisner, PE, NRAEMT

    Construction and Contract Administration Engineer
    Federal Highway Administration

    Kat is an engineer in FHWA’s Resource Center focusing on innovation deployment, contract administration, and construction. She is responsible fordevelopment and delivery of training, resources, and events nationwide on e-Construction.


  • David Unkefer, PE

    Construction and Project Management Engineer
    Federal Highway Administration

    David provides national technical assistance to FHWA and its partners toward implementing digital technologies for more effective transportation project delivery. He has worked for FHWA for 28 years, most recently in deploying innovative practices related to building information modeling (BIM)/digital delivery, construction automation, and alternative contracting methods. David has led EDC initiatives for 3D engineered models and projectbundling. He holds degrees in civil engineering from the University of Florida and Purdue University.


  • Next-Generation TIM: Integrating Technology, Data, and Training

  • Paul Jodoin

    Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Program Manager
    Federal Highway Administration

    Paul leads multiple national TIM initiatives such as the Annual TIM Self-Assessment, TIM Data Collection and Use, and EDC-6 next-generation TIM. He contributes to programs that advance national TIM responder training, local TIM programs, and new TIM technologies. Paul joined FHWA in 2009 after 38 years with the Massachusetts DOT, the last 12 of which he served asthe Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Programs and Operations Manager.


  • James "Jim" Austrich

    Transportation Specialist
    Federal Highway Administration

    Jim is a program manager for the National TIM Training Program. He is a national leader in transportation systems, emergency management, and transportation operations. Before FHWA, Jim worked for the District of Columbia DOT and the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department Homeland Security Bureau. He is also a graduate of the 2009 University of Maryland/I-95 Corridor Coalition Senior Management Academy.


  • Jeffrey "Jeff" King

    Safety Specialist
    Federal Highway Administration

    Jeff serves as the safety specialist for the Arizona Division of FHWA. He championed the TIM program with the Arizona State Troopers prior to retiringin 2014 after 31 years in law enforcement.


  • Joseph "Joe" Tebo

    Transportation Specialist
    Federal Highway Administration

    Joe is a member of the TIM Program team and brings four decades of on-the-ground TIM expertise. He is a former paramedic and rescue specialist and has served for over 40 years as a volunteer firefighter. Joe led crash scene investigations for the National Transportation Safety Board and served as thedeputy emergency management coordinator at the Federal Transit Administration. He is currently supporting multiple FHWA TIM initiatives as well as the FHWA Emergency Operations team.


  • Grady Carrick, PhD

    Traffic Incident Management Specialist
    Enforcement Engineering, Inc.

    Grady is a retired Florida Highway Patrol Chief who distinguished himself as achampion for traffic operations and safety during his 30 years with the agency. Since his retirement in 2012, he has worked with local, State, and Federal agencies to advance a safe and efficient transportation system. Grady is passionate about traffic safety and responder safety and is a nationally known advocate for traffic incident management.


  • Strategic Workforce Development

  • Karen Bobo

    Director, Center for Transportation Workforce Development
    Federal Highway Administration

    Karen became the director of the Center for Transportation Workforce Development in May 2019. She creates and strengthens partnerships with other Federal agencies, transportation industry partners, and academia to build initiatives and pathways forward to identify, train, and place a skilled transportation workforce. She has over 30 years of Federal service leading a wide range of activities supporting transportation initiatives.


  • Victoria Peters

    Director, Center for Local Aid Support
    Federal Highway Administration

    Victoria has served as director of the Center for Local Aid Support since July 2016. She provides national leadership in the advancement of innovative technologies and practices and training and technical assistance for local, Tribal, and Federal land management agencies. Her previous positions in FHWA include special assistant to the FHWA deputy administrator, director ofinnovation for the Office of Federal Lands, assistant division administrator in the Nebraska Division, and director of engineering and operations in the OhioDivision.


  • Corey Foster, MSM

    Workforce Development Specialist
    Arizona Chapter, Associated General Contractors of America

    Corey is a dynamic leader, entrepreneur, and community advocate who is becoming well-known in Arizona as a heavy civil construction champion and strategist. Corey is recognized in business arenas, philanthropic communities, educational intuitions, and government agencies as one of the leading experts on workforce development, community change initiatives, and economic development.


  • Targeted Overlay Pavement Solutions (TOPS)

  • Derek Nener-Plante, PE

    Pavement and Materials Engineer
    Federal Highway Administration

    Derek works at the FHWA Resource Center. He has a master’s degree in transportation engineering and is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Maine.


  • Eric Prieve

    Concrete and Physical Properties Unit Program Manager
    Colorado Department of Transportation

    Eric has worked with the Colorado DOT since 2000. He has a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the Colorado School of Mines. He is a member of the American Concrete Institute and chairs its C612 – Self-Consolidating Concrete Technician Certification committee.


  • Robert Blight

    Supervising Engineer, Pavement Design and Technology Unit
    New Jersey Department of Transportation

    Robert has a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Rutgers University. From 1996 to 2000 he worked in the private sector in geotechnical engineering and construction materials inspection and testing.


  • Virtual Public Involvement (VPI)

  • Lana Lau

    Environmental Protection Specialist
    Federal Highway Administration

    Lana works on National Environmental Policy Act implementation and on Planning and Environment Linkages in FHWA’s Office of Project Developmentand Environmental Review. She is co-leading the EDC-6 virtual public involvement initiative.


  • Jill Stark

    Environmental Protection Specialist
    Federal Highway Administration

    Jill has over 17 years of experience with FHWA. She is co-leading the EDC-6 virtual public involvement initiative. Jill holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Kansas and master’s degrees in public policy and information systems from Carnegie Mellon University.


  • Shannon Nicole Marshall, M.S, APR

    Environmental Protection Specialist
    Federal Highway Administration

    Shannon is the Director of Communications at the Virginia Department of Transportation, the nation’s third largest state-maintained transportation network.


  • UHPC for Bridge Preservation and Repair

  • Zachary Haber, PhD

    Research Structural Engineer
    Federal Highway Administration

    Zach is a research structural engineer on FHWA’s Bridge Engineering Research Team at the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center. His areas of expertise include bridge engineering, structural concrete, ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC), and precast systems.


  • Mark Leonard

    Structural Engineer
    Federal Highway Administration

    Mark is a structural engineer on the FHWA Resource Center’s Structures Technical Service Team. He provides technical assistance and training in the areas of highway structure design, maintenance, preservation, and inspection.


  • James "Jim" Nelson

    Director, Bridges and Structures Bureau
    Iowa Department of Transportation

    Jim serves as the director of the Iowa DOT Bridges and Structures Bureau and as the State bridge engineer. He leads a Bridge Maintenance and Inspection Section and a Bridge Project Development Section.


  • Jim Scarlata

    Major Project Unit Manager
    New York State Department of Transportation

    Jim currently serves as a structural expert on the New York State DOT’s major projects. This involves determining the scope of work and project requirements, performing design reviews, and providing construction support, as well as development of innovative concepts.


  • Dewayne Rogers

    Managing Director
    Clare County (Michigan) Road Commission

    Dewayne is a graduate of Michigan State University with a bachelor’s degreein construction management. He has worked in the road and bridge industry since 1995, including with the Michigan DOT for 13 years, two consulting firms, and two road commissions. Prior to becoming the managing director ofthe Clare County Road Commission, Dewayne was a project manager for the St. Clair County Road Commission for 3 years.





  • James "Jim" Austrich

    James "Jim" Austrich

    Transportation Specialist, Federal Highway Administration

  • Robert Blight

    Robert Blight

    Supervising Engineer, Pavement Design and Technology Unit, New Jersey Department of Transportation

  • Karen Bobo

    Karen Bobo

    Director, Center for Transportation Workforce Development, Federal Highway Administration

  • Grady Carrick, PhD

    Grady Carrick, PhD

    Traffic Incident Management Specialist, Enforcement Engineering, Inc.

  • James Colyar

    James Colyar

    Transportation Specialist, Federal Highway Administration

  • Rob Elliott, PE

    Rob Elliott, PE

    Construction and Project Management Technical Services Team Manager, Federal Highway Administration

  • Colby Fortier-Brown

    Colby Fortier-Brown

    Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Engineer, Maine Department of Transportation

  • Corey Foster, MSM

    Corey Foster, MSM

    Workforce Development Specialist, Arizona Chapter, Associated General Contractors of America

  • Zachary Haber, PhD

    Zachary Haber, PhD

    Research Structural Engineer, Federal Highway Administration

  • Jeffrey "Jeff" King

    Jeffrey "Jeff" King

    Safety Specialist, Federal Highway Administration

  • Paul Jodoin

    Paul Jodoin

    Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Program Manager, Federal Highway Administration

  • Greg Jones

    Greg Jones

    Freeway Management Specialist, Federal Highway Administration

  • Lana Lau

    Lana Lau

    Environmental Protection Specialist, Federal Highway Administration

  • Mark Leonard

    Mark Leonard

    Structural Engineer, Federal Highway Administration

  • Shannon Nicole Marshall, M.S, APR

    Shannon Nicole Marshall, M.S, APR

    Director of Communications Virginia, Department of Transportation

  • Lisa Miller

    Lisa Miller

    Traveler Information Manager, Utah Department of Transportation

  • James "Jim" Nelson

    James "Jim" Nelson

    Director, Bridges and Structures Bureau, Iowa Department of Transportation

  • Derek Nener-Plante, PE

    Derek Nener-Plante, PE

    Pavement and Materials Engineer, Federal Highway Administration

  • Victoria Peters

    Victoria Peters

    Director, Center for Local Aid Support, Federal Highway Administration

  • Eric Prieve

    Eric Prieve

    Concrete and Physical Properties Unit Program Manager, Colorado Department of Transportation

  • Dewayne Rogers

    Dewayne Rogers

    Managing Director, Clare County (Michigan) Road Commission

  • Jim Scarlata

    Jim Scarlata

    Major Project Unit Manager, New York State Department of Transportation

  • Jill Stark

    Jill Stark

    Transportation Planner, Federal Highway Administration

  • Joseph "Joe" Tebo

    Joseph "Joe" Tebo

    Transportation Specialist, Federal Highway Administration

  • David Unkefer, PE

    David Unkefer, PE

    Construction and Project Management Engineer, Federal Highway Administration

  • Ralph Volpe

    Ralph Volpe

    Transportation Systems Operations Specialist, Federal Highway Administration

  • Kathryn "Kat" Weisner, PE, NRAEMT

    Kathryn "Kat" Weisner, PE, NRAEMT

    Construction and Contract Administration Engineer, Federal Highway Administration

  • Mala K. Parker

    Mala K. Parker

    Deputy Administrator, Federal Highway Administration

  • John S. Halikowski

    John S. Halikowski

    Director, Arizona Department of Transportation

  • Anne M. Ellis, PE, FACI, F.ASCE, NAC

    Anne M. Ellis, PE, FACI, F.ASCE, NAC

    Executive Director, Charles Pankow Foundation

  • Thomas D. Everett

    Thomas D. Everett

    FHWA Associate Administrator

  • Derrell E. Turner

    Derrell E. Turner

    Director of Field Services South, Federal Highway Administration

  • Scott C. Marler

    Scott C. Marler

    Director, Iowa Department of Transportation

View Draft Agenda


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DOT Order 1351.33, Appendix B, Citizen Conduct Policy.

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U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration