APR 30, 2024 1:00 PM PDT

Keynote Presentation: Modeling the Holistic Journey of Solid Tumor Cell Therapy with Organ-Chips with Live Q&A

Sponsored by: Emulate


Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy shows significant potential in treating various human cancers. Unfortunately, researchers have faced difficulty in adapting this therapy to target solid tumors, where CAR T cells face unique challenges, such as antigen heterogeneity, an immuno-suppressive microenvironment, and T-cell exhaustion.

However, none of these challenges matter unless the CAR T cells can extravasate out of the blood stream and successfully migrate to the site of the tumor- an often-overlooked yet critical rate-limiting part of the process that cannot be modeled in conventional cell cultures.

To address this, Emulate has recently launched a validated Organ-Chip workflow enabling researchers to model the entire journey of solid tumor CAR T-cell therapy in a vascularized cancer cell line model.

Join Emulate Principal Scientist Anita Mehta, PhD, as she demonstrates the capabilities of this new CAR T Organ-Chip workflow in a data-driven webinar. Researchers will learn how to use Organ-Chips to model CAR T-cell therapy administration, vascular attachment, migration, and antigen-specific killing- all in a single model.