Oncomine World is back with brand NEW features
Now in its sixth year, OncomineWorld meetings have united thousands of scientists and professionals from around the globe to advance genomic profiling in clinical oncology research.
The agenda will include general next generation sequencing education presentations as well as those from Oncomine Solutions users and, this year, attendees will have the opportunity to learn about the Oncomine Clinical Research Grant and hear from our pharma partners!
There are multiple ways to engage at OncomineWorld 2025:
Earn Continuing Education (CE) credits from OncomineWorld presentations! Attend a live or on demand session to obtain your credits.
To redeem your credits, locate the presentation you watched and click on the CE buttons for further direction. For more general information regarding continuing education, the processes to receive credits, and the accreditation bodies, click here. CE credits are recognized by several accreditation bodies but may not be applicable in all countries.
More information about the agenda will be available soon. Register now to secure your spot!
Earn Continuing Education (CE) credits from OncomineWorld presentations! Attend a live or on demand session to obtain your credits.
The agenda will be posted shortly.
To redeem your credits, locate the presentation you watched and click on the CE buttons for further direction. For more general information regarding continuing education, the processes to receive credits, and the accreditation bodies, click here. CE credits are recognized by several accreditation bodies but may not be applicable in all countries.
Vice President and Global Head of Medical Affairs, Thermo Fisher Scientific
Senior Associate, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Molecular Haematology Operational Manager, Health Services Laboratories LLP
Associate Professor, Molecular Genetic Pathology and Neuropathology Director of Solid Tumor Section, Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory Division of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Houston, TX, USA
Head of the Department of Cancer Molecular Diagnostics
Medical Scientist, Histopathology Department Cork University Hospital
Global Director Scientific Affairs
Portfolio and Alliance Lead- Precision Medicine EMEA Strategy and Operations, Johnson &Johnson Innovative Medicine
Head of Liquid Biopsy Translational Group, Assistant Professor, Thoracic Head and Neck Oncology, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, USA
Assistant Professor, College Of Medicine, The Catholic University Of Korea
Partner, ClearView HealthCare Partners
Molecular biologist, Herlev and Gentofte Hospital Department of Pathology
Assistant Professor and Scientific Officer, National Coordinator for Molecular Pathology Quality Assurance Program, Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, India
Senior Product Manager, Oncology, Thermo Fisher Scientific