3D Cell Model: is a 3-dimensional structure showing the parts of a plant or an animal cell. Cells consist of a number of interrelated structures, which work together to facilitate healthy cell growth and division. These aspects can be better understood in a 3-dimensional model in order to memorize key aspects of cell structure and to learn the difference between plant and animal cell structure.
Although much is known about the molecular maternal-fetal interactions during implantation, the 3D architecture of the uterine environment in which the early embryo develops is not well unde...
Experimental models that promise to replace animal tests that are currently required for drugs and chemicals are rapidly proliferating. This includes a number of novel solutions offered by b...
NEW DATE: Date: May 12, 2020 Time: 9:00am PDT, 12:00pm EDT...
DATE: March 24, 2020 TIME: 11:00am PT, 2:00pm ET While in vitro cell culture has long been used to study neurological diseases, researchers have come to the realization that 2-D systems do n...
DATE: March 18, 2020 TIME: 6:30am PT, 9:30am ET Presentation: Chemical Imaging for Biomedicine: the Next Frontier of Light Microscopy Dr. Wei Min, Columbia University www.columbia.edu/cu/che...
DATE: February 26, 2020 TIME: 9:00am PST 3D cell culture and analysis and the study of organoids and spheroids are becoming more prevalent as a research method in publications as traditional...
DATE: January 23, 2020 TIME: 9:00am PST, 12:00pm EST...
Microphysiological systems (MPS), also known as organ-on-chips, are small scale in vitro cell cultures which mimic facets of tissue or organ level function. MPS frequently utilise primary hu...
The aim of the lecture is to give an insight into the use of 3D liver micro tissues (3D liMTs) in drug discovery and translational safety. In translational toxicology, 3D LiMTs have a high i...
The OrganoPlate is a microtiterplate based Organ-on-a-Chip platform for high throughput drug safety and efficacy screening. It contains up to 96 cell culture chambers that allow co-culture o...