Animal Facility: also known as the vivarium, is a specially designed building type, which accommodates exquisitely controlled environments for the care and maintenance of experimental animals. Animal research facilities are related to but distinct from research laboratories.
FEB 06, 2014 | 9:00 AM
The new animal facility is designed to breed and house rodents with the best quality of macro and micro environment and house the maximum possible number of rodents per sf2. This new facilit...
For the purpose of ensuring research integrity, data reproducibility, and animal welfare, institutions that conduct animal research have the responsibility to evaluate vendors that provide la...
Monitoring the health of laboratory rodents is an important tool for improving the quality of animals used in research. However not all animal facilities have the same requirements, and an ex...
The popularity reached by the genetic manipulation of laboratory animals to create new models for studying human diseases, produced in turn, that the techniques for assisted reproduction cons...
FEB 05, 2014 | 3:00 PM
The title of this presentation could have been Training within laboratory animal science - where we are and where we should be. While training has been the domain of facility managers for ma...