Assay Development: one of the first steps in drug development and toxicity testing is creating test systems on which to evaluate the effects of chemical compounds on cellular, molecular or biochemical processes of interest.
Patient laboratory test results are significantly over-represented in electronic medical records, but significantly under-utilized in research. An important application of laboratory data is...
Clinical Laboratories have the opportunity to support value based health care by aligning with organizational strategies that focus on population health and creating meaningful insights usin...
Point-of-care testing (POCT) is destined to play a much greater role in chronic disease diagnosis and management. Advanced POCT systems are being developed to deliver less costly and more ac...
The opioid crisis has put significant strain on the healthcare system and resources, including the clinical laboratory which has seen significant increases in requests for urine drug screeni...
Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is used to determine spatial relationships where we can identify the localization of target proteins in specific regions and cells of a tissue. IHC has been the go...
Cases of traumatic brain injury (TBI) have been steadily rising over the past decade with most common causes of injury observed among participants in contact sports, combat military personne...
DATE: November 10, 2020 TIME: 7:00am PDT, 10:00am EDT Automation can provide tremendous benefits such as increased pipetting precision and accuracy, productivity, and throughput. Numerous wo...
The pharmaceuticals and biotechnology industries have made substantial progress in reducing the number of drugs that fail in clinical trials due to safety. This has been due, in part, to an...
DATE: Date needed, 2020 TIME: Time needed Exosomes are a population of naturally occurring mobile, membrane-limited, 30 – 100 nm in diameter, extracellular vesicles containing a large...
Dr. Bacher will be discussing the history and evolution of MSI, the differences between popular testing methods, and what the future holds for this powerful biomarker....
DATE: November 4th, 2020 TIME: 11:00am PST As cell therapies become more complex, the need for robust analytical tools to characterize such products as they enter the clinic has increased in...
Date: November 4, 2020 Time: 8:00am (PDT), 11:00am (EDT) High-content screening (HCS) is widely used for research in quantitative cellular biology and has proven to be a valuable tool in dru...
DATE: October 27th, 2020 TIME: 8:00am PT Molecular diagnostic assay development and design is no simple task, and several factors affect the performance and usability of a test. Diagnostic c...
This session introduces basic concepts of imaging-based high-throughput screening (HTS) and high-throughput profiling assay development. Imaging-based HTS assays are designed to evaluate a d...
Precision oncology continues to evolve as additional clinically relevant biomarkers are identified. The challenges facing the clinical researchers include not only the ability to add additio...
Precision oncology continues to evolve as additional clinically relevant biomarkers are identified. The challenges facing both diagnostic laboratories and clinicians include not only the abi...
To identify genetic variants in archival human samples, researchers need a powerful NGS platform that can accommodate input DNA and RNA that is often low quality and/or low quantity. This ch...
Solid phase extraction has become a preferable technique for reducing matrix effects for sample preparation due to its ease of use and limited time requirements. MilliporeSigma has launched...
Learning Objectives: 1. Understand the functionality and digestibility of starches at high heating temperatures as measured jointly by RVA 4800 and DSC 2. Acquire new knowledge on the behavi...
Cannabis is a complex and difficult matrix to work with and the analysis of pesticides in cannabis is a notoriously problematic task. There is major ion suppression present from the signific...
Accurate characterization of monoclonal antibodies is essential to development of biotherapeutics. Thorough understanding of biotherapeutic properties aids in the optimization of bioprocess...
Pesticides are routinely applied to crops to prevent or control pests and are therefore routinely tested for the presence of pesticide residues and to check for compliance with permitted Max...
Cannabis testing laboratories play a pivotal role in the multidimensional cannabis industry. Production companies to the consumers, whole cannabis community rely on the analytical results pr...
Patient laboratory test results are significantly over-represented in electronic medical records, but significantly under-utilized in research. An important application of laboratory data is...
Clinical Laboratories have the opportunity to support value based health care by aligning with organizational strategies that focus on population health and creating meaningful insights usin...
Point-of-care testing (POCT) is destined to play a much greater role in chronic disease diagnosis and management. Advanced POCT systems are being developed to deliver less costly and more ac...
The opioid crisis has put significant strain on the healthcare system and resources, including the clinical laboratory which has seen significant increases in requests for urine drug screeni...
Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is used to determine spatial relationships where we can identify the localization of target proteins in specific regions and cells of a tissue. IHC has been the go...
Cases of traumatic brain injury (TBI) have been steadily rising over the past decade with most common causes of injury observed among participants in contact sports, combat military personne...
DATE: November 10, 2020 TIME: 7:00am PDT, 10:00am EDT Automation can provide tremendous benefits such as increased pipetting precision and accuracy, productivity, and throughput. Numerous wo...
The pharmaceuticals and biotechnology industries have made substantial progress in reducing the number of drugs that fail in clinical trials due to safety. This has been due, in part, to an...
DATE: Date needed, 2020 TIME: Time needed Exosomes are a population of naturally occurring mobile, membrane-limited, 30 – 100 nm in diameter, extracellular vesicles containing a large...
Dr. Bacher will be discussing the history and evolution of MSI, the differences between popular testing methods, and what the future holds for this powerful biomarker....
DATE: November 4th, 2020 TIME: 11:00am PST As cell therapies become more complex, the need for robust analytical tools to characterize such products as they enter the clinic has increased in...
Date: November 4, 2020 Time: 8:00am (PDT), 11:00am (EDT) High-content screening (HCS) is widely used for research in quantitative cellular biology and has proven to be a valuable tool in dru...
DATE: October 27th, 2020 TIME: 8:00am PT Molecular diagnostic assay development and design is no simple task, and several factors affect the performance and usability of a test. Diagnostic c...
This session introduces basic concepts of imaging-based high-throughput screening (HTS) and high-throughput profiling assay development. Imaging-based HTS assays are designed to evaluate a d...
Precision oncology continues to evolve as additional clinically relevant biomarkers are identified. The challenges facing the clinical researchers include not only the ability to add additio...
Precision oncology continues to evolve as additional clinically relevant biomarkers are identified. The challenges facing both diagnostic laboratories and clinicians include not only the abi...
To identify genetic variants in archival human samples, researchers need a powerful NGS platform that can accommodate input DNA and RNA that is often low quality and/or low quantity. This ch...
Solid phase extraction has become a preferable technique for reducing matrix effects for sample preparation due to its ease of use and limited time requirements. MilliporeSigma has launched...
Learning Objectives: 1. Understand the functionality and digestibility of starches at high heating temperatures as measured jointly by RVA 4800 and DSC 2. Acquire new knowledge on the behavi...
Cannabis is a complex and difficult matrix to work with and the analysis of pesticides in cannabis is a notoriously problematic task. There is major ion suppression present from the signific...
Accurate characterization of monoclonal antibodies is essential to development of biotherapeutics. Thorough understanding of biotherapeutic properties aids in the optimization of bioprocess...
Pesticides are routinely applied to crops to prevent or control pests and are therefore routinely tested for the presence of pesticide residues and to check for compliance with permitted Max...
Cannabis testing laboratories play a pivotal role in the multidimensional cannabis industry. Production companies to the consumers, whole cannabis community rely on the analytical results pr...