Bioproduction is the production of biologics-based therapeutic drugs including protein-based therapeutics, vaccines, gene therapies as well as cell therapies; drugs so complex they can only be made in living systems or indeed are a living system (cell therapies).
DATE: August 25, 2020 TIME: 8:00am PDT, 10:00am CDT, 11:00am EDT Recombinant lentivirus (LV) and adeno-associated virus (AAV) are critical components of cell and gene therapies, which show g...
DATE: July 23, 2020 TIME: 10:00 am PDT The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has taken a toll on many sectors of the medical community. As the pandemic took a grip on the laboratory, the need for diagnost...
This presentation is about a client-focused approach used to find an all synthetic ligand which is developed into an affinity adsorbent – followed by working with the client to develop...
Genetically-modified cell therapies are revolutionizing medicine, offering new opportunities to treat cancer patients and potentially many other diseases. The process of producing gene-modif...
Strong performance for a Facility of the Future for the Life Sciences industry requires more than optimal manufacturing process development and facility design. The sector encompasses a dive...
The NIST Biomanufacturing Program develops measurement science, standards, reference data and tools to support the development, manufacturing, and regulatory approval of biologic medicines....
Digital PCR has become the emerging technique for the sequence-specific detection and quantification of nucleic acids for various applications. During the recent years, numerous articles of...
Bioreactor modeling can inform understanding of cellular metabolism—including aspects of growth kinetics, productivity, media consumption, and metabolite secretion—and can be use...
Within this talk the advantages of using intensified Design of experiments (iDoE) in combination with hybrid modeling will be demonstrated. In detailed upstream and downstream showcases the...
There has been an increasing number of successful gene therapy clinical trials, leading to regulatory approvals of numerous gene therapy products, in particular ones based on the adeno-assoc...
DATE: February 28, 2020 TIME: 9:00am PST Finding ways to bring therapeutic proteins to market faster is an ongoing challenge for global pharmaceutical development. Of all the analytical metho...
DATE: September 5, 2019TIME: 7:00am PT, 10:00am ET, 4:00pm CEST PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) has gone through a massive evolution since its development in 1983. Besides it...
DATE: August 14, 2019TIME: 9:00am PT. 12:00pm ET Implementation of Lean Methodology in Biobanking Operations to standardize sample management processes is effective. Each proce...
DATE: July 30, 2019TIME: 6:00am PT, 9:00am ET The current version of the EMA Guideline for the environmental risk assessment of human drugs was published in 2006. This guidance...
Development of novel types of therapeutics require adaptation of traditional bioprocessing applications to include the use of primary cells, such as stem cells, fibroblasts, astrocytes and ne...
As the pace of biotherapeutic approvals increases, so does the pressure on makers of new biologics to complete their development processes faster and more efficiently. The success of the drug...
The Strep-Tactin®XT:Twin-Strep-tag®-purification system enables protein purification at high yields and purity under physiological conditions. Providing the highest binding affinity a...
Multi-mode chromatography has come to prominence in recent years due to the general utility of multi-mode ligands for product capture and polishing. In particular, their application in flow-t...
The biologics development process is fraught with risks from pre-clinical studies through clinical evaluation. Prominent among these risks are changes in the critical quality attributes of th...
Prodrugs are harmless in their native state, as they are not targeted by human enzymes. But they can be converted into highly toxic compounds (the “drug”) by viral or bacterial en...
Ambrx’s mammalian expression platform (EuCODE™) enables non-native amino acids (nnAAs) through an expanded genetic code to both generate novel bio-therapeutics and to optimize the...
Many research laboratories use the ExpiCHO Expression System to transiently produce candidate biomolecules for biologics development. However, after the lead candidate is found, a stable cell...
DATE: August 25, 2020 TIME: 8:00am PDT, 10:00am CDT, 11:00am EDT Recombinant lentivirus (LV) and adeno-associated virus (AAV) are critical components of cell and gene therapies, which show g...
DATE: July 23, 2020 TIME: 10:00 am PDT The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has taken a toll on many sectors of the medical community. As the pandemic took a grip on the laboratory, the need for diagnost...
This presentation is about a client-focused approach used to find an all synthetic ligand which is developed into an affinity adsorbent – followed by working with the client to develop...
Genetically-modified cell therapies are revolutionizing medicine, offering new opportunities to treat cancer patients and potentially many other diseases. The process of producing gene-modif...
Strong performance for a Facility of the Future for the Life Sciences industry requires more than optimal manufacturing process development and facility design. The sector encompasses a dive...
The NIST Biomanufacturing Program develops measurement science, standards, reference data and tools to support the development, manufacturing, and regulatory approval of biologic medicines....
Digital PCR has become the emerging technique for the sequence-specific detection and quantification of nucleic acids for various applications. During the recent years, numerous articles of...
Bioreactor modeling can inform understanding of cellular metabolism—including aspects of growth kinetics, productivity, media consumption, and metabolite secretion—and can be use...
Within this talk the advantages of using intensified Design of experiments (iDoE) in combination with hybrid modeling will be demonstrated. In detailed upstream and downstream showcases the...
There has been an increasing number of successful gene therapy clinical trials, leading to regulatory approvals of numerous gene therapy products, in particular ones based on the adeno-assoc...
DATE: February 28, 2020 TIME: 9:00am PST Finding ways to bring therapeutic proteins to market faster is an ongoing challenge for global pharmaceutical development. Of all the analytical metho...
DATE: September 5, 2019TIME: 7:00am PT, 10:00am ET, 4:00pm CEST PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) has gone through a massive evolution since its development in 1983. Besides it...
DATE: August 14, 2019TIME: 9:00am PT. 12:00pm ET Implementation of Lean Methodology in Biobanking Operations to standardize sample management processes is effective. Each proce...
DATE: July 30, 2019TIME: 6:00am PT, 9:00am ET The current version of the EMA Guideline for the environmental risk assessment of human drugs was published in 2006. This guidance...
Development of novel types of therapeutics require adaptation of traditional bioprocessing applications to include the use of primary cells, such as stem cells, fibroblasts, astrocytes and ne...
As the pace of biotherapeutic approvals increases, so does the pressure on makers of new biologics to complete their development processes faster and more efficiently. The success of the drug...
The Strep-Tactin®XT:Twin-Strep-tag®-purification system enables protein purification at high yields and purity under physiological conditions. Providing the highest binding affinity a...
Multi-mode chromatography has come to prominence in recent years due to the general utility of multi-mode ligands for product capture and polishing. In particular, their application in flow-t...
The biologics development process is fraught with risks from pre-clinical studies through clinical evaluation. Prominent among these risks are changes in the critical quality attributes of th...
Prodrugs are harmless in their native state, as they are not targeted by human enzymes. But they can be converted into highly toxic compounds (the “drug”) by viral or bacterial en...
Ambrx’s mammalian expression platform (EuCODE™) enables non-native amino acids (nnAAs) through an expanded genetic code to both generate novel bio-therapeutics and to optimize the...
Many research laboratories use the ExpiCHO Expression System to transiently produce candidate biomolecules for biologics development. However, after the lead candidate is found, a stable cell...