Cell based assays are defined as any assay that takes place within a living cell. Because this definition is so general, there are thousands of different cell based assays. However, cell based assays can be grouped into categories such as cell proliferation assays, cell death assays, reporter gene assays, and cell signaling assays.
With the advent of cost effective culturing approaches, 3D cell culture models (3D-CCMs) have been rapidly adopted for drug discovery since they provide a more physiologically relevant micro-...
DATE: August 8, 2018 TIME: 1:00pm PDT, 4:00pm EDT To kick off our three-part immuno-oncology webinar series, Dr. Cawley will highlight recent advancements driven...
DATE: August 7, 2018TIME: 08:00AM PDT, 11:00AM EDTWe are currently at an exciting precipice in clinical oncology management, where an increased rate of biomarker identification is drivi...
DATE: July 19, 2018TIME: 09:00am PDT Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a deadly disease with a 5 year-survival rate of approximately 6%. Despite recent...
DATE: June 29, 2018TIME: 09:00AM PDT, 12:00PM EDT There is significant epidemiological evidence to suggest that the consumption of a high-broccoli diet is associated with a r...
DATE: June 28, 2018TIME: 8:00AM PDTEnrichment of leukocytes from blood products like buffy coat, leukocyte reduction chambers (LRSC) or leukapheresis material can be time consuming...
DATE: June 27, 2018TIME: 08:00AM PDT CRISPR-Cas9 is a very versatile tool to discover more about your pathway or gene of interest. Its simplicity has led to an explosion in a...
Precision medicine based on molecular profiling is moving from the realm of clinical utility studies towards standard of care. There remain, however, significant technological and implementat...
DATE: June 5, 2018TIME: 06:30AM PDT, 3:30PM CEST Viscous liquids are a challenge in every lab that deals with them. Depending on how viscous a liquid is, pipetting is either...
Thermo Fisher Scientific has developed an advanced assay to qualify FBS for use with ESCs. This assay is designed to sustain undifferentiated ES cells while maintaining karyotype integr...
The miniaturized total chemical analysis system has been successfully repurposed over the past twenty years or so for engineering cellular microenvironments which more faithfully mimic in viv...
I will discuss three novel technologies that our laboratory has developed in recent years. In the first part of the talk, I will describe our work on engineering variants of the RNA-guided en...
The next step towards more biomimetic in vitro models is the design of multi-organ devices, which allow for communication of different tissue types. Combining physiologically relevant organ m...
Cell-based assays are more biologically relevant than biochemical assays yet significantly more scalable than in vivo experiments. However, care must be taken in sample preparation to e...