ChIP-Sequencing: a method used to analyze protein interactions with DNA. ChIP-seq combines chromatin immunoprecipitation with massively parallel DNA sequencing to identify the binding sites of DNA-associated proteins.
Rare disease affects 30 million people in the United States, with nearly 50% of cases affecting children. Because nearly 80% of rare diseases are genetic, advancements in genomic testing are...
Regulation of precision medicine is rapidly evolving. The pre-existing regulatory framework did not contemplate many of the products and technologies which are becoming available with p...
Recent advancements in the precision medicine field have presented a great promise to provide innovative solutions to pharmaceutical and healthcare industry to help transform medicine. By fin...
The therapeutic applications of medical cannabis and cannabinoid drugs is controversial, however the number of medical conditions in which cannabinoids and cannabis have shown promise as ther...
With nearly 9 million covered lives serviced through over 150 medical centers, the VA is one of the largest, unified Healthcare System within the United States. Embedded within this system is...
When the human genome was sequenced almost 15 years ago, it was a milestone for the understanding of an individual’s genome. However to fully understand a disease, millions of ind...
With prospective clinical sequencing of tumors emerging as a mainstay in cancer care, there is an urgent need for clinical support tools that aid clinicians in their decision making. To this...
Precision medicine based on molecular profiling is moving from the realm of clinical utility studies towards standard of care. There remain, however, significant technological and implementat...
Precision medicine and next-generation sequencing – Two terms characterized by a highly dynamic nature, strong innovations and a bright future. Both merged together will exert a decisiv...
DATE: May 3, 2018TIME: 11:00AM PDT, 2:00PM EDTWhile stress is one of the leading causes of neuropsychiatric disorders, the molecular underpinnings of how stress induces alterations in b...
DATE: September 19, 2017TIME: 10:30am PDT/ 1:30pm EDT/ 7:30pm CESTPart 1 – Cigall Kadoch, Ph.D. (30 min.)Exome- and genome-wide sequencing studies in human cancer have...
Therapeutic application of pluripotent stem (PS) cell-derived products represents the ultimate goal of stem cell research. In order to apply this technology to patients, it is fundamental to ...
The Instrumentation Group at the BC Cancer Agency’s Genome Sciences Centre (GSC) is unusual in having an engineering group and extensive prototyping facilities embedded in a biomedical...
Healthcare is becoming more proactive and data-rich than anything before possible – and will increasingly focus on maintaining and enhancing wellness more than just reacting to disease....
Despite vast investment for decades in cancer research and development, cancer is still among the leading causes of death worldwide and its toll is expected to rise by about 70% over the next...
In this era of precision molecular medicine, knowledge changes rapidly and is highly dispersed. Physicians and patients are faced with conflicting expert opinions and a shortage of acti...
Cell growth and regulation involve vast networks of interacting DNAs, RNAs, proteins, lipids and sugars. Through a fundamental strategy of life, these interactions push multiple cellular proc...
Clinical whole genome sequencing (cWGS) is rapidly gaining acceptance as cost is decreasing and success rates in identifying disease-causing variants are increasing. While the application of...
Although there have been enormous advances in gene sequencing, the results give massive amounts of data that only point to disease risk. Major health factors, including diet, lifestyle, envir...
Psychiatric disorders are among the leading causes of disability worldwide. One fifth of the population will suffer from a psychiatric disorder in their lifetime. Antipsychotic and antidepres...
Best practices for developing precision medicine diagnostics can include completing a retrospective analysis. Obtaining enough samples to have a statistically significant study typicall...
Liquid Biopsies are gaining acceptance in the Oncology community as a surrogate or complement to the gold standard of tissue biopsy. A liquid biopsy provides biomarker information that...
Biobanks are a powerful resource in the advancement of precision medicine, and integrating large scale genomics data across Biobank cohorts offer opportunities to further enhance and expedite...
Challenges in achieving comparability, reproducibility and accuracy in biological assays has driven a demand for improved confidence in measurements that support development of regenerative m...
Rare disease affects 30 million people in the United States, with nearly 50% of cases affecting children. Because nearly 80% of rare diseases are genetic, advancements in genomic testing are...
Regulation of precision medicine is rapidly evolving. The pre-existing regulatory framework did not contemplate many of the products and technologies which are becoming available with p...
Recent advancements in the precision medicine field have presented a great promise to provide innovative solutions to pharmaceutical and healthcare industry to help transform medicine. By fin...
The therapeutic applications of medical cannabis and cannabinoid drugs is controversial, however the number of medical conditions in which cannabinoids and cannabis have shown promise as ther...
With nearly 9 million covered lives serviced through over 150 medical centers, the VA is one of the largest, unified Healthcare System within the United States. Embedded within this system is...
When the human genome was sequenced almost 15 years ago, it was a milestone for the understanding of an individual’s genome. However to fully understand a disease, millions of ind...
With prospective clinical sequencing of tumors emerging as a mainstay in cancer care, there is an urgent need for clinical support tools that aid clinicians in their decision making. To this...
Precision medicine based on molecular profiling is moving from the realm of clinical utility studies towards standard of care. There remain, however, significant technological and implementat...
Precision medicine and next-generation sequencing – Two terms characterized by a highly dynamic nature, strong innovations and a bright future. Both merged together will exert a decisiv...
DATE: May 3, 2018TIME: 11:00AM PDT, 2:00PM EDTWhile stress is one of the leading causes of neuropsychiatric disorders, the molecular underpinnings of how stress induces alterations in b...
DATE: September 19, 2017TIME: 10:30am PDT/ 1:30pm EDT/ 7:30pm CESTPart 1 – Cigall Kadoch, Ph.D. (30 min.)Exome- and genome-wide sequencing studies in human cancer have...
Therapeutic application of pluripotent stem (PS) cell-derived products represents the ultimate goal of stem cell research. In order to apply this technology to patients, it is fundamental to ...
The Instrumentation Group at the BC Cancer Agency’s Genome Sciences Centre (GSC) is unusual in having an engineering group and extensive prototyping facilities embedded in a biomedical...
Healthcare is becoming more proactive and data-rich than anything before possible – and will increasingly focus on maintaining and enhancing wellness more than just reacting to disease....
Despite vast investment for decades in cancer research and development, cancer is still among the leading causes of death worldwide and its toll is expected to rise by about 70% over the next...
In this era of precision molecular medicine, knowledge changes rapidly and is highly dispersed. Physicians and patients are faced with conflicting expert opinions and a shortage of acti...
Cell growth and regulation involve vast networks of interacting DNAs, RNAs, proteins, lipids and sugars. Through a fundamental strategy of life, these interactions push multiple cellular proc...
Clinical whole genome sequencing (cWGS) is rapidly gaining acceptance as cost is decreasing and success rates in identifying disease-causing variants are increasing. While the application of...
Although there have been enormous advances in gene sequencing, the results give massive amounts of data that only point to disease risk. Major health factors, including diet, lifestyle, envir...
Psychiatric disorders are among the leading causes of disability worldwide. One fifth of the population will suffer from a psychiatric disorder in their lifetime. Antipsychotic and antidepres...
Best practices for developing precision medicine diagnostics can include completing a retrospective analysis. Obtaining enough samples to have a statistically significant study typicall...
Liquid Biopsies are gaining acceptance in the Oncology community as a surrogate or complement to the gold standard of tissue biopsy. A liquid biopsy provides biomarker information that...
Biobanks are a powerful resource in the advancement of precision medicine, and integrating large scale genomics data across Biobank cohorts offer opportunities to further enhance and expedite...
Challenges in achieving comparability, reproducibility and accuracy in biological assays has driven a demand for improved confidence in measurements that support development of regenerative m...