Clinical Chemistry: Clinical chemistry uses chemical processes to measure levels of chemical components in body fluids. The most common specimens tested in clinical chemistry are blood and urine. Many different tests exist to test for almost any type of chemical component in blood or urine. Components may include blood glucose, electrolytes, enzymes, hormones, lipids (fats), other metabolic substances, and proteins.
With nearly 9 million covered lives serviced through over 150 medical centers, the VA is one of the largest, unified Healthcare System within the United States. Embedded within this system is...
When the human genome was sequenced almost 15 years ago, it was a milestone for the understanding of an individual’s genome. However to fully understand a disease, millions of ind...
With prospective clinical sequencing of tumors emerging as a mainstay in cancer care, there is an urgent need for clinical support tools that aid clinicians in their decision making. To this...
Precision medicine based on molecular profiling is moving from the realm of clinical utility studies towards standard of care. There remain, however, significant technological and implementat...
Precision medicine and next-generation sequencing – Two terms characterized by a highly dynamic nature, strong innovations and a bright future. Both merged together will exert a decisiv...
DATE: June 5, 2018TIME: 06:30AM PDT, 3:30PM CEST Viscous liquids are a challenge in every lab that deals with them. Depending on how viscous a liquid is, pipetting is either...
Growing living human cells in vitro for basic research, drug discovery and reparative/regenerative medicine is challenged by the difficulty in developing methods for reproducibly and cost eff...
DATE: May 22, 2018TIME: 08:00AM PDT The nuclear receptors pregnane X receptor (PXR) and constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) are closely related transcription factors that...
DATE: May 3, 2018TIME: 11:00AM PDT, 2:00PM EDTWhile stress is one of the leading causes of neuropsychiatric disorders, the molecular underpinnings of how stress induces alterations in b...
Ion mobility/mass spectrometry has tremendous potential for metabolomics, lipidomics, and clinical analysis. Ion mobility can resolve compounds unresolved by LC/MS/MS, provide additional stru...
DATE: April 25, 2018TIME: 1500 CET, 10:00 a.m. EST, 7:00 a.m. PST Hematology and coagulation laboratories perform a wide range of routine and specialized tests, allowing clinicians to...
DATE: April 17, 2018TIME: 8:00AM PST, 11:00AM ESTRecently, much research has focused on obtaining 3D brain organoids in an attempt to better recapitulate brain development and function...
Polypharmacy, the simultaneous use of multiple medications, is growing at an alarming rate with reports documenting a range of 12 to 22 prescriptions being used on average by individuals >...
Next-generation DNA sequencing began to enter the clinic a decade ago, a half decade after the draft human reference sequence was published. The discovery of new genes, new variants of...
For a plant that has been legal in some states for over 20 years, there has been an attitude that “cannabis never killed anyone.” While we don’t have the necessary rese...
Cannabidiol (CBD) has emerged as a promising anti-epileptic drug in otherwise treatment-resistant genetic epileptic disorders. However, the clinical trials have been limited by their use of C...
It has only been in the last 20 years that we, the scientific/medical community, have appreciated the role of the endogenous Cannabinoid system (ECS) in maintaining a healthy immune system an...
Pesticide residue screening is a pre-sale requirement for all states which have legalized the recreational or adult use of cannabis and cannabis related products. In the absence of guid...
Eden Labs Founder Fritz Chess, has been applying his intense curiosity on the effects of botanicals on human health and wellbeing to the extraction equipment industry for over 20 years. ...
As more research on cannabis surfaces, families are increasingly looking into treating theirchild’s debilitating conditions with medical cannabis. Most do not know where to begin with...
The cannabis industry as a whole is under considerable scrutiny. Finger-pointing and blame regarding inaccurate product labels run rampant. Media outlets have often faulted the sk...
Studies have demonstrated how cannabis may contribute to cancer treatment not only by treating symptoms but also by: cancer cell apoptoss, anti-proliferation, anti-metastatic and anti-angioge...
Testing is performed on cannabis and cannabis based products to ensure both quality and safety. The types of assays conducted often fall into one of two categories; profiling and...
With nearly 9 million covered lives serviced through over 150 medical centers, the VA is one of the largest, unified Healthcare System within the United States. Embedded within this system is...
When the human genome was sequenced almost 15 years ago, it was a milestone for the understanding of an individual’s genome. However to fully understand a disease, millions of ind...
With prospective clinical sequencing of tumors emerging as a mainstay in cancer care, there is an urgent need for clinical support tools that aid clinicians in their decision making. To this...
Precision medicine based on molecular profiling is moving from the realm of clinical utility studies towards standard of care. There remain, however, significant technological and implementat...
Precision medicine and next-generation sequencing – Two terms characterized by a highly dynamic nature, strong innovations and a bright future. Both merged together will exert a decisiv...
DATE: June 5, 2018TIME: 06:30AM PDT, 3:30PM CEST Viscous liquids are a challenge in every lab that deals with them. Depending on how viscous a liquid is, pipetting is either...
Growing living human cells in vitro for basic research, drug discovery and reparative/regenerative medicine is challenged by the difficulty in developing methods for reproducibly and cost eff...
DATE: May 22, 2018TIME: 08:00AM PDT The nuclear receptors pregnane X receptor (PXR) and constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) are closely related transcription factors that...
DATE: May 3, 2018TIME: 11:00AM PDT, 2:00PM EDTWhile stress is one of the leading causes of neuropsychiatric disorders, the molecular underpinnings of how stress induces alterations in b...
Ion mobility/mass spectrometry has tremendous potential for metabolomics, lipidomics, and clinical analysis. Ion mobility can resolve compounds unresolved by LC/MS/MS, provide additional stru...
DATE: April 25, 2018TIME: 1500 CET, 10:00 a.m. EST, 7:00 a.m. PST Hematology and coagulation laboratories perform a wide range of routine and specialized tests, allowing clinicians to...
DATE: April 17, 2018TIME: 8:00AM PST, 11:00AM ESTRecently, much research has focused on obtaining 3D brain organoids in an attempt to better recapitulate brain development and function...
Polypharmacy, the simultaneous use of multiple medications, is growing at an alarming rate with reports documenting a range of 12 to 22 prescriptions being used on average by individuals >...
Next-generation DNA sequencing began to enter the clinic a decade ago, a half decade after the draft human reference sequence was published. The discovery of new genes, new variants of...
For a plant that has been legal in some states for over 20 years, there has been an attitude that “cannabis never killed anyone.” While we don’t have the necessary rese...
Cannabidiol (CBD) has emerged as a promising anti-epileptic drug in otherwise treatment-resistant genetic epileptic disorders. However, the clinical trials have been limited by their use of C...
It has only been in the last 20 years that we, the scientific/medical community, have appreciated the role of the endogenous Cannabinoid system (ECS) in maintaining a healthy immune system an...
Pesticide residue screening is a pre-sale requirement for all states which have legalized the recreational or adult use of cannabis and cannabis related products. In the absence of guid...
Eden Labs Founder Fritz Chess, has been applying his intense curiosity on the effects of botanicals on human health and wellbeing to the extraction equipment industry for over 20 years. ...
As more research on cannabis surfaces, families are increasingly looking into treating theirchild’s debilitating conditions with medical cannabis. Most do not know where to begin with...
The cannabis industry as a whole is under considerable scrutiny. Finger-pointing and blame regarding inaccurate product labels run rampant. Media outlets have often faulted the sk...
Studies have demonstrated how cannabis may contribute to cancer treatment not only by treating symptoms but also by: cancer cell apoptoss, anti-proliferation, anti-metastatic and anti-angioge...
Testing is performed on cannabis and cannabis based products to ensure both quality and safety. The types of assays conducted often fall into one of two categories; profiling and...