Copy-number alterations and chromosomal translocations are widespread in cancer and frequently causing oncogenic mutations that drive tumorigenesis and therapy resistance. Despite their preva...
The introduction of robot-assisted surgical technology into urological practice, has introduced new horizons for reducing the morbidity and enhancing the efficacy of surgery. Open radical cys...
A subset of women with ovarian cancer will present with an apparently isolated adnexal mass. Many of these women will have early stage ovarian cancer with a relatively good prognosis. Unfortu...
Introduction: Despite the current declines in prostate cancer mortality, African Americans (AA) continue to experience a 60% higher incidence and are twice as likely to die in comparison to m...
Over the last decade, the policy and regulatory trajectory of genomic and reproductive technologies has been a checkered one. Approaches around the world range from constitutional and crimina...
CRISPR based gene editing has proven to be an incredibly powerful tool for studying functions of individual proteins, understanding the role of multi-gene pathways, and even knocking out prot...
First discovered as a genome-editing tool just seven years ago, CRISPR systems have already changed the face of basic research, allowing researchers to alter the DNA of hundreds of organisms...
DATE: September 30, 2019TIME: 8:00am PDT, 11:00am EDT, 5:00pm CEST Expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) are SNPs that have an influence on expression levels of genes, and the ident...
Early detection is critical for improved survival in melanoma. Melanocytic nevi are extremely common benign tumors that mimic melanoma and are therefore commonly biopsied. Currently, the dete...
Scientific conferences are most beneficial to participants when they showcase significant new experimental developments, accurately summarize the current state of the field, and provide stron...
Vaginal microbial communities play an important role in women’s heath. It is now clear that the vaginal microbiome is linked to pregnancy complications such as preterm birth and risk f...
The emergence and spread of antimicrobial-resistant (AMR) bacteria and resistance mechanisms pose a serious challenge to laboratories in both hospital clinical microbiology and public health...
With humans pushing to live further off Earth for longer periods of time, it is increasingly important to understand the changes that occur in biological systems during spaceflight whether th...
Background: The vast majority of all genes are contained within the genomes of the prokaryotes, including the eubacteria and the archaea. These largely single-cellular domains of life thus...
immunocompromised populations where the virus can cause systemic and even fatal infections. Indeed, we have shown that astrovirus infections are more prevalent than norovirus in our pediatric...
Traditional pathogen detection methods rely on the identification of pathogens known to be associated with a particular syndrome. In many cases, it involves complex methodology, lengthy proce...
Jonathan is a co-founder and the CEO of FitBiomics, a biotechnology startup that is sequencing the microbiome of elite athletes to identify and isolate next-generation probiotics for applicat...
MVRSION is a bench and informatic system which employs simultaneous weighted analysis eight of nine 16S hyper variable regions. We use Fluidigm Juno to amplify and index the these regions in...
DATE: September 5, 2019TIME: 7:00am PT, 10:00am ET, 4:00pm CEST PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) has gone through a massive evolution since its development in 1983. Besides it...
DATE: August 29, 2019TIME: 9:00am PT/ 12:00pm ET Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are a cornerstone of modern biomedical research and biotherapeutics. Therefore, reproducibly obtai...
DATE: August 27, 2019 TIME: 9:00am PDT, 12:00pm EDT Immunotherapies targeting PD-1 or PD-L1 have proven remarkably effective for treating cancer in some patients, with considerabl...
DNA profiling tools to teach undergraduate students about forensics generally utilize the PV92 Alu and D1S80 VNTR markers, but are both limited in scope. In contrast, advanced profiling syste...
Contemporary law enforcement has greatly expanded its ability to solve crimes by the adoption of advanced forensic techniques, electronic monitoring and new approaches in crime scene procedur...
Copy-number alterations and chromosomal translocations are widespread in cancer and frequently causing oncogenic mutations that drive tumorigenesis and therapy resistance. Despite their preva...
The introduction of robot-assisted surgical technology into urological practice, has introduced new horizons for reducing the morbidity and enhancing the efficacy of surgery. Open radical cys...
A subset of women with ovarian cancer will present with an apparently isolated adnexal mass. Many of these women will have early stage ovarian cancer with a relatively good prognosis. Unfortu...
Introduction: Despite the current declines in prostate cancer mortality, African Americans (AA) continue to experience a 60% higher incidence and are twice as likely to die in comparison to m...
Over the last decade, the policy and regulatory trajectory of genomic and reproductive technologies has been a checkered one. Approaches around the world range from constitutional and crimina...
CRISPR based gene editing has proven to be an incredibly powerful tool for studying functions of individual proteins, understanding the role of multi-gene pathways, and even knocking out prot...
First discovered as a genome-editing tool just seven years ago, CRISPR systems have already changed the face of basic research, allowing researchers to alter the DNA of hundreds of organisms...
DATE: September 30, 2019TIME: 8:00am PDT, 11:00am EDT, 5:00pm CEST Expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) are SNPs that have an influence on expression levels of genes, and the ident...
Early detection is critical for improved survival in melanoma. Melanocytic nevi are extremely common benign tumors that mimic melanoma and are therefore commonly biopsied. Currently, the dete...
Scientific conferences are most beneficial to participants when they showcase significant new experimental developments, accurately summarize the current state of the field, and provide stron...
Vaginal microbial communities play an important role in women’s heath. It is now clear that the vaginal microbiome is linked to pregnancy complications such as preterm birth and risk f...
The emergence and spread of antimicrobial-resistant (AMR) bacteria and resistance mechanisms pose a serious challenge to laboratories in both hospital clinical microbiology and public health...
With humans pushing to live further off Earth for longer periods of time, it is increasingly important to understand the changes that occur in biological systems during spaceflight whether th...
Background: The vast majority of all genes are contained within the genomes of the prokaryotes, including the eubacteria and the archaea. These largely single-cellular domains of life thus...
immunocompromised populations where the virus can cause systemic and even fatal infections. Indeed, we have shown that astrovirus infections are more prevalent than norovirus in our pediatric...
Traditional pathogen detection methods rely on the identification of pathogens known to be associated with a particular syndrome. In many cases, it involves complex methodology, lengthy proce...
Jonathan is a co-founder and the CEO of FitBiomics, a biotechnology startup that is sequencing the microbiome of elite athletes to identify and isolate next-generation probiotics for applicat...
MVRSION is a bench and informatic system which employs simultaneous weighted analysis eight of nine 16S hyper variable regions. We use Fluidigm Juno to amplify and index the these regions in...
DATE: September 5, 2019TIME: 7:00am PT, 10:00am ET, 4:00pm CEST PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) has gone through a massive evolution since its development in 1983. Besides it...
DATE: August 29, 2019TIME: 9:00am PT/ 12:00pm ET Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are a cornerstone of modern biomedical research and biotherapeutics. Therefore, reproducibly obtai...
DATE: August 27, 2019 TIME: 9:00am PDT, 12:00pm EDT Immunotherapies targeting PD-1 or PD-L1 have proven remarkably effective for treating cancer in some patients, with considerabl...
DNA profiling tools to teach undergraduate students about forensics generally utilize the PV92 Alu and D1S80 VNTR markers, but are both limited in scope. In contrast, advanced profiling syste...
Contemporary law enforcement has greatly expanded its ability to solve crimes by the adoption of advanced forensic techniques, electronic monitoring and new approaches in crime scene procedur...