Coagulation is a biological process during which blood changes from a liquid to a solid, or semi-solid, state. Various coagulation tests can be performed in a clinical lab setting, typically using blood drawn into a "light blue top tube" which contains sodium citrate, a solution that binds calcium in the blood preventing clotting. Once collected, the blood can be subjected to a variety of coagulation tests, including prothrombin time (PT) to determine how quickly a clot will form.
FEB 05, 2020 | 8:00 AM
The compendium of newly emerging and currently available hemophilia and anticoagulant treatments, while offering new choices for improved patient care, can create significant levels of inter...
Fecal elastase-1 – a biomarker for pancreatic exocrine insufficiency(EPI) continues to gain traction as an ideal biomarker for assessing EPI. This presentation will include a review of...
APR 24, 2019 | 12:00 AM
Learning objectives: Identify solutions in areas of coagulation that can be enhanced by implementing good laboratory practices and standard operating procedures Analyze re...
APR 22, 2019 | 12:00 AM
ABSTRACT Learning objectives: Highlight recent clinical trials describing use of DOACs Demonstrate if (ever) one needs to monitor DOACS Review best practice with respec...
JAN 15, 2019 | 8:00 AM
Learning objectives: Describe the responsibility of the laboratory during the validation process of new instrumentation. Distinguish between validation and verification of laboratory...
As the diagnostic test menu has increased in size and complexity, healthcare providers are in great need of advice on appropriate test selection and result interpretation. To address this nee...
When the human genome was sequenced almost 15 years ago, it was a milestone for the understanding of an individual’s genome. However to fully understand a disease, millions of ind...
DATE: April 25, 2018TIME: 1500 CET, 10:00 a.m. EST, 7:00 a.m. PST Hematology and coagulation laboratories perform a wide range of routine and specialized tests, allowing clinicians to...
This session will explore the interpretation of multi-species scattergrams in normal and pathologic conditions. Numerous case studies will be reviewed....