Clinical Medicine: is a field of medicine that deals primarily with the practice and study of medicine based on the direct examination of the patient. This is in contrast to other science fields that focus more on the theoretical and basics of medical science. In clinical medicine, medical practitioners assess patients in order to diagnose, treat, and prevent disease.
AUG 01, 2023 | 9:00 AM
Testing for abnormal immunoglobulins was based previously on serum electrophoresis and immunofixation only. In the last years, however, free light chain (FLC) testing in serum became one imp...
JUL 26, 2023 | 4:45 PM
Inefficient knock-in of transgene cargos limits the potential of cell-based medicines. In this study, we used a CRISPR nuclease that targets a site within an exon of an essential gene and de...
JUL 26, 2023 | 4:05 PM
Employing a metagenomic search, we identified a family of miniature CRISPR-Cas type V-L systems capable of RNA-guided dsDNA target cleavage without a tracrRNA. A bacterial depletion screen r...
JUL 26, 2023 | 3:10 PM
Cell-based immunotherapy has become the new-generation cancer medicine, and “off-the-shelf” cell products that can be manufactured at large scale and distributed readily to treat...
JUL 25, 2023 | 8:00 PM
NEED ABSTRACT Learning Objectives Understand how the challenges of amplification from low input DNA, including single cells, can be overcome Discover why more researchers are using a next ge...
JUL 18, 2023 2:00 PM EDT
Worldwide gastric cancer is the 5th most common cancer and the 4th leading cause of cancer deaths. Its highest incidence rates are in east Asia and eastern Europe with low incidence rates in...
July 18, 2023 12:30PM EDT
Lung cancer is still responsible for most cancer-related deaths for both genders in the United States. Traditionally, diagnosis and management of patients has been based on tissue biopsy to...