Caused by genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors, complex diseases such as asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, hypertension, manic depression, schizophrenia, and others, are often difficult to treat. Disorders that are commonly referenced as "running in the family" can be classified as complex diseases.
DATE: October 4, 2016
TIME: 8:00am PT, 11:00am ET
Extracting robust expression data from clinical samples represents a unique opportunity to find actionable biomarkers. But it...
Virus Ecology is a field that is gaining momentum, fueled in part by metagenomic studies from many environments previously ignored. Biodiversity studies of plant viruses show that they...
The research community has begun correlating the makeup of individual microbiomes with disorders and diseases such as obesity, atherosclerosis and cancer. To accomplish this, researchers must...
It is well accepted that microorganisms can exist as self-organized communities attached to surfaces and one another (i.e., biofilm), often surrounded by extracellular polymeric substances (E...
The human enteric nervous system (ENS) is derived from the neural crest and represents a complex network of ~500 million neurons with dozens of distinct neurotransmitter and hormone subtypes ...
One of the ultimate goals in Regenerative Medicine is the generation of pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) directly from somatic cells obtained from patients. Although major findings in the defini...
The central nervous system (CNS) is a conglomerate of diverse, interconnected tissues that each contain cell phenotypes specific to their distinct anatomical region. Recent studies have demon...
DATE: July 20thTIME: 8AM PT, 11AM ET, 5PM CESTTherapies like ipilimumab and nivolumab have shown the potential for approaches that direct the patient’s own immune system aga...
Precision medicine requires success in two intertwined aspects: precision therapy and personalized medicine. Precision therapy is being able to effectively treat the right disease; to have th...
DATE: June 9, 2016
TIME: 9am Pacific time, 12pm Eastern time
Complex cell and bead-based assays are simple and fast with the CellSimple™ Cell Analyzer. This instrument combine...
Millions of individuals have been sequenced or genotyped and linked with medical records, providing an exciting opportunity for therapeutic target discovery. My lab has been using a resilienc...
The biological state of the cell is characterized by a complex network of interacting genes, gene products, proteins, microRNAs, as well as other molecules. Microarrays and next generation se...
Technological advances have made genomic sequencing more affordable, efficient, and available. Questions related to the implementation and effects of large-scale sequencing in healthcare have...
In this time of incredible promise for genomic medicine, the Genomes2People (G2P) Research Program in Translational Genomics and Health Outcomes, directed by Robert C. Green, MD, MPH, is crea...
It has been estimated that every human being carries ~20 rare “natural human gene knockouts”-DNA variants in protein-coding regions of the genome that partially or completely inac...
DATE: May 10th, 2016
TIME: 8:00am Pacific time, 11:00am Eastern time
Cancer is a complex, multifactorial disease that not only is a cause of major human suffering throughout history...
LRRK2 is a large (2,527 amino acids) multi-domain protein consisting of 7 putative domains, including a Ras-like GTPase domain called ‘Ras of complex proteins’ (Roc) followed by a...
9:00 AM PT, 11:00 AM CT, 12:00 PM ET
Epigenetics defines the set of distinct and heritable molecular mechanisms able to influence gene expression without altering the primary genetic seque...
Pathology departments are under significant pressure to meet the demands of a precise medicine environment where general phenotypic attributes are no longer sufficient for accurately defining...
Family history can be viewed as the first stop in the assessment of genetic risks for any individual. For many genetic disorders there will be no obvious signs of symptoms until significant m...
Precision medicine requires understanding the mechanistic basis of complex disorders, and to precisely manipulate these mechanisms to better human health. This is partly enabled by the recent...
The advent of the microarray technology in 2000 has paved the way for advanced translational research methods that use molecular markers such as microRNA, proteins, metabolites and copy numbe...
Every day, vast amounts of healthcare data are collected from clinical trials as well as real world medical visits on patient treatment regimens and subsequent clinical outcomes. This big dat...
One of the primary goals of precision medicine is the aggregation and interpretation of deep, longitudinal patient-specific data in the context of the digital universe of information, using a...
DATE: October 4, 2016
TIME: 8:00am PT, 11:00am ET
Extracting robust expression data from clinical samples represents a unique opportunity to find actionable biomarkers. But it...
Virus Ecology is a field that is gaining momentum, fueled in part by metagenomic studies from many environments previously ignored. Biodiversity studies of plant viruses show that they...
The research community has begun correlating the makeup of individual microbiomes with disorders and diseases such as obesity, atherosclerosis and cancer. To accomplish this, researchers must...
It is well accepted that microorganisms can exist as self-organized communities attached to surfaces and one another (i.e., biofilm), often surrounded by extracellular polymeric substances (E...
The human enteric nervous system (ENS) is derived from the neural crest and represents a complex network of ~500 million neurons with dozens of distinct neurotransmitter and hormone subtypes ...
One of the ultimate goals in Regenerative Medicine is the generation of pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) directly from somatic cells obtained from patients. Although major findings in the defini...
The central nervous system (CNS) is a conglomerate of diverse, interconnected tissues that each contain cell phenotypes specific to their distinct anatomical region. Recent studies have demon...
DATE: July 20thTIME: 8AM PT, 11AM ET, 5PM CESTTherapies like ipilimumab and nivolumab have shown the potential for approaches that direct the patient’s own immune system aga...
Precision medicine requires success in two intertwined aspects: precision therapy and personalized medicine. Precision therapy is being able to effectively treat the right disease; to have th...
DATE: June 9, 2016
TIME: 9am Pacific time, 12pm Eastern time
Complex cell and bead-based assays are simple and fast with the CellSimple™ Cell Analyzer. This instrument combine...
Millions of individuals have been sequenced or genotyped and linked with medical records, providing an exciting opportunity for therapeutic target discovery. My lab has been using a resilienc...
The biological state of the cell is characterized by a complex network of interacting genes, gene products, proteins, microRNAs, as well as other molecules. Microarrays and next generation se...
Technological advances have made genomic sequencing more affordable, efficient, and available. Questions related to the implementation and effects of large-scale sequencing in healthcare have...
In this time of incredible promise for genomic medicine, the Genomes2People (G2P) Research Program in Translational Genomics and Health Outcomes, directed by Robert C. Green, MD, MPH, is crea...
It has been estimated that every human being carries ~20 rare “natural human gene knockouts”-DNA variants in protein-coding regions of the genome that partially or completely inac...
DATE: May 10th, 2016
TIME: 8:00am Pacific time, 11:00am Eastern time
Cancer is a complex, multifactorial disease that not only is a cause of major human suffering throughout history...
LRRK2 is a large (2,527 amino acids) multi-domain protein consisting of 7 putative domains, including a Ras-like GTPase domain called ‘Ras of complex proteins’ (Roc) followed by a...
9:00 AM PT, 11:00 AM CT, 12:00 PM ET
Epigenetics defines the set of distinct and heritable molecular mechanisms able to influence gene expression without altering the primary genetic seque...
Pathology departments are under significant pressure to meet the demands of a precise medicine environment where general phenotypic attributes are no longer sufficient for accurately defining...
Family history can be viewed as the first stop in the assessment of genetic risks for any individual. For many genetic disorders there will be no obvious signs of symptoms until significant m...
Precision medicine requires understanding the mechanistic basis of complex disorders, and to precisely manipulate these mechanisms to better human health. This is partly enabled by the recent...
The advent of the microarray technology in 2000 has paved the way for advanced translational research methods that use molecular markers such as microRNA, proteins, metabolites and copy numbe...
Every day, vast amounts of healthcare data are collected from clinical trials as well as real world medical visits on patient treatment regimens and subsequent clinical outcomes. This big dat...
One of the primary goals of precision medicine is the aggregation and interpretation of deep, longitudinal patient-specific data in the context of the digital universe of information, using a...