Data Science: is an interdisciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms and systems to extract knowledge and insights from data in various forms, similar to data mining. Data science is a concept to unify statistics, data analysis, machine learning and their related methods in order to understand and analyze actual phenomena with data. It uses various techniques and theories drawn from many fields within the context of mathematics, statistics, information science, and computer science.
The opioid crisis erupted from a tragic convergence of factors from the private and public sectors. Changing sensibilities on opioid use and abuse, perspectives on addiction and recovery, be...
Learning Objectives: 1. Discuss the disease state model of substance use disorder 2. Discuss the evidence surrounding common misconceptions regarding substance use disorder...
Urine drug testing has become an essential part of the management of patients with chronic pain. Testing provides objective information regarding drug compliance, diversion, and abuse to med...
As one of the few evidence-based treatments shown to decrease mortality, buprenorphine use has grown in the United States and abroad. Buprenorphine is a first line option for opioid use diso...
Substance use disorder (SUD) remains a highly stigmatized medical condition in the US. One of the most effective methods of treatment for SUD, specifically for opioid use disorder and alcoho...
DATE: November 4th, 2020 TIME: 11:00am PST As cell therapies become more complex, the need for robust analytical tools to characterize such products as they enter the clinic has increased in...
Date: November 4, 2020 Time: 8:00am (PDT), 11:00am (EDT) High-content screening (HCS) is widely used for research in quantitative cellular biology and has proven to be a valuable tool in dru...
Date: November 2, 2020 Time: 8:00am PST. Rapid and accurate microbial diagnostic information can change treatment courses and outcomes for patients inflicted with infections. The limitation...
Date: October 29, 2020 Time: 8:00am (PDT), 11:00am (EDT) What cell types cause and perpetuate disease? For many diseases, scientists only have guesses to this critical question. Single cell...
Date: October 29, 2020 Time: 6:00am (PDT), 9:00am (EDT), Chronic inflammation can occur as a result of a combination of genetic predispositions and environmental factors. Epigenetic modifica...
Using an independent Quality Control material provides several advantages over a first- or second-party QC. This presentation will describe some actual lab QC troubleshooting steps used and...
Solid phase extraction has become a preferable technique for reducing matrix effects for sample preparation due to its ease of use and limited time requirements. MilliporeSigma has launched...
Learning Objectives: 1. Understand the functionality and digestibility of starches at high heating temperatures as measured jointly by RVA 4800 and DSC 2. Acquire new knowledge on the behavi...
Cannabis is a complex and difficult matrix to work with and the analysis of pesticides in cannabis is a notoriously problematic task. There is major ion suppression present from the signific...
Accurate characterization of monoclonal antibodies is essential to development of biotherapeutics. Thorough understanding of biotherapeutic properties aids in the optimization of bioprocess...
Pesticides are routinely applied to crops to prevent or control pests and are therefore routinely tested for the presence of pesticide residues and to check for compliance with permitted Max...
There are many obstacles to overcome when analyzing Heavy Metals in Cannabis by ICPMS. Cannabis matrices can be difficult to prepare and analyze due to the complex components of products tha...
Cannabis testing laboratories play a pivotal role in the multidimensional cannabis industry. Production companies to the consumers, whole cannabis community rely on the analytical results pr...
As ‘omics research advances, separations data such as chromatograms and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra are being used as direct inputs to machine-learning algorithms ranging...
Date: October 15, 2020 Time: 9:00am (PDT), 12:00pm (EDT) Renal transporters play an important role in potential clinical drug-drug interactions (DDIs) as highlighted in the FDA, EMA and PMDA...
Date: September 16, 2020 Time: 7:00am (PDT), 10:00am (EDT) Of the 15 million patients admitted to US based hospitals with medical, non-surgical illnesses, 8 million possess inherent risk of...
DATE: October 09, 2020 TIME: 08:00am PT Traditional culture techniques, as the primary diagnostic tool for infectious diseases, are coming under scrutiny for failing to universally detect in...
While circulating cell-free DNA (ccfDNA) and to some extend CTCs from blood are routinely used as analyte in liquid biopsy cancer research applications, circulating cell-free RNA (ccfRNA) ha...
The opioid crisis erupted from a tragic convergence of factors from the private and public sectors. Changing sensibilities on opioid use and abuse, perspectives on addiction and recovery, be...
Learning Objectives: 1. Discuss the disease state model of substance use disorder 2. Discuss the evidence surrounding common misconceptions regarding substance use disorder...
Urine drug testing has become an essential part of the management of patients with chronic pain. Testing provides objective information regarding drug compliance, diversion, and abuse to med...
As one of the few evidence-based treatments shown to decrease mortality, buprenorphine use has grown in the United States and abroad. Buprenorphine is a first line option for opioid use diso...
Substance use disorder (SUD) remains a highly stigmatized medical condition in the US. One of the most effective methods of treatment for SUD, specifically for opioid use disorder and alcoho...
DATE: November 4th, 2020 TIME: 11:00am PST As cell therapies become more complex, the need for robust analytical tools to characterize such products as they enter the clinic has increased in...
Date: November 4, 2020 Time: 8:00am (PDT), 11:00am (EDT) High-content screening (HCS) is widely used for research in quantitative cellular biology and has proven to be a valuable tool in dru...
Date: November 2, 2020 Time: 8:00am PST. Rapid and accurate microbial diagnostic information can change treatment courses and outcomes for patients inflicted with infections. The limitation...
Date: October 29, 2020 Time: 8:00am (PDT), 11:00am (EDT) What cell types cause and perpetuate disease? For many diseases, scientists only have guesses to this critical question. Single cell...
Date: October 29, 2020 Time: 6:00am (PDT), 9:00am (EDT), Chronic inflammation can occur as a result of a combination of genetic predispositions and environmental factors. Epigenetic modifica...
Using an independent Quality Control material provides several advantages over a first- or second-party QC. This presentation will describe some actual lab QC troubleshooting steps used and...
Solid phase extraction has become a preferable technique for reducing matrix effects for sample preparation due to its ease of use and limited time requirements. MilliporeSigma has launched...
Learning Objectives: 1. Understand the functionality and digestibility of starches at high heating temperatures as measured jointly by RVA 4800 and DSC 2. Acquire new knowledge on the behavi...
Cannabis is a complex and difficult matrix to work with and the analysis of pesticides in cannabis is a notoriously problematic task. There is major ion suppression present from the signific...
Accurate characterization of monoclonal antibodies is essential to development of biotherapeutics. Thorough understanding of biotherapeutic properties aids in the optimization of bioprocess...
Pesticides are routinely applied to crops to prevent or control pests and are therefore routinely tested for the presence of pesticide residues and to check for compliance with permitted Max...
There are many obstacles to overcome when analyzing Heavy Metals in Cannabis by ICPMS. Cannabis matrices can be difficult to prepare and analyze due to the complex components of products tha...
Cannabis testing laboratories play a pivotal role in the multidimensional cannabis industry. Production companies to the consumers, whole cannabis community rely on the analytical results pr...
As ‘omics research advances, separations data such as chromatograms and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra are being used as direct inputs to machine-learning algorithms ranging...
Date: October 15, 2020 Time: 9:00am (PDT), 12:00pm (EDT) Renal transporters play an important role in potential clinical drug-drug interactions (DDIs) as highlighted in the FDA, EMA and PMDA...
Date: September 16, 2020 Time: 7:00am (PDT), 10:00am (EDT) Of the 15 million patients admitted to US based hospitals with medical, non-surgical illnesses, 8 million possess inherent risk of...
DATE: October 09, 2020 TIME: 08:00am PT Traditional culture techniques, as the primary diagnostic tool for infectious diseases, are coming under scrutiny for failing to universally detect in...
While circulating cell-free DNA (ccfDNA) and to some extend CTCs from blood are routinely used as analyte in liquid biopsy cancer research applications, circulating cell-free RNA (ccfRNA) ha...