Disease control refers to public health efforts to reduce the number of new infections, the number of people who are currently infected, and the number of people who become sick and/or die from a disease.
DATA: 19 de agosto, 2020 Horário: às 15:00 horas Desde que foi detectado pela primeira vez em Wuhan, China, em 2019, o novo coronavírus SARS-CoV-2 e a doença que...
DATE: August 11, 2020 TIME: 8:00am PDT The goal of TB elimination, less than 1 case per million people per year, can only be achieved through a concerted effort to detect and treat persons i...
This talk will touch on several key points: PhD (MD) important grounding in science; how to develop friendships, gather mentors and collaborators; keep up with the literature; look at eviden...
Unique physical, chemical, and optical phenomena arise when materials are confined to the nanoscale. We are accustomed to making observations for the behavior of living systems on a macrosco...
July 29, 2020 TIME: 9:00am PDT, 12:009m EDT, 6:00pm CEST Hepatitis C infection, once a formidable enemy, is now a curable disease. Dramatic advances in antiviral therapies have launched a ne...
Background: Acute liver injury (ALI) is characterised by hepatocyte death and liver inflammation. Macrophages play a pivotal role in ALI by phagocytosing dead cells and producing pro-regener...
Coordination of immune cell metabolic programs with cell fate and state is a fundamental determinant of immune responses. Emerging evidence highlights that the interplay between immune signa...
DATE: July 23, 2020 TIME: 10:00 am PDT The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has taken a toll on many sectors of the medical community. As the pandemic took a grip on the laboratory, the need for diagnost...
DATE: July 9, 2020 TIME: 11:00am PT Maladaptive aggression is an immutable force that contributes to the suffering and death of millions of people around the world annually, as well as prese...
DATE: July 8, 2020 TIME: 10:00 am PDT This seminar reviews clinical utility of adopting rapid IDH1/2 testing in both hematological and solid tumors and describes the adjusted workflow develo...
MicroRNA(miRNA) are short non-coding single stranded RNA molecules that regulate gene expression at the post transcriptional level. They are known to play a critical role in multiple biologi...
Use of Ampliseq™ panels to study SARS-CoV-2and the host response to infection Soren Alexandersen 1,2,3 1 Geelong Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases, Geelong, VIC 3220, Australia;...
DATE: July 1, 2020 TIME: 8:00 am PDT, 11:00 am EDT In late 2019, researchers identified the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen as the virus responsible for COVID-19. The virus spread rapidly throughout the...
DATE: June 30, 2020 TIME: 9:00am PDT, 12:00pm EDT QC laboratories perform a critical role in demonstrating pharmaceutical products are consistently manufactured, safe, potent, and pure. At t...
DATE: June 23, 2020 TIME: 10:00am PT Human mesenchymal stromal or stem cells (MSCs)-based immunomodulation treatment has been proposed as a suitable therapeutic approach for many diseases, s...
Understanding the complex interplay between a pathogen and the host response is important to developing effective vaccines and therapeutics. The nCounter® Analysis System and GeoMx®...
Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) is a global pandemic that has impacted the lives of the entire world’s population. Accurate and effective testing mechanisms to identify those with...
Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, the development of diagnostics for both the virus (molecular) and the host immune response (serological) has become essential for monitoring the...
Staying informed on diagnostic tools for SARS-CoV-2 can be challenging. Because the results of the various test have different clinical implications it is important to understand the design...
DATE: June 9, 2020 TIME: 10:00am PT, 1:00pm ET The presentation will first discuss sepsis as a disease and then explain the importance of performing diagnostic tests in the clinical labora...
In 2019, over 220,000 Canadians will be diagnosed with cancer and 82,000 will die of the disease. Approximately 90% of cancer related deaths are the result of metastatic disease. This is ind...
Multiplexed immunofluorescent imaging sheds new light on cancer and other complex conditions. This imaging technique offers a deeper understanding of cells and their surroundings by providin...
How organisms control organ size is a fundamental question in developmental and regenerative biology. The underlaying mechanisms are not well defined. For instance, we don’t fully unde...
DATE: May 27, 2020 TIME: 8:00am PT, 11:00am ET Multiplexed immunofluorescent imaging sheds new light on cancer and other complex conditions. This imaging technique offers a deeper understand...
DATA: 19 de agosto, 2020 Horário: às 15:00 horas Desde que foi detectado pela primeira vez em Wuhan, China, em 2019, o novo coronavírus SARS-CoV-2 e a doença que...
DATE: August 11, 2020 TIME: 8:00am PDT The goal of TB elimination, less than 1 case per million people per year, can only be achieved through a concerted effort to detect and treat persons i...
This talk will touch on several key points: PhD (MD) important grounding in science; how to develop friendships, gather mentors and collaborators; keep up with the literature; look at eviden...
Unique physical, chemical, and optical phenomena arise when materials are confined to the nanoscale. We are accustomed to making observations for the behavior of living systems on a macrosco...
July 29, 2020 TIME: 9:00am PDT, 12:009m EDT, 6:00pm CEST Hepatitis C infection, once a formidable enemy, is now a curable disease. Dramatic advances in antiviral therapies have launched a ne...
Background: Acute liver injury (ALI) is characterised by hepatocyte death and liver inflammation. Macrophages play a pivotal role in ALI by phagocytosing dead cells and producing pro-regener...
Coordination of immune cell metabolic programs with cell fate and state is a fundamental determinant of immune responses. Emerging evidence highlights that the interplay between immune signa...
DATE: July 23, 2020 TIME: 10:00 am PDT The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has taken a toll on many sectors of the medical community. As the pandemic took a grip on the laboratory, the need for diagnost...
DATE: July 9, 2020 TIME: 11:00am PT Maladaptive aggression is an immutable force that contributes to the suffering and death of millions of people around the world annually, as well as prese...
DATE: July 8, 2020 TIME: 10:00 am PDT This seminar reviews clinical utility of adopting rapid IDH1/2 testing in both hematological and solid tumors and describes the adjusted workflow develo...
MicroRNA(miRNA) are short non-coding single stranded RNA molecules that regulate gene expression at the post transcriptional level. They are known to play a critical role in multiple biologi...
Use of Ampliseq™ panels to study SARS-CoV-2and the host response to infection Soren Alexandersen 1,2,3 1 Geelong Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases, Geelong, VIC 3220, Australia;...
DATE: July 1, 2020 TIME: 8:00 am PDT, 11:00 am EDT In late 2019, researchers identified the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen as the virus responsible for COVID-19. The virus spread rapidly throughout the...
DATE: June 30, 2020 TIME: 9:00am PDT, 12:00pm EDT QC laboratories perform a critical role in demonstrating pharmaceutical products are consistently manufactured, safe, potent, and pure. At t...
DATE: June 23, 2020 TIME: 10:00am PT Human mesenchymal stromal or stem cells (MSCs)-based immunomodulation treatment has been proposed as a suitable therapeutic approach for many diseases, s...
Understanding the complex interplay between a pathogen and the host response is important to developing effective vaccines and therapeutics. The nCounter® Analysis System and GeoMx®...
Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) is a global pandemic that has impacted the lives of the entire world’s population. Accurate and effective testing mechanisms to identify those with...
Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, the development of diagnostics for both the virus (molecular) and the host immune response (serological) has become essential for monitoring the...
Staying informed on diagnostic tools for SARS-CoV-2 can be challenging. Because the results of the various test have different clinical implications it is important to understand the design...
DATE: June 9, 2020 TIME: 10:00am PT, 1:00pm ET The presentation will first discuss sepsis as a disease and then explain the importance of performing diagnostic tests in the clinical labora...
In 2019, over 220,000 Canadians will be diagnosed with cancer and 82,000 will die of the disease. Approximately 90% of cancer related deaths are the result of metastatic disease. This is ind...
Multiplexed immunofluorescent imaging sheds new light on cancer and other complex conditions. This imaging technique offers a deeper understanding of cells and their surroundings by providin...
How organisms control organ size is a fundamental question in developmental and regenerative biology. The underlaying mechanisms are not well defined. For instance, we don’t fully unde...
DATE: May 27, 2020 TIME: 8:00am PT, 11:00am ET Multiplexed immunofluorescent imaging sheds new light on cancer and other complex conditions. This imaging technique offers a deeper understand...
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