DNA technologies are a broad term used to describe the many advancements allowing for the identification, amplification, and quantification of DNA. DNA techniques are used for a variety of indications, including the diagnosis of disease, uncovering hereditary links, and advancing drug development pipelines.
With the advent of cost-effective culturing approaches, 3D cell culture models (3D-CCMs) have been rapidly adopted for drug discovery since they provide a more physiologically relevant micro-...
Early adverse exposures, such as maternal stress during pregnancy and child abuse, are thought to result in long-lasting consequences on neural circuit function and stress hormone regulation...
Protein sample evaluation is an important step in many protein workflows. The NanoDrop One microvolume spectrophotometer supports protein sample quantification with multiple preconfigured app...
DATE: September 18,2018TIME: 08:00am PDT, 11:00am EDT CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing strategies have revolutionized our ability to engineer the genomes of diverse cell types and sp...
PacBio Sequencing has been recognized as the gold standard in microbial sequencing due to simultaneously providing long sequence reads (genome contiguity), high consensus accuracy (genome acc...
Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) – or the non-genealogical transmission of DNA between organisms – is the dominant mode responsible for the spread of antibiotic resistance genes. Co...
This two-part webinar will focus on novel techniques for obtaining unbiased results in 16S rRNA gene sequencing of challenging microbiome samples. Part 1 will feature QIAGEN’s solutions...
Viruses outnumber bacteria in soil by as much as 1000:1. However, there are few studies which examine the ways viral communities impact the soil microbiome, chemical cycles, and plants. Recen...
In the US, the National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System has been using WGS of Salmonella as a tool of routine surveillance since 2013. To date, NARMS has generated MIC and WGS data...
Reducing the impact of infectious diseases is becoming increasingly vital as the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) continues to rise, threatening the effective prevention and treat...
Every year, approximately 800,000 critically ill patients are hospitals in the USA with undiagnosed infections. The only option is to treat these patients with broad-spectrum antimicrobial th...
Next-generation DNA sequencing has opened new possibilities for microbial water quality monitoring, particularly for addressing emerging concerns like antibiotic resistance and opportunistic...
DATE: August 7, 2018TIME: 08:00AM PDT, 11:00AM EDTWe are currently at an exciting precipice in clinical oncology management, where an increased rate of biomarker identification is drivi...
Advances in DNA sequencing, based upon massively parallel sequencing, has resulted in dramatic advances in DNA sequence output in the past few years. It is now possible to generate terrabases...
An ideal microbiome profiling method would produce strain level taxonomic classification of organisms and their relative quantities. We demonstrate proof of principle experiments that sequenc...
Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) has poor prognosis with frequent relapses and deaths using current standard of care treatments. Metabolic reprograming is now recognized as a fundam...
Our understanding of how genotype controls phenotype is limited by the scale at which we can precisely alter the genome and assess the phenotypic consequences of each perturbation. In this pr...
DATE: April 17, 2018TIME: 8:00AM PST, 11:00AM ESTRecently, much research has focused on obtaining 3D brain organoids in an attempt to better recapitulate brain development and function...
I will update the current state of our candidate RM 8376 for mixed microbial DNA detection via NGS-based sequencing and metagenomics. After community engagement to understand the metrological...
In genomics, as in life, you need to be in the right place at the right time, and you need integrity, to be credible. Since the availability of the human genome sequence, there's been an...
Next-generation DNA sequencing began to enter the clinic a decade ago, a half decade after the draft human reference sequence was published. The discovery of new genes, new variants of...
It has only been in the last 20 years that we, the scientific/medical community, have appreciated the role of the endogenous Cannabinoid system (ECS) in maintaining a healthy immune system an...
With the advent of cost-effective culturing approaches, 3D cell culture models (3D-CCMs) have been rapidly adopted for drug discovery since they provide a more physiologically relevant micro-...
Early adverse exposures, such as maternal stress during pregnancy and child abuse, are thought to result in long-lasting consequences on neural circuit function and stress hormone regulation...
Protein sample evaluation is an important step in many protein workflows. The NanoDrop One microvolume spectrophotometer supports protein sample quantification with multiple preconfigured app...
DATE: September 18,2018TIME: 08:00am PDT, 11:00am EDT CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing strategies have revolutionized our ability to engineer the genomes of diverse cell types and sp...
PacBio Sequencing has been recognized as the gold standard in microbial sequencing due to simultaneously providing long sequence reads (genome contiguity), high consensus accuracy (genome acc...
Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) – or the non-genealogical transmission of DNA between organisms – is the dominant mode responsible for the spread of antibiotic resistance genes. Co...
This two-part webinar will focus on novel techniques for obtaining unbiased results in 16S rRNA gene sequencing of challenging microbiome samples. Part 1 will feature QIAGEN’s solutions...
Viruses outnumber bacteria in soil by as much as 1000:1. However, there are few studies which examine the ways viral communities impact the soil microbiome, chemical cycles, and plants. Recen...
In the US, the National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System has been using WGS of Salmonella as a tool of routine surveillance since 2013. To date, NARMS has generated MIC and WGS data...
Reducing the impact of infectious diseases is becoming increasingly vital as the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) continues to rise, threatening the effective prevention and treat...
Every year, approximately 800,000 critically ill patients are hospitals in the USA with undiagnosed infections. The only option is to treat these patients with broad-spectrum antimicrobial th...
Next-generation DNA sequencing has opened new possibilities for microbial water quality monitoring, particularly for addressing emerging concerns like antibiotic resistance and opportunistic...
DATE: August 7, 2018TIME: 08:00AM PDT, 11:00AM EDTWe are currently at an exciting precipice in clinical oncology management, where an increased rate of biomarker identification is drivi...
Advances in DNA sequencing, based upon massively parallel sequencing, has resulted in dramatic advances in DNA sequence output in the past few years. It is now possible to generate terrabases...
An ideal microbiome profiling method would produce strain level taxonomic classification of organisms and their relative quantities. We demonstrate proof of principle experiments that sequenc...
Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) has poor prognosis with frequent relapses and deaths using current standard of care treatments. Metabolic reprograming is now recognized as a fundam...
Our understanding of how genotype controls phenotype is limited by the scale at which we can precisely alter the genome and assess the phenotypic consequences of each perturbation. In this pr...
DATE: April 17, 2018TIME: 8:00AM PST, 11:00AM ESTRecently, much research has focused on obtaining 3D brain organoids in an attempt to better recapitulate brain development and function...
I will update the current state of our candidate RM 8376 for mixed microbial DNA detection via NGS-based sequencing and metagenomics. After community engagement to understand the metrological...
In genomics, as in life, you need to be in the right place at the right time, and you need integrity, to be credible. Since the availability of the human genome sequence, there's been an...
Next-generation DNA sequencing began to enter the clinic a decade ago, a half decade after the draft human reference sequence was published. The discovery of new genes, new variants of...
It has only been in the last 20 years that we, the scientific/medical community, have appreciated the role of the endogenous Cannabinoid system (ECS) in maintaining a healthy immune system an...