Developing safe and effective drugs to treat cancer involves intensive studies using various model systems including in vitro analysis with cancer cells. Cancer cell lines are generated from the tissue of cancer patients. Developmental drugs are then used to treat the cells in a laboratory setting where the effects on cell growth and death can be monitored.
DATE: June 19, 2019TIME: 10:00am PDT, 1:00pm EDT As we develop new methods to create more biologically relevant models for research in understanding disease etiology and in...
Tissues in the body are wonderfully organized, with specific arrangements of cells, extracellular matrix, secreted molecules, and fluid flow that synergize that create emergent functions. How...
With growing standards of patient care, clinical testing laboratory across the world are forced to change the way they manage their laboratory operations. More focus is now given to automatio...
The attractiveness of 3D printing technology in the microfluidic field is growing, specifically stereolithographic (SLA) type 3D printers, owing to their low cost, versatility, fast and easy...
Computer vision (CV) has seen rapid growth in many industries, including the life sciences with high-content cell imaging and phenotypic assays. However, many biomolecular and cellular assay...
In this seminar, Dr Elvira will talk about the use of droplet microfluidic technologies for drug discovery. Initially, she will discuss the fundamental concepts of droplet microfluidic techno...
The ultimate limits of diagnostics in biology are the “quantum” units that convey information, e.g. single nucleic acids, proteins, and cells. Microfluidics has emerged as a power...
Oncologists have many options when tasked with treating a patient’s cancer. Unfortunately, many cancer drugs and therapies come with potentially debilitating side effects. As such, it i...
DATE: May 21, 2019TIMEL 7:00am PT, 10:00am ET Human T cells are central effectors of immunity and cancer immunotherapy. CRISPR-based functional studies in T cells could prioriti...
Whole food plant-based diets and medical cannabis have shared and continues to share similar levels of scrutiny, doubt, and stigma by the traditional medical community. One reason for the med...
In-vitro epithelial barrier models that are more representative of in-vivo tissues are urgently needed. Here we present extracellular matrix-supported intestinal tubules in a perfused microfl...
Cellular research is optimal when using physiologically-relevant cell phenotypes and genotypes of human origin. This assertion has accelerated the adoption of primary cells, stem cells, and i...
Recent clinical successes in cancer genome-inspired personalized medicine have been a major breakthrough in drug discovery. However, 98% of the patients have an incomplete therapeutic respons...
Second harmonic generation (SHG) is a biophysical method that sensitively measures real-time conformational change of biomolecules attached to membranes. SHG has recently been applied to dete...
The use of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) for in vitro disease-modeling is limited by the lack of robust and efficient protocols for the differentiation of relevant adult cell types. Pr...
With significant decrease in the cost of sequencing in numerous commercial as well as cancer center–driven initiatives, genomic profiling is increasingly becoming routine across multipl...
DATE: November 7, 2018TIME: 8:00PM PSTExosomes have been shown to have significant roles in cancer including disease progression acting in the tumor micro-environment, metasta...
DATE: November 7, 2018TIME: 7:00AM PDTExosomes have been shown to have significant roles in cancer including disease progression acting in the tumor micro-environment, metastasis a...
Integrated protocols and live-cell analysis solutions for different 3D tumor modelsIn the search for greater clinical translation, cancer researchers are increasingly turning to more comp...
DATE: October 30, 2018TIME: 10:00am PT, 1:00pm ET Identification and quantification of post-translational modifications (PTM) presents a unique challenge to proteomic studies...
DATE: October 23, 2018TIME: 7:00AM PDTHigh Throughput Screening for the European Lead Factory (ELF) has been performed at Pivot Park Screening Centre (PPSC). 72 HTS campaigns have...
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related mortality worldwide. Large-scale sequencing studies have revealed the complex genomic landscape of NSCLC and genomic differences between lun...
Two projects looking at novel approaches to targeting inflammatory breast cancer will be presented. Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is a unique, understudied, and most lethal subtype account...
DATE: June 19, 2019TIME: 10:00am PDT, 1:00pm EDT As we develop new methods to create more biologically relevant models for research in understanding disease etiology and in...
Tissues in the body are wonderfully organized, with specific arrangements of cells, extracellular matrix, secreted molecules, and fluid flow that synergize that create emergent functions. How...
With growing standards of patient care, clinical testing laboratory across the world are forced to change the way they manage their laboratory operations. More focus is now given to automatio...
The attractiveness of 3D printing technology in the microfluidic field is growing, specifically stereolithographic (SLA) type 3D printers, owing to their low cost, versatility, fast and easy...
Computer vision (CV) has seen rapid growth in many industries, including the life sciences with high-content cell imaging and phenotypic assays. However, many biomolecular and cellular assay...
In this seminar, Dr Elvira will talk about the use of droplet microfluidic technologies for drug discovery. Initially, she will discuss the fundamental concepts of droplet microfluidic techno...
The ultimate limits of diagnostics in biology are the “quantum” units that convey information, e.g. single nucleic acids, proteins, and cells. Microfluidics has emerged as a power...
Oncologists have many options when tasked with treating a patient’s cancer. Unfortunately, many cancer drugs and therapies come with potentially debilitating side effects. As such, it i...
DATE: May 21, 2019TIMEL 7:00am PT, 10:00am ET Human T cells are central effectors of immunity and cancer immunotherapy. CRISPR-based functional studies in T cells could prioriti...
Whole food plant-based diets and medical cannabis have shared and continues to share similar levels of scrutiny, doubt, and stigma by the traditional medical community. One reason for the med...
In-vitro epithelial barrier models that are more representative of in-vivo tissues are urgently needed. Here we present extracellular matrix-supported intestinal tubules in a perfused microfl...
Cellular research is optimal when using physiologically-relevant cell phenotypes and genotypes of human origin. This assertion has accelerated the adoption of primary cells, stem cells, and i...
Recent clinical successes in cancer genome-inspired personalized medicine have been a major breakthrough in drug discovery. However, 98% of the patients have an incomplete therapeutic respons...
Second harmonic generation (SHG) is a biophysical method that sensitively measures real-time conformational change of biomolecules attached to membranes. SHG has recently been applied to dete...
The use of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) for in vitro disease-modeling is limited by the lack of robust and efficient protocols for the differentiation of relevant adult cell types. Pr...
With significant decrease in the cost of sequencing in numerous commercial as well as cancer center–driven initiatives, genomic profiling is increasingly becoming routine across multipl...
DATE: November 7, 2018TIME: 8:00PM PSTExosomes have been shown to have significant roles in cancer including disease progression acting in the tumor micro-environment, metasta...
DATE: November 7, 2018TIME: 7:00AM PDTExosomes have been shown to have significant roles in cancer including disease progression acting in the tumor micro-environment, metastasis a...
Integrated protocols and live-cell analysis solutions for different 3D tumor modelsIn the search for greater clinical translation, cancer researchers are increasingly turning to more comp...
DATE: October 30, 2018TIME: 10:00am PT, 1:00pm ET Identification and quantification of post-translational modifications (PTM) presents a unique challenge to proteomic studies...
DATE: October 23, 2018TIME: 7:00AM PDTHigh Throughput Screening for the European Lead Factory (ELF) has been performed at Pivot Park Screening Centre (PPSC). 72 HTS campaigns have...
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related mortality worldwide. Large-scale sequencing studies have revealed the complex genomic landscape of NSCLC and genomic differences between lun...
Two projects looking at novel approaches to targeting inflammatory breast cancer will be presented. Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is a unique, understudied, and most lethal subtype account...
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