Engineering: is the application of knowledge, ideally in the form of science, mathematics, and empirical evidence, to the innovation, design, construction, operation and maintenance of structures, machines, materials, devices, systems, processes, and organizations.
The opioid crisis is a uniquely American challenge. Many factors catalyzed this national nightmare and others continue to fuel it. This presentation delves into some of the major contributor...
DATE: Date needed, 2020 TIME: Time needed Exosomes are a population of naturally occurring mobile, membrane-limited, 30 – 100 nm in diameter, extracellular vesicles containing a large...
Ice formation is a global issue that poses serious challenges for many applications. Certain species in colder regions of the world have adapted to that climate by producing antifreeze (glyc...
There are many obstacles to overcome when analyzing Heavy Metals in Cannabis by ICPMS. Cannabis matrices can be difficult to prepare and analyze due to the complex components of products tha...
As ‘omics research advances, separations data such as chromatograms and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra are being used as direct inputs to machine-learning algorithms ranging...
Date: October 15, 2020 Time: 9:00am (PDT), 12:00pm (EDT) Renal transporters play an important role in potential clinical drug-drug interactions (DDIs) as highlighted in the FDA, EMA and PMDA...
The continued rapid expansion of immunotherapies, including both in vivo and ex vivo therapeutics, has driven the development and adoption of novel tools to study, asses and understand these...
Antibodies have become one of the most important tools in life science research, allowing the detection, quantitation, and determination of changes in proteins and other molecules with respe...
DATE: October 8, 2020 TIME: 7:00am PDT, 10:00am EDT, 4:00pm CEST How often do you pipette in your cell culture lab every day? Usually, we do it so often that we tend stop thinking about ho...
Every patient is different and so is every tumor! The term “personalized oncology” today is largely associated with sequencing approaches. Current publications proof more and mor...
RNA plays important and diverse roles in biology, but molecular tools to manipulate and measure RNA are limited. We demonstrate that RNA-targeting CRISPR effector Cas13 can be engineered for...
The CRISPR/Cas genome editing system has revolutionized nearly every aspect of the life science industry. Until recently, the most used formats for this technology have been plasmids, mRNA,...
CRISPR-based genome editing has accelerated biological research and holds great potential for studying and treating human diseases. The CRISPR-Cas9 system requires a Cas9 nuclease and a guid...
While transformative, first-generation CRISPR technologies remain limited across multiple important dimensions including scalability, editing efficiency, types of modifications available, an...
Genome Engineering allows the easy manipulation of genomes down to the nucleotide level. Targeted deep sequencing enables the detection and quantification of low-frequency editing events. Ho...
Genome editing with an expanded CRISPR-Cas tool set increases the opportunity to make intentional, targeted changes in the genome. Furthermore, improved specificity of genome editing and abi...
Learning Objectives: 1. Using an optics- and label-free approach to CRISPR research 2. Explain current approaches to selecting the most robust gRNA for CRISPR assays 3. The opportunities tha...
CRISPR experiments are a powerful tool which are easy to carry out, however it is more difficult to determine the outcome of these experiments, and to ensure that only the desired targets we...
Date: September 29, 2020 Time: 10:00am PTD, 1:00pm EDT alytical Ultracentrifugation (AUC) in the biopharmaceutical industry has traditionally been employed in the analysis of aggregation and...
There are many methods of nucleic acid isolation. Each technology offers different approaches of purification of the template. However, it is important to control carry over of “proces...
For more than a century, breakthroughs in biological sciences have relied on the ability to study cells outside of respective organisms. While majority of cell culturing is still performed u...
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are lipid bilayer-delimited pieces of cells that are released from the plasma membrane as "ectosomes" and from the endosomal system as "exosomes.&...
Extracellular ligands bind to receptors on the cell surface leading to receptor internalization. Once internalized into small vesicles, the vesicles fuse with an organelle known as the sorti...
Intestinal organoids are self-organizing, 3D structures derived from either pluripotent stem cells or from primary tissues with the abiltiy to recapitulate some of the spatial architecture a...
The opioid crisis is a uniquely American challenge. Many factors catalyzed this national nightmare and others continue to fuel it. This presentation delves into some of the major contributor...
DATE: Date needed, 2020 TIME: Time needed Exosomes are a population of naturally occurring mobile, membrane-limited, 30 – 100 nm in diameter, extracellular vesicles containing a large...
Ice formation is a global issue that poses serious challenges for many applications. Certain species in colder regions of the world have adapted to that climate by producing antifreeze (glyc...
There are many obstacles to overcome when analyzing Heavy Metals in Cannabis by ICPMS. Cannabis matrices can be difficult to prepare and analyze due to the complex components of products tha...
As ‘omics research advances, separations data such as chromatograms and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra are being used as direct inputs to machine-learning algorithms ranging...
Date: October 15, 2020 Time: 9:00am (PDT), 12:00pm (EDT) Renal transporters play an important role in potential clinical drug-drug interactions (DDIs) as highlighted in the FDA, EMA and PMDA...
The continued rapid expansion of immunotherapies, including both in vivo and ex vivo therapeutics, has driven the development and adoption of novel tools to study, asses and understand these...
Antibodies have become one of the most important tools in life science research, allowing the detection, quantitation, and determination of changes in proteins and other molecules with respe...
DATE: October 8, 2020 TIME: 7:00am PDT, 10:00am EDT, 4:00pm CEST How often do you pipette in your cell culture lab every day? Usually, we do it so often that we tend stop thinking about ho...
Every patient is different and so is every tumor! The term “personalized oncology” today is largely associated with sequencing approaches. Current publications proof more and mor...
RNA plays important and diverse roles in biology, but molecular tools to manipulate and measure RNA are limited. We demonstrate that RNA-targeting CRISPR effector Cas13 can be engineered for...
The CRISPR/Cas genome editing system has revolutionized nearly every aspect of the life science industry. Until recently, the most used formats for this technology have been plasmids, mRNA,...
CRISPR-based genome editing has accelerated biological research and holds great potential for studying and treating human diseases. The CRISPR-Cas9 system requires a Cas9 nuclease and a guid...
While transformative, first-generation CRISPR technologies remain limited across multiple important dimensions including scalability, editing efficiency, types of modifications available, an...
Genome Engineering allows the easy manipulation of genomes down to the nucleotide level. Targeted deep sequencing enables the detection and quantification of low-frequency editing events. Ho...
Genome editing with an expanded CRISPR-Cas tool set increases the opportunity to make intentional, targeted changes in the genome. Furthermore, improved specificity of genome editing and abi...
Learning Objectives: 1. Using an optics- and label-free approach to CRISPR research 2. Explain current approaches to selecting the most robust gRNA for CRISPR assays 3. The opportunities tha...
CRISPR experiments are a powerful tool which are easy to carry out, however it is more difficult to determine the outcome of these experiments, and to ensure that only the desired targets we...
Date: September 29, 2020 Time: 10:00am PTD, 1:00pm EDT alytical Ultracentrifugation (AUC) in the biopharmaceutical industry has traditionally been employed in the analysis of aggregation and...
There are many methods of nucleic acid isolation. Each technology offers different approaches of purification of the template. However, it is important to control carry over of “proces...
For more than a century, breakthroughs in biological sciences have relied on the ability to study cells outside of respective organisms. While majority of cell culturing is still performed u...
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are lipid bilayer-delimited pieces of cells that are released from the plasma membrane as "ectosomes" and from the endosomal system as "exosomes.&...
Extracellular ligands bind to receptors on the cell surface leading to receptor internalization. Once internalized into small vesicles, the vesicles fuse with an organelle known as the sorti...
Intestinal organoids are self-organizing, 3D structures derived from either pluripotent stem cells or from primary tissues with the abiltiy to recapitulate some of the spatial architecture a...