Human health and disease refers to understanding what contributes to human health (the staste of mental, social, and physical being) and what factors may deter health (such as disease, infection, etc.)
Upon completion of the human genome project, it was determined that greater than 90% of human diseases are due not solely to a person’s genetics but a combination of genetic factors an...
Learning Objectives: 1. Discuss the value of infectious disease diagnostics. 2. Recognize the importance of home diagnostics. 3. Identify how better diagnostics leads to more resiliency to p...
Vaccination and infection are two different paths to immunity. Understanding human immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 RNA vaccines is of interest for a panoply of reasons. mRNA vaccines have dem...
This presentation “SARS-CoV-2 Related Workflow and Solutions: Detection and Genotyping” will focus on strategies for the testing and detection of SARS-CoV-2, including multiplexe...
One of the central tenants of biology is that our genetics—our genotype—influences the physical characteristics we manifest—our phenotype. But with more than 25,000 human g...
Date: September 27, 2021 Time: 8:00am PDT Depression affects more than 264 million people worldwide and is a major contributor to the overall global burden of disease. The pathophysiology of...
Bladder cancer is the 4th most prevalent cancer in men, 11th in women and presents one of the highest rates of post-treatment recurrence (70%) among malignancies. Despite its impact on human...
Extracellular vesicles provide a tool to measure tumour characteristics in blood, at various stages of cancer development. We have extensively used multiplex RNA bead-based assays (Quantigen...
Date: September 16, 2021 Time: 9:00pm (PDT), 12:00am (EDT) 3D cellular models like organoids and spheroids offer an opportunity to better understand complex biology in a physiologically rele...
Varicella zoster virus (VZV) causes two clinically distinct forms of disease, varicella and herpes zoster. These forms can each present with multiple manifestations ranging from lesions incl...
Microbiome sequencing data are known to be biased; the measured taxa relative abundances can be systematically distorted from their true values at every step in the experimental/analysis wor...
Varicella zoster virus (VZV) causes two clinically distinct forms of disease, varicella and herpes zoster. These forms can each present with multiple manifestations ranging from lesions incl...
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has increased awareness about sex-specific differences in immunity and outcomes following respiratory virus infections. Strong evidence of a male bias in COVID-...
The Human Microbiome Project was conceived almost 15 years ago, as an extension of the Human Genome Project, to explore the diversity of human-associated microorganisms at multiple body site...
Influenza viruses represent a significant burden to human health. In order to limit respiratory viral disease, new approaches that can prevent viral infection and spread are needed. We have...
Flaviviruses are pathogens of global public health concern. They include dengue virus (DENV), West Nile virus (WNV), and zika virus (ZIKV). There are no approved US Food and Drug Administrat...
Flaviviruses are pathogens of global public health concern. They include dengue virus (DENV), West Nile virus (WNV), and zika virus (ZIKV). There are no approved US Food and Drug Administrat...
Date: August 31, 2021 Time: 8:00am (PDT), 11:00am (EDT) Given its ability to isolate pathogens, nuclei, and immune cells for downstream applications, cell sorting is an essential tool for im...
Technological advances such as single-cell RNA sequencing accelerated our understanding of cellular diversity in tissues. However, the ability to elucidate this cellular heterogeneity while...
The increasing burden of neurological disorders as our population ages, together with the high personal and societal costs of mental and substance use disorders, underscores the need for new...
Learning Objectives: 1. Delineate the goals of studies of brain, computation and behavior and how they can be integrated. 2. Describe how neuromodulators such as oxytocin transform circuits...
Multiscale modeling has arisen as a focus of computational systems biology, with the realization that genome, proteome, connectome, etceteromes, will only become comprehensible once placed i...
Date: July 27, 2021 Time: 10:00am (PDT), 1:00pm (EDT) Dr Gish (Insert credentials and role with Hep B Foundation) will cover current USPSTF recommendations (risk based) and HBFoundation for...
We have harnessed homologous recombination to modify the genome of human stem cells with high frequencies (>40%). By designing the recombination donor in different ways, we can achieve a...
Upon completion of the human genome project, it was determined that greater than 90% of human diseases are due not solely to a person’s genetics but a combination of genetic factors an...
Learning Objectives: 1. Discuss the value of infectious disease diagnostics. 2. Recognize the importance of home diagnostics. 3. Identify how better diagnostics leads to more resiliency to p...
Vaccination and infection are two different paths to immunity. Understanding human immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 RNA vaccines is of interest for a panoply of reasons. mRNA vaccines have dem...
This presentation “SARS-CoV-2 Related Workflow and Solutions: Detection and Genotyping” will focus on strategies for the testing and detection of SARS-CoV-2, including multiplexe...
One of the central tenants of biology is that our genetics—our genotype—influences the physical characteristics we manifest—our phenotype. But with more than 25,000 human g...
Date: September 27, 2021 Time: 8:00am PDT Depression affects more than 264 million people worldwide and is a major contributor to the overall global burden of disease. The pathophysiology of...
Bladder cancer is the 4th most prevalent cancer in men, 11th in women and presents one of the highest rates of post-treatment recurrence (70%) among malignancies. Despite its impact on human...
Extracellular vesicles provide a tool to measure tumour characteristics in blood, at various stages of cancer development. We have extensively used multiplex RNA bead-based assays (Quantigen...
Date: September 16, 2021 Time: 9:00pm (PDT), 12:00am (EDT) 3D cellular models like organoids and spheroids offer an opportunity to better understand complex biology in a physiologically rele...
Varicella zoster virus (VZV) causes two clinically distinct forms of disease, varicella and herpes zoster. These forms can each present with multiple manifestations ranging from lesions incl...
Microbiome sequencing data are known to be biased; the measured taxa relative abundances can be systematically distorted from their true values at every step in the experimental/analysis wor...
Varicella zoster virus (VZV) causes two clinically distinct forms of disease, varicella and herpes zoster. These forms can each present with multiple manifestations ranging from lesions incl...
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has increased awareness about sex-specific differences in immunity and outcomes following respiratory virus infections. Strong evidence of a male bias in COVID-...
The Human Microbiome Project was conceived almost 15 years ago, as an extension of the Human Genome Project, to explore the diversity of human-associated microorganisms at multiple body site...
Influenza viruses represent a significant burden to human health. In order to limit respiratory viral disease, new approaches that can prevent viral infection and spread are needed. We have...
Flaviviruses are pathogens of global public health concern. They include dengue virus (DENV), West Nile virus (WNV), and zika virus (ZIKV). There are no approved US Food and Drug Administrat...
Flaviviruses are pathogens of global public health concern. They include dengue virus (DENV), West Nile virus (WNV), and zika virus (ZIKV). There are no approved US Food and Drug Administrat...
Date: August 31, 2021 Time: 8:00am (PDT), 11:00am (EDT) Given its ability to isolate pathogens, nuclei, and immune cells for downstream applications, cell sorting is an essential tool for im...
Technological advances such as single-cell RNA sequencing accelerated our understanding of cellular diversity in tissues. However, the ability to elucidate this cellular heterogeneity while...
The increasing burden of neurological disorders as our population ages, together with the high personal and societal costs of mental and substance use disorders, underscores the need for new...
Learning Objectives: 1. Delineate the goals of studies of brain, computation and behavior and how they can be integrated. 2. Describe how neuromodulators such as oxytocin transform circuits...
Multiscale modeling has arisen as a focus of computational systems biology, with the realization that genome, proteome, connectome, etceteromes, will only become comprehensible once placed i...
Date: July 27, 2021 Time: 10:00am (PDT), 1:00pm (EDT) Dr Gish (Insert credentials and role with Hep B Foundation) will cover current USPSTF recommendations (risk based) and HBFoundation for...
We have harnessed homologous recombination to modify the genome of human stem cells with high frequencies (>40%). By designing the recombination donor in different ways, we can achieve a...
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