Computer vision (CV) has seen rapid growth in many industries, including the life sciences with high-content cell imaging and phenotypic assays. However, many biomolecular and cellular assay...
Whole food plant-based diets and medical cannabis have shared and continues to share similar levels of scrutiny, doubt, and stigma by the traditional medical community. One reason for the med...
DATE: March 26, 2019TIME: 2:00pm PDT, 5:00pm EDT Prostate cancer is the second most common form of cancer in males, affecting one in eight men by the time t...
Late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (LOAD) is the most common form of dementia worldwide. To date, animal models of Alzheimer’s have focused on rare familial mutations, due to a lack o...
Stimulation of human visual cortex is known to elicit visual perceptions that could potentially be used for restoring artificial vision to individuals who have lost their vision due to non-co...
In-vitro epithelial barrier models that are more representative of in-vivo tissues are urgently needed. Here we present extracellular matrix-supported intestinal tubules in a perfused microfl...
NanoMIPs, often called “plastic antibodies”, are made using a proprietary self-assembly process where the template molecule is incubated with monomers, each of which is free in so...
Ageing is a complex process that has been observed in all biological systems at every level of organisation. Some anti-ageing interventions have demonstrated life-extending effects in model o...
Pharmaceutical research and development efforts are often both inefficient and suffer from a high attrition rate of drug candidates within the clinical phase of development. Most drug t...
The lung is a highly complex organ, comprised of more than 40 cell types that are responsible for various important functions, the lung’s complexity contributes to the subsequent challe...
The goal of transforming one’s pipeline to a steady source of usable data is within our reach. Data that could be used for clinical insights or earlier in the drug discovery process. &n...
Comparative oncology is the study of naturally-occurring cancers in pet animals (mainly dogs) to broaden and deepen our collective understanding of cancers in both companion species and human...
As we look towards data to help generate insight and analytics across the entire drug discovery value chain, learn how interconnected data is from the various stages of preclinical, clinical,...
Preclinical drug discovery is at the edge of a major transformation that promises to improve translation to the clinic through enhanced acquisition and advanced analysis of data. While an imp...
Date: February 7, 2019Time: 8:00am PST, 11:00am EST Modern microscopes are becoming increasingly complex instruments enabling registration of image sets far beyon...
DATE: December 012, 2018TIME: 08:00 PSTImmunotherapy is a powerful treatment that harnesses the body’s immune system in the fight against cancer. With optimized cell therapy,...
DATE: December 11, 2018TIME: 06:00 PSTIt’s understood and accepted that animal disease models generally offer great value for pre-clinical research and efficient drug screeni...
The main problem for insufficient cervical cancer screening globally (less than 20% women at risk) is outreach failure. Enabling POCs with modern IT/mobile technology and connecting them with...
Solid phase microextraction (SPME) is a versatile, non-exhaustive sample preparation tool that has been demonstrated to be well-suited for facile and effective analysis of a broad range of co...
Computer vision (CV) has seen rapid growth in many industries, including the life sciences with high-content cell imaging and phenotypic assays. However, many biomolecular and cellular assay...
Whole food plant-based diets and medical cannabis have shared and continues to share similar levels of scrutiny, doubt, and stigma by the traditional medical community. One reason for the med...
DATE: March 26, 2019TIME: 2:00pm PDT, 5:00pm EDT Prostate cancer is the second most common form of cancer in males, affecting one in eight men by the time t...
Late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (LOAD) is the most common form of dementia worldwide. To date, animal models of Alzheimer’s have focused on rare familial mutations, due to a lack o...
Stimulation of human visual cortex is known to elicit visual perceptions that could potentially be used for restoring artificial vision to individuals who have lost their vision due to non-co...
In-vitro epithelial barrier models that are more representative of in-vivo tissues are urgently needed. Here we present extracellular matrix-supported intestinal tubules in a perfused microfl...
NanoMIPs, often called “plastic antibodies”, are made using a proprietary self-assembly process where the template molecule is incubated with monomers, each of which is free in so...
Ageing is a complex process that has been observed in all biological systems at every level of organisation. Some anti-ageing interventions have demonstrated life-extending effects in model o...
Pharmaceutical research and development efforts are often both inefficient and suffer from a high attrition rate of drug candidates within the clinical phase of development. Most drug t...
The lung is a highly complex organ, comprised of more than 40 cell types that are responsible for various important functions, the lung’s complexity contributes to the subsequent challe...
The goal of transforming one’s pipeline to a steady source of usable data is within our reach. Data that could be used for clinical insights or earlier in the drug discovery process. &n...
Comparative oncology is the study of naturally-occurring cancers in pet animals (mainly dogs) to broaden and deepen our collective understanding of cancers in both companion species and human...
As we look towards data to help generate insight and analytics across the entire drug discovery value chain, learn how interconnected data is from the various stages of preclinical, clinical,...
Preclinical drug discovery is at the edge of a major transformation that promises to improve translation to the clinic through enhanced acquisition and advanced analysis of data. While an imp...
Date: February 7, 2019Time: 8:00am PST, 11:00am EST Modern microscopes are becoming increasingly complex instruments enabling registration of image sets far beyon...
DATE: December 012, 2018TIME: 08:00 PSTImmunotherapy is a powerful treatment that harnesses the body’s immune system in the fight against cancer. With optimized cell therapy,...
DATE: December 11, 2018TIME: 06:00 PSTIt’s understood and accepted that animal disease models generally offer great value for pre-clinical research and efficient drug screeni...
The main problem for insufficient cervical cancer screening globally (less than 20% women at risk) is outreach failure. Enabling POCs with modern IT/mobile technology and connecting them with...
Solid phase microextraction (SPME) is a versatile, non-exhaustive sample preparation tool that has been demonstrated to be well-suited for facile and effective analysis of a broad range of co...
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