In Vitro Diagnostics: are tests done on samples such as blood or tissue that have been taken from the human body. In vitro diagnostics can detect diseases or other conditions, and can be used to monitor a person's overall health to help cure, treat, or prevent diseases.
Complex animal behavior is produced by dynamic interactions between discrete regions of the brain. As such, defining functional connections between brain regions is critical in gaining a full...
DATE: February 22, 2018TIME: 09:00am PST, 12:00pm EST, 06:00pm CEST(Europe)Colorectal cancer (CRC) develops during a multi-step process from small lesions of the intestinal epithelium....
The path form biomarker discovery to conversion to a clinically useful companion diagnostic test presents many challenges. The talk will outline the regulatory requirements to developing a su...
There are many tumor biomarkers but, they mostly reflect tumor mass or past growth, when what is more important is to obtain an indication of future growth and therapy response.Proliferat...
DATE: December 12, 2017TIME: 10:00AM PTSince their discovery, dendritic cells (DCs) have demonstrated a central role in the development of effective immune responses. Their unique abili...
The 7 Steps of Protein virtual event offers both broad and in-depth content, designed to give you the information and insights you need to empower your protein research every step of the way....
With the exception of the Microbiome Quality Control (MBQC), very little has been published on best practices and reference standards for microbiome and metagenomic studies. As evidenced by r...
Despite vast investment for decades in cancer research and development, cancer is still among the leading causes of death worldwide and its toll is expected to rise by about 70% over the next...
DATE: February 8, 2017TIME: 6:00am PT, 9:00am ETDevelopment of assisted reproductive technologies in the dog has lagged behind many other domestic and laboratory animal species, due in...
There have been significant increases in emergency room visits across the US and delays in the ED leads to poor outcomes. There is an association between waiting times and short term mo...
The recent Zika virus outbreak highlights the need for low-cost diagnostics that can be rapidly developed for distribution and use in pandemic regions. In early 2016 we developed a pipe...
Laboratory tests come into existence through a variety of processes but regardless of the genesis all share a certain set of requirements. These include discovery, development, validation, re...
The aim of the learning healthcare system is to leverage data stored in the electronic health record (EHR) to gain insights into and improve healthcare delivery. Laboratory testing represents...
Sanger sequencing and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods have been the standard molecular methods in clinical diagnostics for decades. Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology r...
Core or central laboratory are facing several challenges. First, the management and operations of a successful modern laboratory is a real complex exercise, with multiple pre- and post-analyt...
FTIR spectroscopic imaging is an emerging tool for label-free, non-destructive characterization of tissues. The pathological annotation of tissue can be performed in an automated and objectiv...
DATE: July 29, 2016
TIME: 8 AM PST 11 AM ET 5 PM Berlin
One of the major benefits of In-Vitro Diagnostic Research (IVDr) by NMR is its reproducibility and transferability, which ena...
DATE: July 29th, 2016
TIME: 10am Berlin time, 4pm Beijing time
One of the major benefits of In-Vitro Diagnostic Research (IVDr) by NMR is its reproducibility and trans...
The Solana GAS Assay is a rapid in vitro diagnostic test for the qualitative detection of Group A β-hemolytic Streptococcus (Streptococcus pyogenes) nucleic acids isolated from throat sw...
There is no debating that a storm is approaching in our industry and it will have long lasting impacts on NPS, our customers and the patients we all work to serve. We all take these changes a...
SELEX is a process that selects DNA or RNA from a random library of sequences based on their affinity for a target molecule. These high affinity ligands, called apta...
In this webinar the speaker discusses the approach taken by the Food and Drug administration in their pre-market review of in vitro diagnostic tests. The legal bar passed by congress in...
Basic research in Proteomics has led to new understanding of proteins’ contributions to health and disease, and has also driven the advancement of powerful analytical technologies used...
FDA has generally not enforced applicable regulatory requirements on a group of IVD tests called Laboratory Developed Tests. This use of “enforcement discretion” has been un...
Complex animal behavior is produced by dynamic interactions between discrete regions of the brain. As such, defining functional connections between brain regions is critical in gaining a full...
DATE: February 22, 2018TIME: 09:00am PST, 12:00pm EST, 06:00pm CEST(Europe)Colorectal cancer (CRC) develops during a multi-step process from small lesions of the intestinal epithelium....
The path form biomarker discovery to conversion to a clinically useful companion diagnostic test presents many challenges. The talk will outline the regulatory requirements to developing a su...
There are many tumor biomarkers but, they mostly reflect tumor mass or past growth, when what is more important is to obtain an indication of future growth and therapy response.Proliferat...
DATE: December 12, 2017TIME: 10:00AM PTSince their discovery, dendritic cells (DCs) have demonstrated a central role in the development of effective immune responses. Their unique abili...
The 7 Steps of Protein virtual event offers both broad and in-depth content, designed to give you the information and insights you need to empower your protein research every step of the way....
With the exception of the Microbiome Quality Control (MBQC), very little has been published on best practices and reference standards for microbiome and metagenomic studies. As evidenced by r...
Despite vast investment for decades in cancer research and development, cancer is still among the leading causes of death worldwide and its toll is expected to rise by about 70% over the next...
DATE: February 8, 2017TIME: 6:00am PT, 9:00am ETDevelopment of assisted reproductive technologies in the dog has lagged behind many other domestic and laboratory animal species, due in...
There have been significant increases in emergency room visits across the US and delays in the ED leads to poor outcomes. There is an association between waiting times and short term mo...
The recent Zika virus outbreak highlights the need for low-cost diagnostics that can be rapidly developed for distribution and use in pandemic regions. In early 2016 we developed a pipe...
Laboratory tests come into existence through a variety of processes but regardless of the genesis all share a certain set of requirements. These include discovery, development, validation, re...
The aim of the learning healthcare system is to leverage data stored in the electronic health record (EHR) to gain insights into and improve healthcare delivery. Laboratory testing represents...
Sanger sequencing and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods have been the standard molecular methods in clinical diagnostics for decades. Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology r...
Core or central laboratory are facing several challenges. First, the management and operations of a successful modern laboratory is a real complex exercise, with multiple pre- and post-analyt...
FTIR spectroscopic imaging is an emerging tool for label-free, non-destructive characterization of tissues. The pathological annotation of tissue can be performed in an automated and objectiv...
DATE: July 29, 2016
TIME: 8 AM PST 11 AM ET 5 PM Berlin
One of the major benefits of In-Vitro Diagnostic Research (IVDr) by NMR is its reproducibility and transferability, which ena...
DATE: July 29th, 2016
TIME: 10am Berlin time, 4pm Beijing time
One of the major benefits of In-Vitro Diagnostic Research (IVDr) by NMR is its reproducibility and trans...
The Solana GAS Assay is a rapid in vitro diagnostic test for the qualitative detection of Group A β-hemolytic Streptococcus (Streptococcus pyogenes) nucleic acids isolated from throat sw...
There is no debating that a storm is approaching in our industry and it will have long lasting impacts on NPS, our customers and the patients we all work to serve. We all take these changes a...
SELEX is a process that selects DNA or RNA from a random library of sequences based on their affinity for a target molecule. These high affinity ligands, called apta...
In this webinar the speaker discusses the approach taken by the Food and Drug administration in their pre-market review of in vitro diagnostic tests. The legal bar passed by congress in...
Basic research in Proteomics has led to new understanding of proteins’ contributions to health and disease, and has also driven the advancement of powerful analytical technologies used...
FDA has generally not enforced applicable regulatory requirements on a group of IVD tests called Laboratory Developed Tests. This use of “enforcement discretion” has been un...