Lab testing is a procedure in which a health care provider takes a sample of your blood, urine, other bodily fluid, or body tissue to get information about your health. It is done in the laboratory where the appropriate equipment, supplies, and certified expertise are available.
With QCI services your clinical lab can enable a seamless fastq to clinical report workflow. We provide services such as cloud based variant calling and automated upload of the data to the Q...
What if your lab could perform exome sequencing with the same sensitivity and efficiency of targeted sequencing? The new integrated QIAseq Human Exome TR Insights solution from QIAGEN delive...
Today's presentation will cover the following topics from the perspective of a NYC based Laboratory: What have we learned year to date about CoV-2 and specifically how diagnostic testing...
As many parts of the northern hemisphere move into the colder months and indoors, SARS CoV-2 has begun a second infection wave that has exceeded the first surge of cases in many global regio...
Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) is a key analyte for liquid biopsy samples. Due to extremely low concentration and high degree of fragmentation, the extraction of cfDNA is technically challenging. Her...
In 2012, the Choosing Wisely initiative was commenced by the ABIM with numerous societies putting forward lists of overused tests or procedures. The Choosing Wisely movement has spread to nu...
The nuclear proliferation biomarker Ki-67 has multiple potential roles in breast and other cancers, both as a prognostic but also predictive marker. However, several studies have shown that...
Cases of traumatic brain injury (TBI) have been steadily rising over the past decade with most common causes of injury observed among participants in contact sports, combat military personne...
Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is used to determine spatial relationships where we can identify the localization of target proteins in specific regions and cells of a tissue. IHC has been the go...
Cancer cells can acquire immune resistance resulting in a loss of immunosurveillance. Tumor cells can upregulate PDL-1 which binds to PD-1. This complex inhibits CD8 Tumor Infiltrating cells...
Urine drug testing has become an essential part of the management of patients with chronic pain. Testing provides objective information regarding drug compliance, diversion, and abuse to med...
To identify genetic variants in archival human samples, researchers need a powerful NGS platform that can accommodate input DNA and RNA that is often low quality and/or low quantity. This ch...
Myeloid neoplasms represent a highly heterogeneous group of diseases that encompass myeloproliferative, myelodysplastic (myeloproliferative/myelodysplastic) processes and acute myeloid leuke...
Myeloid neoplasms represent a highly heterogeneous group of diseases that encompass myeloproliferative, myelodysplastic (myeloproliferative/myelodysplastic) processes and acute myeloid leuke...
Solid phase extraction has become a preferable technique for reducing matrix effects for sample preparation due to its ease of use and limited time requirements. MilliporeSigma has launched...
Learning Objectives: 1. Understand the functionality and digestibility of starches at high heating temperatures as measured jointly by RVA 4800 and DSC 2. Acquire new knowledge on the behavi...
Cannabis is a complex and difficult matrix to work with and the analysis of pesticides in cannabis is a notoriously problematic task. There is major ion suppression present from the signific...
Accurate characterization of monoclonal antibodies is essential to development of biotherapeutics. Thorough understanding of biotherapeutic properties aids in the optimization of bioprocess...
Pesticides are routinely applied to crops to prevent or control pests and are therefore routinely tested for the presence of pesticide residues and to check for compliance with permitted Max...
Cannabis testing laboratories play a pivotal role in the multidimensional cannabis industry. Production companies to the consumers, whole cannabis community rely on the analytical results pr...
Food safety is arguably the most important segment of food science and analysis. From residual pesticide contamination to allergens to mycotoxins, there are many ways food can be harmful to...
As ‘omics research advances, separations data such as chromatograms and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra are being used as direct inputs to machine-learning algorithms ranging...
There are many obstacles to overcome when analyzing Heavy Metals in Cannabis by ICPMS. Cannabis matrices can be difficult to prepare and analyze due to the complex components of products tha...
While circulating cell-free DNA (ccfDNA) and to some extend CTCs from blood are routinely used as analyte in liquid biopsy cancer research applications, circulating cell-free RNA (ccfRNA) ha...
With QCI services your clinical lab can enable a seamless fastq to clinical report workflow. We provide services such as cloud based variant calling and automated upload of the data to the Q...
What if your lab could perform exome sequencing with the same sensitivity and efficiency of targeted sequencing? The new integrated QIAseq Human Exome TR Insights solution from QIAGEN delive...
Today's presentation will cover the following topics from the perspective of a NYC based Laboratory: What have we learned year to date about CoV-2 and specifically how diagnostic testing...
As many parts of the northern hemisphere move into the colder months and indoors, SARS CoV-2 has begun a second infection wave that has exceeded the first surge of cases in many global regio...
Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) is a key analyte for liquid biopsy samples. Due to extremely low concentration and high degree of fragmentation, the extraction of cfDNA is technically challenging. Her...
In 2012, the Choosing Wisely initiative was commenced by the ABIM with numerous societies putting forward lists of overused tests or procedures. The Choosing Wisely movement has spread to nu...
The nuclear proliferation biomarker Ki-67 has multiple potential roles in breast and other cancers, both as a prognostic but also predictive marker. However, several studies have shown that...
Cases of traumatic brain injury (TBI) have been steadily rising over the past decade with most common causes of injury observed among participants in contact sports, combat military personne...
Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is used to determine spatial relationships where we can identify the localization of target proteins in specific regions and cells of a tissue. IHC has been the go...
Cancer cells can acquire immune resistance resulting in a loss of immunosurveillance. Tumor cells can upregulate PDL-1 which binds to PD-1. This complex inhibits CD8 Tumor Infiltrating cells...
Urine drug testing has become an essential part of the management of patients with chronic pain. Testing provides objective information regarding drug compliance, diversion, and abuse to med...
To identify genetic variants in archival human samples, researchers need a powerful NGS platform that can accommodate input DNA and RNA that is often low quality and/or low quantity. This ch...
Myeloid neoplasms represent a highly heterogeneous group of diseases that encompass myeloproliferative, myelodysplastic (myeloproliferative/myelodysplastic) processes and acute myeloid leuke...
Myeloid neoplasms represent a highly heterogeneous group of diseases that encompass myeloproliferative, myelodysplastic (myeloproliferative/myelodysplastic) processes and acute myeloid leuke...
Solid phase extraction has become a preferable technique for reducing matrix effects for sample preparation due to its ease of use and limited time requirements. MilliporeSigma has launched...
Learning Objectives: 1. Understand the functionality and digestibility of starches at high heating temperatures as measured jointly by RVA 4800 and DSC 2. Acquire new knowledge on the behavi...
Cannabis is a complex and difficult matrix to work with and the analysis of pesticides in cannabis is a notoriously problematic task. There is major ion suppression present from the signific...
Accurate characterization of monoclonal antibodies is essential to development of biotherapeutics. Thorough understanding of biotherapeutic properties aids in the optimization of bioprocess...
Pesticides are routinely applied to crops to prevent or control pests and are therefore routinely tested for the presence of pesticide residues and to check for compliance with permitted Max...
Cannabis testing laboratories play a pivotal role in the multidimensional cannabis industry. Production companies to the consumers, whole cannabis community rely on the analytical results pr...
Food safety is arguably the most important segment of food science and analysis. From residual pesticide contamination to allergens to mycotoxins, there are many ways food can be harmful to...
As ‘omics research advances, separations data such as chromatograms and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra are being used as direct inputs to machine-learning algorithms ranging...
There are many obstacles to overcome when analyzing Heavy Metals in Cannabis by ICPMS. Cannabis matrices can be difficult to prepare and analyze due to the complex components of products tha...
While circulating cell-free DNA (ccfDNA) and to some extend CTCs from blood are routinely used as analyte in liquid biopsy cancer research applications, circulating cell-free RNA (ccfRNA) ha...