Laboratory Medicine: is where clinical tests are carried out to obtain information about the health of a patient to aid in diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.
FECHA: 19 de Agosto, 2020 HORA: 10:00 AM PST 1:00 PM CST Desde que se detectó por primera vez en Wuhan, China, en 2019, el nuevo coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 y la enfermedad que causa, COVI...
DATE: August 18, 2020 TIME: 6:00am PDT, 9:00pm EDT Hundreds of HPV tests with different variants are commercially available globally, but many of these tests do not meet the performance char...
DATE: August 11, 2020 TIME: 8:00am PDT The goal of TB elimination, less than 1 case per million people per year, can only be achieved through a concerted effort to detect and treat persons i...
During this seminar I will present details of my path from Beckman Scholar to MD-PhD, advanced training as a neurologist, then a neurointensivist, and the interleaving of additional research...
DATE: August 6th, 2020 TIME: 10:00am PT In recent years Lilly has implemented a Next Generation Research (NGR) initiative to improve the value output of the R&D portfolio. One of the NGR...
Why do some individuals live longer than others? Even identical twins have different lifespans, as do genetically identical model organisms raised in controlled laboratory environments. What...
DATE: July 30, 2020 TIME: 10:00am PT Regenerative medicine has become a key focus worldwide and the number of stem cell, especially pluripotent stem cell (PSC)-based clinical trials are rapi...
B7-H3 is actively being explored as an immunotherapy target for pediatric patients with solid tumors using monoclonal antibodies or T cells expressing chimeric antigen receptors (CARs). B7-H...
July 29, 2020 TIME: 9:00am PDT, 12:009m EDT, 6:00pm CEST Hepatitis C infection, once a formidable enemy, is now a curable disease. Dramatic advances in antiviral therapies have launched a ne...
DATE: July 28, 2020 TIME: 9:00 am PDT, 12:00 pm EDT The demographic profile of hepatitis B and C has seen a paradigm shift over the last 10 years and as a result clinical guidelines for hepa...
DATE: July 23, 2020 TIME: 10:00 am PDT The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has taken a toll on many sectors of the medical community. As the pandemic took a grip on the laboratory, the need for diagnost...
Designing a good QC plan can be a daunting task. These simple recommendations can provide guidance to the lab and are essential to include in a good QC plan. They have been used and proven e...