Laboratory Medicine: is where clinical tests are carried out to obtain information about the health of a patient to aid in diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.
A recently proposed model for the incorporation of xenobiotics of clinical and forensic interest into the human skeleton suggests nerve agent metabolites may incorporate into bone at relativ...
Many questions at the forefront of biology depend on the interactions of millions of single cells. My lab develops technologies for studying large numbers of single cells. In this talk, I wi...
Personalized medicine has beomce a paradigm in lung cancer management; ~ 25–30% of advanced lung cancer patients could benefit from a targeted therapy. Several guidelines currently end...
Precision medicine is the paradigm to develop treatments for patients based on molecular-targets that are effective in vivo when administered. In addition to identifying the molecular and ce...
Techniques to analyze and sort single cells based on secreted products have the potential to transform our understanding of cellular biology as well as accelerate the development of next gen...
We describe a mass spectrometry (MS) analytical platform resulting from the novel integration of acoustic droplet ejection (ADE) technology, an open-port interface (OPI), and electrospray io...
Proteins are the functional blocks of any biological entity from 50 nm sized viruses to the 100 ft long mammals (blue whale). They perform intra cellular, tissue, organ, system, or organism...
The basic units of biological structure and function are cells, which exhibit wide variation in regard to both type and state. We assess such variation by simultaneously profiling the transc...
If you have ever worked in the field of gene-editing, then you must know the powerful gene-editing technology known as CRISPR. It has the potential to alter science and biotechnology at an i...
The majority of patients with advanced NSCLC do not respond to monotherapy with PD-1 axis inhibition, and more robust predictive biomarkers are needed. In this study, we assessed tumor sampl...
We applied CITE-Seq to measure >150 cell surface immune markers and checkpoint proteins simultaneous to RNA-Sequencing. We resolve the tumour-immune milieu with high precision and reveal...
DATE: May 19, 2020 TIME: 8:00am PT, 11:00am ET Limited sample material resulting in insufficient DNA input is a common hurdle for downstream analysis. This problem can be solved using a vari...
Genomic profiling of liquid biopsies is no longer an emerging area of clinical research, but quickly becoming translated as part of contemporary clinical trials for potential future use in t...
Genomic profiling of liquid biopsies is no longer an emerging area of clinical research, but quickly becoming translated as part of contemporary clinical trials for potential future use in t...
Learning Objectives: 1. Participants will become familiar with basic aspects of the user experience with the Genexus system 2. Participants will learn about preliminary studies using a targe...
Operational barriers like complicated workflows and long turnaround times have hindered broad adoption of next-generation sequencing (NGS) in clinical oncology research. The new Ion Torrent...
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has become the most effective tool in the practice of clinical oncology. The technology allows for rapid detection of variants in DNA/RNA simultaneously in a...
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has become the most effective tool in the practice of clinical oncology. The technology allows for rapid detection of variants in DNA/RNA simultaneously in a...
The justification of sample size is one of the hardest sections of a proposal an IACUC (ethical review board) has to assess, yet is arguably one of the most important (1). This is a key oppo...
Increasing evidence suggests that targeted sequencing of cell free DNA (cfDNA) can provide a comprehensive molecular portrait of solid tumors. However, the concordance between tissue and cfD...
Increasing evidence suggests that targeted sequencing of cell free DNA (cfDNA) can provide a comprehensive molecular portrait of solid tumors. However, the concordance between tissue and cfD...
Nonterminal blood collection from mice is frequently performed in biomedical research. Multiple phlebotomy sites and restraint techniques are available to investigators. Methods that minimiz...
Compassion Fatigue can affect all those that care for and work with laboratory animals, including husbandry staff, veterinary staff, researchers, and other support staff. It is known as the...
A recently proposed model for the incorporation of xenobiotics of clinical and forensic interest into the human skeleton suggests nerve agent metabolites may incorporate into bone at relativ...
Many questions at the forefront of biology depend on the interactions of millions of single cells. My lab develops technologies for studying large numbers of single cells. In this talk, I wi...
Personalized medicine has beomce a paradigm in lung cancer management; ~ 25–30% of advanced lung cancer patients could benefit from a targeted therapy. Several guidelines currently end...
Precision medicine is the paradigm to develop treatments for patients based on molecular-targets that are effective in vivo when administered. In addition to identifying the molecular and ce...
Techniques to analyze and sort single cells based on secreted products have the potential to transform our understanding of cellular biology as well as accelerate the development of next gen...
We describe a mass spectrometry (MS) analytical platform resulting from the novel integration of acoustic droplet ejection (ADE) technology, an open-port interface (OPI), and electrospray io...
Proteins are the functional blocks of any biological entity from 50 nm sized viruses to the 100 ft long mammals (blue whale). They perform intra cellular, tissue, organ, system, or organism...
The basic units of biological structure and function are cells, which exhibit wide variation in regard to both type and state. We assess such variation by simultaneously profiling the transc...
If you have ever worked in the field of gene-editing, then you must know the powerful gene-editing technology known as CRISPR. It has the potential to alter science and biotechnology at an i...
The majority of patients with advanced NSCLC do not respond to monotherapy with PD-1 axis inhibition, and more robust predictive biomarkers are needed. In this study, we assessed tumor sampl...
We applied CITE-Seq to measure >150 cell surface immune markers and checkpoint proteins simultaneous to RNA-Sequencing. We resolve the tumour-immune milieu with high precision and reveal...
DATE: May 19, 2020 TIME: 8:00am PT, 11:00am ET Limited sample material resulting in insufficient DNA input is a common hurdle for downstream analysis. This problem can be solved using a vari...
Genomic profiling of liquid biopsies is no longer an emerging area of clinical research, but quickly becoming translated as part of contemporary clinical trials for potential future use in t...
Genomic profiling of liquid biopsies is no longer an emerging area of clinical research, but quickly becoming translated as part of contemporary clinical trials for potential future use in t...
Learning Objectives: 1. Participants will become familiar with basic aspects of the user experience with the Genexus system 2. Participants will learn about preliminary studies using a targe...
Operational barriers like complicated workflows and long turnaround times have hindered broad adoption of next-generation sequencing (NGS) in clinical oncology research. The new Ion Torrent...
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has become the most effective tool in the practice of clinical oncology. The technology allows for rapid detection of variants in DNA/RNA simultaneously in a...
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has become the most effective tool in the practice of clinical oncology. The technology allows for rapid detection of variants in DNA/RNA simultaneously in a...
The justification of sample size is one of the hardest sections of a proposal an IACUC (ethical review board) has to assess, yet is arguably one of the most important (1). This is a key oppo...
Increasing evidence suggests that targeted sequencing of cell free DNA (cfDNA) can provide a comprehensive molecular portrait of solid tumors. However, the concordance between tissue and cfD...
Increasing evidence suggests that targeted sequencing of cell free DNA (cfDNA) can provide a comprehensive molecular portrait of solid tumors. However, the concordance between tissue and cfD...
Nonterminal blood collection from mice is frequently performed in biomedical research. Multiple phlebotomy sites and restraint techniques are available to investigators. Methods that minimiz...
Compassion Fatigue can affect all those that care for and work with laboratory animals, including husbandry staff, veterinary staff, researchers, and other support staff. It is known as the...