Molecular Dynamics: is a computer simulation method for studying the physical movements of atoms and molecules. The atoms and molecules are allowed to interact for a fixed period of time, giving a view of the dynamic evolution of the system.
The central carbon metabolism including glycolysis, the pentose phosphate pathway, and the TCA-cycle is essential for all biological systems. The measurements of metabolites involved in thes...
The toxicology of particulate matter is complicated by characteristics not normally encountered when addressing poisonings associated with chemical substances. Particle shape, surface reacti...
DATE:April 30, 2020 TIME: 8AM PT, 11AM ET, 4PM BST, 5PM CEST Cytokinesis is the physical separation of two cells that occurs after the completion of mitosis. The mechanism underlying it is v...
Histone post-translational modifications (PTMs) play pivotal roles in chromatin dynamics and function, with alterations in the healthy profile associated with diverse human pathologies. The...
The International Council for Standardization in Haematology (ICSH) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing open-access guidance documents to enhance the quality of laboratory tes...
Rapid access to high quality comprehensive coagulation test results is critical to patient care. In an environment where clinical laboratories constantly experience price and labor pressure,...
Structural variation within plant genomes has fueled domestication and selection of traits critical for modern breeding of crop plants. Nevertheless, dissecting the diversity of structural v...
This talk will cover different approaches to emergency hemostasis testing for patients that are actively bleeding due to trauma, surgery, obstetrical emergencies and other causes. The talk i...
DATE: March 17, 2020 TIME: 7:00am PT, 10:00am ET Introduced more than 30 years ago, stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy has raised to a standard and widely used method for imagin...
Working memory (the ability to hold some information in mind for a few seconds, and to manipulate that information) and decision-making (committing to one out of multiple possible choices) a...
Learning is often an emotional process. Emotional stimuli with different valences, such as threat and reward, can transform an otherwise neutral sensory input into one that can trigger disti...
Mechanistic understanding of neural systems is daunting to achieve in large part due to the heterogeneity of the neuronal elements in both form and function and the complexity of the circuit...
The US Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies is a research program focused on building fundamental knowledge of how brain circuits process information to enable human...
Although neuroscience has provided a great deal of information about how neurons work, the fundamental question of how neurons function together in a network to produce cognition has been di...
Brain function is remarkably reliable despite the imprecise performance of neurons, and the continuous perturbations caused by aging, disease or injury. How does the brain succeed in produci...
The compendium of newly emerging and currently available hemophilia and anticoagulant treatments, while offering new choices for improved patient care, can create significant levels of inter...
DATE: January 22, 2019TIME: 9:00am PST, 12:00pm EST I describe the essentials for pursuing research grants from private foundations and corporations. Specifically, I revi...
Normal behavior in any moving animal, including humans, relies on communication between motor systems that control movements, and the sensory systems we use to guide these actions. A critica...
In Andalman et al, 2018, we explored the activity of over 10,000 neurons across more than 15 regions imaged simultaneously in larval zebrafish in a novel behavioral challenge paradigm. Compl...
Striatal neuromodulation through G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) regulates complex voluntary motor actions, involving decision-making, learning, and action selection. The dorsal striatum...
Recent technological advancements in neuroprosthetics allow for wireless recording and stimulation of brain activity in freely moving human participants. At the same time, advancements in vi...
The dopamine D4 receptor (D4R) is enriched in the prefrontal cortex where it plays important roles in cognition, attention, decision making and executive function. Novel D4R-selective ligand...
DATE: November 12, 2019TIME: 10:00am PSTDirect measurement of copy number by droplet-based shallow sequencing of genomic DNA has the potential to provide new insights into tumor heterog...
The central carbon metabolism including glycolysis, the pentose phosphate pathway, and the TCA-cycle is essential for all biological systems. The measurements of metabolites involved in thes...
The toxicology of particulate matter is complicated by characteristics not normally encountered when addressing poisonings associated with chemical substances. Particle shape, surface reacti...
DATE:April 30, 2020 TIME: 8AM PT, 11AM ET, 4PM BST, 5PM CEST Cytokinesis is the physical separation of two cells that occurs after the completion of mitosis. The mechanism underlying it is v...
Histone post-translational modifications (PTMs) play pivotal roles in chromatin dynamics and function, with alterations in the healthy profile associated with diverse human pathologies. The...
The International Council for Standardization in Haematology (ICSH) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing open-access guidance documents to enhance the quality of laboratory tes...
Rapid access to high quality comprehensive coagulation test results is critical to patient care. In an environment where clinical laboratories constantly experience price and labor pressure,...
Structural variation within plant genomes has fueled domestication and selection of traits critical for modern breeding of crop plants. Nevertheless, dissecting the diversity of structural v...
This talk will cover different approaches to emergency hemostasis testing for patients that are actively bleeding due to trauma, surgery, obstetrical emergencies and other causes. The talk i...
DATE: March 17, 2020 TIME: 7:00am PT, 10:00am ET Introduced more than 30 years ago, stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy has raised to a standard and widely used method for imagin...
Working memory (the ability to hold some information in mind for a few seconds, and to manipulate that information) and decision-making (committing to one out of multiple possible choices) a...
Learning is often an emotional process. Emotional stimuli with different valences, such as threat and reward, can transform an otherwise neutral sensory input into one that can trigger disti...
Mechanistic understanding of neural systems is daunting to achieve in large part due to the heterogeneity of the neuronal elements in both form and function and the complexity of the circuit...
The US Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies is a research program focused on building fundamental knowledge of how brain circuits process information to enable human...
Although neuroscience has provided a great deal of information about how neurons work, the fundamental question of how neurons function together in a network to produce cognition has been di...
Brain function is remarkably reliable despite the imprecise performance of neurons, and the continuous perturbations caused by aging, disease or injury. How does the brain succeed in produci...
The compendium of newly emerging and currently available hemophilia and anticoagulant treatments, while offering new choices for improved patient care, can create significant levels of inter...
DATE: January 22, 2019TIME: 9:00am PST, 12:00pm EST I describe the essentials for pursuing research grants from private foundations and corporations. Specifically, I revi...
Normal behavior in any moving animal, including humans, relies on communication between motor systems that control movements, and the sensory systems we use to guide these actions. A critica...
In Andalman et al, 2018, we explored the activity of over 10,000 neurons across more than 15 regions imaged simultaneously in larval zebrafish in a novel behavioral challenge paradigm. Compl...
Striatal neuromodulation through G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) regulates complex voluntary motor actions, involving decision-making, learning, and action selection. The dorsal striatum...
Recent technological advancements in neuroprosthetics allow for wireless recording and stimulation of brain activity in freely moving human participants. At the same time, advancements in vi...
The dopamine D4 receptor (D4R) is enriched in the prefrontal cortex where it plays important roles in cognition, attention, decision making and executive function. Novel D4R-selective ligand...
DATE: November 12, 2019TIME: 10:00am PSTDirect measurement of copy number by droplet-based shallow sequencing of genomic DNA has the potential to provide new insights into tumor heterog...