Molecular Spectroscopy: involves the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with materials in order to produce an absorption pattern (i.e. a spectrum) from which structural or compositional information can be deduced.
A rapidly growing number of viruses of lower eukaryotes have been reported in the past few decades. These have enhanced our understanding of virus evolution and diversity. Simultaneously, som...
Clostridium difficile is a major pathogen responsible for infectious diarrhea in healthcare settings. This presentation will review the data from a study comparing the new Simplexa® C. di...
Background: In March 2014, a molecular cluster of five multidrug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis was detected by the Austrian National Reference Laboratory. An investigation was initiate...
Virus – host interactions are currently among the most intensively studied research areas due to the promising new antiviral approaches emerging from these studies. Indeed, RNA viruses,...
The immune system is complex and dynamic, focused on defending the body from a host of pathogens ranging from viruses to cancer. A number of different mechanisms have evolved that help the bo...
Increasing prevalence and severity of multi-drug-resistant (MDR) bacterial infections has necessitated novel antibacterial strategies. Ideally, new approaches would target bacterial pat...
Prokaryotes have long been at war with bacteriophage. The evolutionary pressure of this struggle has led both sides to develop sophisticated defenses. Notably, CRISPR-Cas systems evolved to l...
DATE: March 14, 2017TIME: 8:00AM PST, 11:00AM ESTSurface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) is a widely-used label-free technique to characterize a variety of molecular interactions. SPR is...
Despite vast investment for decades in cancer research and development, cancer is still among the leading causes of death worldwide and its toll is expected to rise by about 70% over the next...
Biosensors are now a well-established technology in the study of small molecules. This talk will focus on several aspects of this type of work that biosensor users can be expected to ex...
DATE: November 10, 2016
TIME: 7:30am PT, 10:30am ET
Does your protein analysis toolbox need a refresh? Do you have a firm grasp on the tools available and when each migh...
FTIR spectroscopic imaging is an emerging tool for label-free, non-destructive characterization of tissues. The pathological annotation of tissue can be performed in an automated and objectiv...
The talk will first report on a new patented method of counting CTCs based on the metabolism of tumor cells, that favors acidification of their near environment. In order to maintain the acid...
Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms (MDROs) are becoming a bigger and bigger concern throughout the world. Antibiotic resistance forms and spreads faster than pharmaceutical companies have been ab...
The global trend towards industrialization and urbanization has led to ever more people living and working indoors. Some studies estimate that humans in industrialized countries spend as much...
ME/CFS is a debilitating disease with a controversial history and multiple names. The Institute of Medicine recently recommended renaming the disease “Systemic Exertion Intoleranc...
The Infectious Diseases Pathology Branch of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) routinely receives autopsy and biopsy tissues for diagnostic evaluation. These tissues are typ...
The field of infectious disease diagnostics is ever changing with both newly identified infections such as SARS, Ebola, and Zika virus as well as yearly epidemics and potential for pandemic w...
The human body is populated with trillions of microorganisms, collectively termed the human microbiome, that play vital roles in health including nutrition and metabolism, immune development,...
In an era of healthcare reform and evidenced-based medicine, it is important to use the most clinically relevant and cost effective methods in all aspects of microbiology. This session will c...
This talk will provide an overview of Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) chemical imaging as a powerful and versatile method for obtaining information about CNS tissues. By combining imaging a...
Control of infection from methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has been a healthcare focus for more than 50 years. One of the reasons that active surveillance testing (AST) for...
Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) continue to be a considerable problem for hospitals and healthcare institutions that can adversely affect patient outcomes and impact the financial bot...
Respiratory viral infections remain a leading cause of medical visits and can contribute significantly to morbidity and mortality. Influenza, together with pneumonia, is the leading infectio...
A rapidly growing number of viruses of lower eukaryotes have been reported in the past few decades. These have enhanced our understanding of virus evolution and diversity. Simultaneously, som...
Clostridium difficile is a major pathogen responsible for infectious diarrhea in healthcare settings. This presentation will review the data from a study comparing the new Simplexa® C. di...
Background: In March 2014, a molecular cluster of five multidrug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis was detected by the Austrian National Reference Laboratory. An investigation was initiate...
Virus – host interactions are currently among the most intensively studied research areas due to the promising new antiviral approaches emerging from these studies. Indeed, RNA viruses,...
The immune system is complex and dynamic, focused on defending the body from a host of pathogens ranging from viruses to cancer. A number of different mechanisms have evolved that help the bo...
Increasing prevalence and severity of multi-drug-resistant (MDR) bacterial infections has necessitated novel antibacterial strategies. Ideally, new approaches would target bacterial pat...
Prokaryotes have long been at war with bacteriophage. The evolutionary pressure of this struggle has led both sides to develop sophisticated defenses. Notably, CRISPR-Cas systems evolved to l...
DATE: March 14, 2017TIME: 8:00AM PST, 11:00AM ESTSurface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) is a widely-used label-free technique to characterize a variety of molecular interactions. SPR is...
Despite vast investment for decades in cancer research and development, cancer is still among the leading causes of death worldwide and its toll is expected to rise by about 70% over the next...
Biosensors are now a well-established technology in the study of small molecules. This talk will focus on several aspects of this type of work that biosensor users can be expected to ex...
DATE: November 10, 2016
TIME: 7:30am PT, 10:30am ET
Does your protein analysis toolbox need a refresh? Do you have a firm grasp on the tools available and when each migh...
FTIR spectroscopic imaging is an emerging tool for label-free, non-destructive characterization of tissues. The pathological annotation of tissue can be performed in an automated and objectiv...
The talk will first report on a new patented method of counting CTCs based on the metabolism of tumor cells, that favors acidification of their near environment. In order to maintain the acid...
Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms (MDROs) are becoming a bigger and bigger concern throughout the world. Antibiotic resistance forms and spreads faster than pharmaceutical companies have been ab...
The global trend towards industrialization and urbanization has led to ever more people living and working indoors. Some studies estimate that humans in industrialized countries spend as much...
ME/CFS is a debilitating disease with a controversial history and multiple names. The Institute of Medicine recently recommended renaming the disease “Systemic Exertion Intoleranc...
The Infectious Diseases Pathology Branch of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) routinely receives autopsy and biopsy tissues for diagnostic evaluation. These tissues are typ...
The field of infectious disease diagnostics is ever changing with both newly identified infections such as SARS, Ebola, and Zika virus as well as yearly epidemics and potential for pandemic w...
The human body is populated with trillions of microorganisms, collectively termed the human microbiome, that play vital roles in health including nutrition and metabolism, immune development,...
In an era of healthcare reform and evidenced-based medicine, it is important to use the most clinically relevant and cost effective methods in all aspects of microbiology. This session will c...
This talk will provide an overview of Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) chemical imaging as a powerful and versatile method for obtaining information about CNS tissues. By combining imaging a...
Control of infection from methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has been a healthcare focus for more than 50 years. One of the reasons that active surveillance testing (AST) for...
Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) continue to be a considerable problem for hospitals and healthcare institutions that can adversely affect patient outcomes and impact the financial bot...
Respiratory viral infections remain a leading cause of medical visits and can contribute significantly to morbidity and mortality. Influenza, together with pneumonia, is the leading infectio...