Natural sciences are concerned with the description, understanding and prediction of natural phenomena which are based on emperical evidence. Branches of natural sciences include physical sciences (chemistry, physics, astronomy) and life sciences (biology, zoology).
To date, the therapeutic use of cannabinoids in chronic pain management remains controversial owing to the limited clinical evidence found in randomized clinical trials (RCTs), the heterogen...
In-house testing is not required federally; however, states differ in their requirements. Cannabis extraction laboratories need to test extracts for pesticides, heavy metals, residual solven...
There is much discussion by cannabis growers about the prevention of plant diseases, oftentimes circling back to the idea of curating a sterile cultivation system. However, keeping microbial...
As another psychedelic renaissance begins to take flight, it seems that myths and misconceptions rise to meet it. As a molecular pharmacologist studying cannabinoids and psychedelics with tr...
We are in critical need of targeted and individualized treatments for mental health disorders, which affect nearly 50% of Americans during our lifetimes. Brain stimulation treatments, includ...