NGS: (Next-generation sequencing) also known as high-throughput sequencing, is the catch-all term used to illustrate a number of different modern sequencing technologies including: Illumina (Solexa) sequencing. Roche 454 sequencing. Ion torrent: Proton / PGM sequencing.
To achieve clear and accurate resolution of protein bands in protein gel electrophoresis, it is important to use the appropriate sample preparation conditions and to choose the right gel chem...
DATE: September 18, 2018TIME: 07:00am PDT, 2:00pm GMT Next Generation Sequencing has become an essential tool in clinical diagnostic laboratories, however this technolo...
This two-part webinar will focus on novel techniques for obtaining unbiased results in 16S rRNA gene sequencing of challenging microbiome samples. Part 1 will feature QIAGEN’s solutions...
Every year, approximately 800,000 critically ill patients are hospitals in the USA with undiagnosed infections. The only option is to treat these patients with broad-spectrum antimicrobial th...
DATE: September 5, 2018TIME: 8:00AM PDTA New Paradigm for Buprenorphine TestingBuprenorphine (BUP) is a partial mu-agonist synthetic opioid, an important drug for treating opio...
DATE: August 9, 2018TIME: 8:00am PDT, 11:00am EDT Current exon-level arrays and NGS techniques for CNV detection are plagued with a high number of false-positive...
DATE: August 8, 2018 TIME: 1:00pm PDT, 4:00pm EDT To kick off our three-part immuno-oncology webinar series, Dr. Cawley will highlight recent advancements driven...
DATE: August 7, 2018TIME: 08:00AM PDT, 11:00AM EDTWe are currently at an exciting precipice in clinical oncology management, where an increased rate of biomarker identification is drivi...
The introduction of targeted therapies into the clinical management of lung adenocarcinoma has had a massive impact on patient care. Multiple driver mutations are now druggable and treatments...
Regulation of precision medicine is rapidly evolving. The pre-existing regulatory framework did not contemplate many of the products and technologies which are becoming available with p...
When the human genome was sequenced almost 15 years ago, it was a milestone for the understanding of an individual’s genome. However to fully understand a disease, millions of ind...
Precision medicine based on molecular profiling is moving from the realm of clinical utility studies towards standard of care. There remain, however, significant technological and implementat...
Precision medicine and next-generation sequencing – Two terms characterized by a highly dynamic nature, strong innovations and a bright future. Both merged together will exert a decisiv...
Recent advances in immuno-oncology research has proven the critical role of immune cells in cancer therapy. Deep understanding of the interaction and phenotype of immune and tumor cells withi...
An ideal microbiome profiling method would produce strain level taxonomic classification of organisms and their relative quantities. We demonstrate proof of principle experiments that sequenc...
There is increasing evidence that intracellular miRNAs play a role in the pathogenesis of many complex disease phenotypes. In addition, extracellular miRNAs in exosomes are emerging as...
Gene expression studies give a snapshot of the different types of RNAs being expressed at a given time point in cells or tissues in vivo. Different RNA types have different roles, for example...
In this presentation I will describe our latest work to obtain comprehensive genomes leveraging long and linked reads. The vast majority of NGS whole-genome data covers hundreds of thousands...
DATE: April 26, 2018TIME: 07:30am PDT, 04:30pm CESTThe NGS library preparation process is labor-intensive, requiring experience and attention to detail over hours. Eppendorf consumables...
Target enrichment offers several advantages over more comprehensive genomic profiling for a variety of scientific applications. The ability to selectively isolate specific genomic regions ena...
I will update the current state of our candidate RM 8376 for mixed microbial DNA detection via NGS-based sequencing and metagenomics. After community engagement to understand the metrological...
On March 16, 2018, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) finalized a National Coverage Determination (NCD) for the use of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) for tumor profiling i...
Advancements and innovation in in vitro diagnostic device (IVD) development are important for the success of personalized medicine. This is highlighted by the dramatic increase in the number...
To achieve clear and accurate resolution of protein bands in protein gel electrophoresis, it is important to use the appropriate sample preparation conditions and to choose the right gel chem...
DATE: September 18, 2018TIME: 07:00am PDT, 2:00pm GMT Next Generation Sequencing has become an essential tool in clinical diagnostic laboratories, however this technolo...
This two-part webinar will focus on novel techniques for obtaining unbiased results in 16S rRNA gene sequencing of challenging microbiome samples. Part 1 will feature QIAGEN’s solutions...
Every year, approximately 800,000 critically ill patients are hospitals in the USA with undiagnosed infections. The only option is to treat these patients with broad-spectrum antimicrobial th...
DATE: September 5, 2018TIME: 8:00AM PDTA New Paradigm for Buprenorphine TestingBuprenorphine (BUP) is a partial mu-agonist synthetic opioid, an important drug for treating opio...
DATE: August 9, 2018TIME: 8:00am PDT, 11:00am EDT Current exon-level arrays and NGS techniques for CNV detection are plagued with a high number of false-positive...
DATE: August 8, 2018 TIME: 1:00pm PDT, 4:00pm EDT To kick off our three-part immuno-oncology webinar series, Dr. Cawley will highlight recent advancements driven...
DATE: August 7, 2018TIME: 08:00AM PDT, 11:00AM EDTWe are currently at an exciting precipice in clinical oncology management, where an increased rate of biomarker identification is drivi...
The introduction of targeted therapies into the clinical management of lung adenocarcinoma has had a massive impact on patient care. Multiple driver mutations are now druggable and treatments...
Regulation of precision medicine is rapidly evolving. The pre-existing regulatory framework did not contemplate many of the products and technologies which are becoming available with p...
When the human genome was sequenced almost 15 years ago, it was a milestone for the understanding of an individual’s genome. However to fully understand a disease, millions of ind...
Precision medicine based on molecular profiling is moving from the realm of clinical utility studies towards standard of care. There remain, however, significant technological and implementat...
Precision medicine and next-generation sequencing – Two terms characterized by a highly dynamic nature, strong innovations and a bright future. Both merged together will exert a decisiv...
Recent advances in immuno-oncology research has proven the critical role of immune cells in cancer therapy. Deep understanding of the interaction and phenotype of immune and tumor cells withi...
An ideal microbiome profiling method would produce strain level taxonomic classification of organisms and their relative quantities. We demonstrate proof of principle experiments that sequenc...
There is increasing evidence that intracellular miRNAs play a role in the pathogenesis of many complex disease phenotypes. In addition, extracellular miRNAs in exosomes are emerging as...
Gene expression studies give a snapshot of the different types of RNAs being expressed at a given time point in cells or tissues in vivo. Different RNA types have different roles, for example...
In this presentation I will describe our latest work to obtain comprehensive genomes leveraging long and linked reads. The vast majority of NGS whole-genome data covers hundreds of thousands...
DATE: April 26, 2018TIME: 07:30am PDT, 04:30pm CESTThe NGS library preparation process is labor-intensive, requiring experience and attention to detail over hours. Eppendorf consumables...
Target enrichment offers several advantages over more comprehensive genomic profiling for a variety of scientific applications. The ability to selectively isolate specific genomic regions ena...
I will update the current state of our candidate RM 8376 for mixed microbial DNA detection via NGS-based sequencing and metagenomics. After community engagement to understand the metrological...
On March 16, 2018, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) finalized a National Coverage Determination (NCD) for the use of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) for tumor profiling i...
Advancements and innovation in in vitro diagnostic device (IVD) development are important for the success of personalized medicine. This is highlighted by the dramatic increase in the number...