The organ-on-a-chip is an in vitro platform with the potential to reproduce the physiological behavior of in vivo tissue. It is a type of artificial organ, but on a chip, that could be used for pharmacokinetic models.
Approximately 30% of drugs have failed in human clinical trials due to adverse reactions despite promising pre-clinical studies, and another 60% fail due to lack of efficacy. The NIH Tissue C...
Digitalization has transformed virtually every industry, but it has been slow to gain traction within the preclinical phase of the drug development journey. Recent advances in digital vivariu...
With the advent of cost-effective culturing approaches, 3D cell culture models (3D-CCMs) have been rapidly adopted for drug discovery since they provide a more physiologically relevant micro-...
With the advent of cost effective culturing approaches, 3D cell culture models (3D-CCMs) have been rapidly adopted for drug discovery since they provide a more physiologically relevant micro-...
Finding effective treatments for cancer is fundamentally a high-dimensional probabilistic planning, search, and optimization problem, characterized by thousands of molecular subty...
The therapeutic applications of medical cannabis and cannabinoid drugs is controversial, however the number of medical conditions in which cannabinoids and cannabis have shown promise as ther...
With nearly 9 million covered lives serviced through over 150 medical centers, the VA is one of the largest, unified Healthcare System within the United States. Embedded within this system is...
The miniaturized total chemical analysis system has been successfully repurposed over the past twenty years or so for engineering cellular microenvironments which more faithfully mimic in viv...
The next step towards more biomimetic in vitro models is the design of multi-organ devices, which allow for communication of different tissue types. Combining physiologically relevant organ m...
Derivation of many different cell types from human pluripotent stem cells (embryonic stem cells or HESCs and induced pluripotent stem cells or hiPS cells) is an area of growing interest both ...
A hardware architecture was developed specifically to facilitate collaborative development and dissemination of microfluidic experiments. Modular pressure regulators, incubators, and chip-to-...
DATE: March 7, 2017TIME: 7:00AM PT, 10:00AM ET, 3:00PM GMTOrganoPlates® are a novel microfluidic culture platform enabling long-term, membrane-free 3D co-culture models in a mi...
Cell growth and regulation involve vast networks of interacting DNAs, RNAs, proteins, lipids and sugars. Through a fundamental strategy of life, these interactions push multiple cellular proc...
Clinical whole genome sequencing (cWGS) is rapidly gaining acceptance as cost is decreasing and success rates in identifying disease-causing variants are increasing. While the application of...
DATE: November 8, 2016
TIME: 10:00am PT, 1:00pm ET
Stock and individual identification of Coho and Chinook Salmon in British Columbia via amplicon sequencing
We have assemble...
DNASTAR offers an integrated suite of software for accurate assembly and analysis of sequence data from all major next-generation sequencing platforms supporting key workflows including de no...
A recently discovered communication system used by cells to send messages across the human body promises to revolutionize our understanding of disease and how we treat it. Technologies based...
Cell death is involved in diseases such as cancer and neurodegeneration, and also has a natural role in the development of multicellular organisms. Although apoptosis has been well defined, a...
One of the primary goals of precision medicine is the aggregation and interpretation of deep, longitudinal patient-specific data in the context of the digital universe of information, using a...
A number of recently publications have heralded the advent of Precision Medicine in Oncology, where next generation sequencing technology, other ’omics technologies, serial biopsies, so...
In December 2012 the UK Prime Minister announced the 100,000 genomes project to introduce whole genome sequencing for treatment into the UK National Health Service (NHS) o...
I will present new insights into how multiomics profiling can be used to analyze and provide new insights into two complexes diseases, type 2 diabetes and autism....
In this presentation we will illustrate the advantages of AFA technology in clinically significant applications (NGS, FFPE, ChIP) and will demonstrate the flexibility of Covaris AFA in deliv...
Formalin Fixation and Paraffin Embedding (FFPE) of tissue samples is a routine practice by pathologists; the technique enables high quality preservation of structural information. However, ...
Approximately 30% of drugs have failed in human clinical trials due to adverse reactions despite promising pre-clinical studies, and another 60% fail due to lack of efficacy. The NIH Tissue C...
Digitalization has transformed virtually every industry, but it has been slow to gain traction within the preclinical phase of the drug development journey. Recent advances in digital vivariu...
With the advent of cost-effective culturing approaches, 3D cell culture models (3D-CCMs) have been rapidly adopted for drug discovery since they provide a more physiologically relevant micro-...
With the advent of cost effective culturing approaches, 3D cell culture models (3D-CCMs) have been rapidly adopted for drug discovery since they provide a more physiologically relevant micro-...
Finding effective treatments for cancer is fundamentally a high-dimensional probabilistic planning, search, and optimization problem, characterized by thousands of molecular subty...
The therapeutic applications of medical cannabis and cannabinoid drugs is controversial, however the number of medical conditions in which cannabinoids and cannabis have shown promise as ther...
With nearly 9 million covered lives serviced through over 150 medical centers, the VA is one of the largest, unified Healthcare System within the United States. Embedded within this system is...
The miniaturized total chemical analysis system has been successfully repurposed over the past twenty years or so for engineering cellular microenvironments which more faithfully mimic in viv...
The next step towards more biomimetic in vitro models is the design of multi-organ devices, which allow for communication of different tissue types. Combining physiologically relevant organ m...
Derivation of many different cell types from human pluripotent stem cells (embryonic stem cells or HESCs and induced pluripotent stem cells or hiPS cells) is an area of growing interest both ...
A hardware architecture was developed specifically to facilitate collaborative development and dissemination of microfluidic experiments. Modular pressure regulators, incubators, and chip-to-...
DATE: March 7, 2017TIME: 7:00AM PT, 10:00AM ET, 3:00PM GMTOrganoPlates® are a novel microfluidic culture platform enabling long-term, membrane-free 3D co-culture models in a mi...
Cell growth and regulation involve vast networks of interacting DNAs, RNAs, proteins, lipids and sugars. Through a fundamental strategy of life, these interactions push multiple cellular proc...
Clinical whole genome sequencing (cWGS) is rapidly gaining acceptance as cost is decreasing and success rates in identifying disease-causing variants are increasing. While the application of...
DATE: November 8, 2016
TIME: 10:00am PT, 1:00pm ET
Stock and individual identification of Coho and Chinook Salmon in British Columbia via amplicon sequencing
We have assemble...
DNASTAR offers an integrated suite of software for accurate assembly and analysis of sequence data from all major next-generation sequencing platforms supporting key workflows including de no...
A recently discovered communication system used by cells to send messages across the human body promises to revolutionize our understanding of disease and how we treat it. Technologies based...
Cell death is involved in diseases such as cancer and neurodegeneration, and also has a natural role in the development of multicellular organisms. Although apoptosis has been well defined, a...
One of the primary goals of precision medicine is the aggregation and interpretation of deep, longitudinal patient-specific data in the context of the digital universe of information, using a...
A number of recently publications have heralded the advent of Precision Medicine in Oncology, where next generation sequencing technology, other ’omics technologies, serial biopsies, so...
In December 2012 the UK Prime Minister announced the 100,000 genomes project to introduce whole genome sequencing for treatment into the UK National Health Service (NHS) o...
I will present new insights into how multiomics profiling can be used to analyze and provide new insights into two complexes diseases, type 2 diabetes and autism....
In this presentation we will illustrate the advantages of AFA technology in clinically significant applications (NGS, FFPE, ChIP) and will demonstrate the flexibility of Covaris AFA in deliv...
Formalin Fixation and Paraffin Embedding (FFPE) of tissue samples is a routine practice by pathologists; the technique enables high quality preservation of structural information. However, ...