Pre-clinical Imaging: is the visualization of existing animals for research purposes, such as drug development. Imaging approaches have long been crucial to the researcher in observing changes, either at the organ, tissue, cell, or molecular level, in animals answering to physiological or environmental changes.
Background: Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a molecularly and clinically heterogeneous hematological malignancy. Despite recent advancements in the treatment of AML, approximately 50% of pat...
Many questions at the forefront of biology depend on the interactions of millions of single cells. My lab develops technologies for studying large numbers of single cells. In this talk, I wi...
The basic units of biological structure and function are cells, which exhibit wide variation in regard to both type and state. We assess such variation by simultaneously profiling the transc...
DATE: May 7, 2020 TIME: 8:00AM PDT, 11:00AM EDT With the recent explosion of cell therapy, we know more about conditions affecting cell growth than ever before. Your CO2 incubator should not...
The International Council for Standardization in Haematology (ICSH) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing open-access guidance documents to enhance the quality of laboratory tes...
Rapid access to high quality comprehensive coagulation test results is critical to patient care. In an environment where clinical laboratories constantly experience price and labor pressure,...
Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is an aggressive disease that accounts for 10-20% of all breast cancer cases diagnosed annually in the U.S.1. Despite its prevalence, TNBC remains resist...
Learning Objectives: 1. Learn why the complexity and repetitive structure of the human genome makes it impossible to detect all structural variants using short-read sequencing 2. Learn how h...
This talk will cover different approaches to emergency hemostasis testing for patients that are actively bleeding due to trauma, surgery, obstetrical emergencies and other causes. The talk i...
DATE: April 7, 2020 TIME: 8:00am PT, 11:00am ET This webinar sets out to establish why quality control is key to robust, reliable, reproducible science. We will look at best practice criteri...
Every cannabis variety has unique genetics, but the plant's potential is limited by its environment. Manipulating inputs and modifying the environment is the most effective way to maximi...
Working memory (the ability to hold some information in mind for a few seconds, and to manipulate that information) and decision-making (committing to one out of multiple possible choices) a...
Learning is often an emotional process. Emotional stimuli with different valences, such as threat and reward, can transform an otherwise neutral sensory input into one that can trigger disti...
Mechanistic understanding of neural systems is daunting to achieve in large part due to the heterogeneity of the neuronal elements in both form and function and the complexity of the circuit...
The neural basis of simple rhythmic and reflexive behaviors such as swimming and gill withdrawal have been successfully studied in nudibranchs and other gastropod molluscs because the brains...
Although neuroscience has provided a great deal of information about how neurons work, the fundamental question of how neurons function together in a network to produce cognition has been di...
The US Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies is a research program focused on building fundamental knowledge of how brain circuits process information to enable human...
The locomotion of humans and other animals requires a seamless flow of information from sensory modalities all the way to the motor periphery. As such, locomotion is an excellent system for...
We present here a framework to generate a realistic multiscale circuit model of the larval zebrafish brain – the multiscale virtual fish (MVF). The model will be based on algorithms in...
CRISPR revolutionized gene editing, but multi-target screening remains a complex goal. In addition, the fast pace of CRISPR technology development has brought sophisticated options for libra...
The compendium of newly emerging and currently available hemophilia and anticoagulant treatments, while offering new choices for improved patient care, can create significant levels of inter...
Background: Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a molecularly and clinically heterogeneous hematological malignancy. Despite recent advancements in the treatment of AML, approximately 50% of pat...
Many questions at the forefront of biology depend on the interactions of millions of single cells. My lab develops technologies for studying large numbers of single cells. In this talk, I wi...
The basic units of biological structure and function are cells, which exhibit wide variation in regard to both type and state. We assess such variation by simultaneously profiling the transc...
DATE: May 7, 2020 TIME: 8:00AM PDT, 11:00AM EDT With the recent explosion of cell therapy, we know more about conditions affecting cell growth than ever before. Your CO2 incubator should not...
The International Council for Standardization in Haematology (ICSH) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing open-access guidance documents to enhance the quality of laboratory tes...
Rapid access to high quality comprehensive coagulation test results is critical to patient care. In an environment where clinical laboratories constantly experience price and labor pressure,...
Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is an aggressive disease that accounts for 10-20% of all breast cancer cases diagnosed annually in the U.S.1. Despite its prevalence, TNBC remains resist...
Learning Objectives: 1. Learn why the complexity and repetitive structure of the human genome makes it impossible to detect all structural variants using short-read sequencing 2. Learn how h...
This talk will cover different approaches to emergency hemostasis testing for patients that are actively bleeding due to trauma, surgery, obstetrical emergencies and other causes. The talk i...
DATE: April 7, 2020 TIME: 8:00am PT, 11:00am ET This webinar sets out to establish why quality control is key to robust, reliable, reproducible science. We will look at best practice criteri...
Every cannabis variety has unique genetics, but the plant's potential is limited by its environment. Manipulating inputs and modifying the environment is the most effective way to maximi...
Working memory (the ability to hold some information in mind for a few seconds, and to manipulate that information) and decision-making (committing to one out of multiple possible choices) a...
Learning is often an emotional process. Emotional stimuli with different valences, such as threat and reward, can transform an otherwise neutral sensory input into one that can trigger disti...
Mechanistic understanding of neural systems is daunting to achieve in large part due to the heterogeneity of the neuronal elements in both form and function and the complexity of the circuit...
The neural basis of simple rhythmic and reflexive behaviors such as swimming and gill withdrawal have been successfully studied in nudibranchs and other gastropod molluscs because the brains...
Although neuroscience has provided a great deal of information about how neurons work, the fundamental question of how neurons function together in a network to produce cognition has been di...
The US Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies is a research program focused on building fundamental knowledge of how brain circuits process information to enable human...
The locomotion of humans and other animals requires a seamless flow of information from sensory modalities all the way to the motor periphery. As such, locomotion is an excellent system for...
We present here a framework to generate a realistic multiscale circuit model of the larval zebrafish brain – the multiscale virtual fish (MVF). The model will be based on algorithms in...
CRISPR revolutionized gene editing, but multi-target screening remains a complex goal. In addition, the fast pace of CRISPR technology development has brought sophisticated options for libra...
The compendium of newly emerging and currently available hemophilia and anticoagulant treatments, while offering new choices for improved patient care, can create significant levels of inter...